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New Pics of O'Hare UFO

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posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 03:34 PM
I do indeed say that more effort has been towards debunking these sorts of things on this site than actually investigating them. I mean, there are those that instinctively question anything, and therefore poke at it to see if it is real...which is natural... but then there are those out there, and thats why I snap at debunkers so easily because these guys are the buttload of em, that just think its easier to rip apart a claim than actually look into it.... and that's my reason.... also from the glance, it almost looked like you photoshopped the "ship" out of the original, but I was prolly looking at the wrong pic. Either way, screw the pictures. It's gone now. Let's all just agree that it happened... because it did, and that can't be debunked.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 03:43 PM
Truth is- the internet gave away THEIR game and now they have to come clean once and for all. Be careful though- they are very good with mind games.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by indierockalien

The O'Hare case has been reported all around the world: i can witness that in Italy all the editions of the most important TV channels reported it with clamor, for several editions. And IMHO, is one of the most important GENUINE cases of the last years, i state it frankly.
Believe me: every fake picture which is being related to O'Hara case, damages the whole case's reliability in the "common people's" opinion.
For example, some weeks after, during a show has been reported that "some evidences" were debunked: they were almost certainly talking about some fake pic of this kind.
I've found so sad that some people "damaged" that case in this way.
Much better for the whole community if we are the first to investigate and, if necessary, to debunk this kind of "evidences", for the sake of the whole UFOs community reliability and before the real debunkers does.
But of course, i will always fully respect everyone's opinion, especially the one of who thinks different from me

[edit on 13/11/2007 by internos]

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by indierockalien
I do indeed say that more effort has been towards debunking these sorts of things on this site than actually investigating them.

Well one can preempt the other. If you can do whats been done with these photos, there's not much need to "investigate". However the first O'Hare photo was examined by David Biedny and myself and was found to be legitimate, however, tampered with (though not in relation to the UO). I found the site of the photographer's location at the airport, and without publicly stating it, found myself speaking to a witness a couple days later who, based on her location(s), pegged it at the very same spot I did.

The odds of that are a million to one...unless it's a real shot.

The tampering essentially was the stumbling block, in giving it a thumbs up. David and I both saw it as a sort of trap, and one we wouldnt fall for.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 11:53 PM
I have to take issue with the claim of 'fakes', at least off the bat.

All of the duplicate images - is there no chance that two people took a picture out of the same window at one of the world's busiest airports? Most airlines use the same gates every day, so the pictures would look the same.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by badmatt22
Wow Rigel, very nice work

I totally agree with that comment ^^^^

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by chiS2000
I have to take issue with the claim of 'fakes', at least off the bat.

All of the duplicate images - is there no chance that two people took a picture out of the same window at one of the world's busiest airports? Most airlines use the same gates every day, so the pictures would look the same.

Absolutely not. But for the planes, clouds and small detail debris to be in the same spot at the same time? Same angles and ocular distortions?

No way. Sorry. Not to that point. Theyre fakes. But there is one good shot, and of course the La Salle photos which support the sightings in the area.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 12:11 PM
I also live by the O'hare area.... this is my 1st actual post and it is something I can actually put my .02 cents in..

I know at least 5 persons who saw the UFO's in the O'hare vicinity and I can firmly say

UFO's are real..

Now, by saying UFO I don't necessarily state they are from other planets/species

Simply put..


For all we know, it could be "secret" goverment objects


Its better for me to believe than to be deceived

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 12:12 PM
I believe.

Yet still those are fakes.

I accept.

So should you.


I'm sick of the friggin' hoaxes that continue to discredit any truth to this phenomenon and constantly generates ridicule of the authentic and historic which is what it is meant to do all along.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 12:15 PM
You know what I love? usually intelligent people looking at a picture that just doesn't make sense in so many ways and somehow, through brilliant gaps of logic somehow say it much be true.

Has anyone really ever seen a legitimate UFO picture where the actual object was, oh lord help me, in focus? in scale? interacting with its environment? anything?

believe it or not, skies are hard to cover up convincingly due to the subtlety of colors and their change gradient.

i mean really guys...

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
reply to post by internos

I often wonder....why would these "aliens" use the same model UFO for dozens of years? They style NEVER seems to change. Wouldnt you think they would moderize the shape? They are always a skinny disc. How come now wings or tails or odd shapes?

Why would you wonder why UFOs don't have wings. Clearly, anti gravity propulsion are the wave of the future and therefore wings are not required. The only reason you think any aircraft should have wings is because most of ours do (see helicopters). It is not uncommon to try to equate things you don't understand to things that you do.. However, try to understand that aliens have technology at their disposal that we will never truly understand, at least no time soon.

