posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 08:32 AM
The press, government(same thing) are doing this for a reason. Multiple ex CIA agents and ex NASA officials have spilled the beans on what the
government plans to do. They are going to trick us all and say in the near future that we are going to attacked by aliens. I know thst sounds
outrageous, but google(goverment will fake alien attack/invasion) it and these sources are legitimate. The government will be the ones flying the
saucers as they have had the technology to build them for some time now. I had a hard time believing this myself, but the proof is in the pudding.
Why would they do this? To scare the public, the like it when we are scared. Only they know there true intentions, but wait and see...
[edit on 14-11-2007 by gabriel5578]