Excellent resource for most scientific needs. Covers relatively new things on most interesting advanced sciences. Covers theses topics in quite
depth(havent checked them all out)
Nuclear Physics
Quantum Physics
Condensed Matter
Sound and Hearing
Light and Vision
Electricity and Magnetism
Heat and Thermodynamics
Particle Physics(under Nuclear)
?? what u's think?? i just found it while browsing, ive learnt quite alot from this site personally! however ive only looked at quantum physics part.
if you go through it ull find it has hyperlinks through the text to furtherly explain the topic. r u okay kano?? lol
I saw the page after you posted it, but haven't really gotten the chance to reply because of lack of time. But it's amazing. A lot of it I've
learned in high school, university and on different quantum physics websites and there are a lot of new ones that I don't know about yet.