Very interesting news broadcast this evening regarding reusing your water bottles without proper disinfection regularly. The results of third party
lab tests were significant. E coli, streptococcus, staph among the few of the platings. It is advised to use a baby bottle brush with hot water and
soap to disinfect ones water bottles. And allow them to completely dry. They didn't speak of using a hair dryer on them, but I would.
Think about it - do all that, especially with the hair dryer, and you have completely negated the purpose of recycling the bottle in the first place.
No need.
Bowl of cold water and a Milton's Sterilising tablet (or equivalent). If it is safe enough for baby, it is safe enough for you.
That was kind of the meaning behind the article, don't reuse water bottles, but if you do take heed. Doh! I get it KG, took me a minute, synapses
just don't fire they used to.