[edit on 14-11-2007 by brigand]

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 03:28 PM
ok, about the people living around O'Hare airport who had this experience..., I don't now what to say. Since I didn't meet any one to talk with I'm keeping a very very slight chance of doubt that these pictures could be real cause I'm not gonna believe anything till I see it my self. I'm pretty sure 100% that these pictures are tampered. Why? cause I guess we all can see the same picture two times in the previous page with one set of pictures claims to be originals(without UFO) and one set of pictures claims to be fakes(with UFO) And the problem seems to be here is we can't choose the correct set! I must say I have been using photoshop for nearly 4 years now and to come up with a trick like this is EASY both ways (to delete the UFO or to put the UFO) since it is put up against a simple low detailed background (the sky) but there's some other fact! In those set of pictures in page 1 I see a clear difference in what claims to be the original pictures and fake pictures. The ones claimed to be fakes are low in quality and color, now this is easy to achieve in photoshop, the other way around??? possible... but you need a good pair of hands and eyes, thus I'm pretty convinced that this case is fake. But If someone comes up with solid answers for these I'm willing to have second thoughts,

1. If the pictures with UFO are real I'm really impressed about the people who ever did a great job in taking those low quality pictures and turning them in to good quality without the UFO. How? Why? why not leave it in the same quality? (It's easy you know... )

2. Will airport officials let a UFO or whatever flying thing hang around the sky? I mean this is supposed to be a busy airport right? As far as I know they even chase away birds thinking they might get sucked into engines. Why let something big just hang around?

3. Why didn't the radars say anything?

[edit on (14/11/07) by cursedprince]

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 04:51 PM
I was looking at ufo stuff on this website.there was a guy who they said could call the ufo to come out.the date on the messages i found it on were 2005,so i don't know when this video was made.but the guy that supposedly sommoned the ufo's said that one day they would be over vegas for many people to see.Prophet_UFO.asf

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by brigand

I was being sarcastic, sorry.
I just find it odd that the "shape" and color hasnt changed since the first reporting. Sort of like "aliens". Everyone always creates the big eyed, huge forheard image....when in reality, who knows what they would really look like.

I mean, when I think UFO (the alien type) and Alien - I have only 1 image for each in my head, based on reports and some of these photoshoped images.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by cursedprince
Why didn't the radars say anything?

[edit on (14/11/07) by cursedprince]

There is radar data, and I think someone here had it.

As far as the photos go, if people cannot accept faked photos based on baseline photos that are identical (albeit flipped and cropped), as well as dated earlier then the sighting itself, then public critical thought is far less then I thought. I give up.

Biedny and I stand by the initial analysis done on the first photo that busted onto the net and spawned all these fakes (as well as the proof of those fakes).

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 05:23 PM
I hate the pictures of small UFOs.


[edit on 14-11-2007 by TheoOne]

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by scriptz
I also live by the O'hare area.... this is my 1st actual post and it is something I can actually put my .02 cents in..

I know at least 5 persons who saw the UFO's in the O'hare vicinity and I can firmly say

UFO's are real..

It would be good that you try to bring those people´s testimony in some way.

There is a special thread for O´Hare sighting.

Sorry for my english.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by jritzmann
Absolutely not. But for the planes, clouds and small detail debris to be in the same spot at the same time? Same angles and ocular distortions?

No way. Sorry. Not to that point. Theyre fakes. But there is one good shot, and of course the La Salle photos which support the sightings in the area.

I just glanced at them earlier, after reading your post and looking again I agree 100%.

I've been through O'Hare so many times it all looks the same to me at this point.

So the big 'disclosure announcements' I heard about on Larry King and everything was just this? That's just pandering for ratings during November Sweeps.

If you guys can find the exact source images in a day or so looking around the net, why can't these 'experts' who feel they're qualified to address the National Press Club do the same?

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
reply to post by internos

I often wonder....why would these "aliens" use the same model UFO for dozens of years? They style NEVER seems to change. Wouldnt you think they would moderize the shape? They are always a skinny disc. How come now wings or tails or odd shapes?

Maybe they are like Einstein who had 7 changes of clothes exactly the same for everyday of the week so he wouldn't have to spend time thinking about what he was going to wear!

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 11:31 PM
Considering this disc was seen by dozens of people for over 20 minutes, it is unthinkable that not one of those people had a digital camera or a cell phone with picture capabilities on them. How is it possible that not one real picture has surfaced? Absolutely bizarre - there should have been 20 pictures pop up from individuals on the tarmac, we could have had a forced disclosure of sorts just on something like that alone.

Instead as usual we have 'eyewitnesses', and no matter how many of those we have the story will never be more than the cute little human interest piece they giggle about in the last 30 seconds of the news.

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