posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 04:56 AM
At this point, I honestly do not know enough about all the stuff in here to draw a very intelligent conclusion. However, there are some things I am
relatively certain of, in spite all the brouhaha going on over what's true and what isn't...
If a certain fact, as stated in this thread is true, then it should be "obviously" true... And a lot of it isn't. Or so it seems to me. I
believe that, while there are "bad guys" in government, and in the constabulary branches, there are enough good guys left that, if the facts, in
evidence, were conclusive, that there would be bad guys swinging from yard arms.
I am not a police officer, but have had enough hands on dealings with them to know that not every cop (local, state, or federal) lies awake nights
trying to figure out how to get your last dollar, or hoodwink you into some paranoid scheme of NWO, or whatever. Law enforcement people, for the most
part, are human just like me, and perhaps just like you. They make families. They live, laugh, love, die, believe, disbelieve. get cynical, get
non-cynical (although that is extremely rare). They develop all sorts of attitudes, beliefs and action plans based on their personal perceptions and
observations, just like the people who frequent this establishment. In other words... Human.
The reason I draw the above inference is that people like Cheney, Bush I and II, and many of the others who are in government, may be flaming a-holes,
bent on owning the world and all it contains. However, I still believe (silly and naive as you may think that I am) that there are folks out there
who willl take them down if the time should ever prove to be right, and the evidence ever prove to be absolute.
Til that time, however, I will sit here, like many others, eat my popcorn and wait for someone to pull the smoking gun bit of evidence that something
is really amiss, and not just the ravings of someone who has a keyboard, an inquiring mind, and a hard on for the yo-yos n charge.
I guess, what I'm saying is... If you are yelling about all your evidence, but all the good guys aren't jumping on your band wagon, it doesn't mean
there aren't any good guys... It might also mean that your evidence isn't nearly as iron clad as you may believe it to be from your "outside"
position of observation.
You may now see me as a member of the NWO, a disinformationist, or whatever defensive device you may have... However, I am simply on the outside,
like you, looking in, and trying to make out what's real through the mist, smoke, mirrors and other things that make the observation a little more