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Freedom Is Not Free – And Americans Are Poised To Lose Everything, Part 1

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posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 08:54 AM

Preface: After writing for over three years, I consider this to be the most important Op-Ed I have ever written; forget who I am and please concentrate on the facts and the evidence contained herein - and then form your own opinion. I am only the messenger, but the facts speak for themselves, and our nation faces a grave crisis that the majority of the population doesn’t even know exists.

Countless millions of Americans are asking themselves, their Congress, and even their local newspapers why Congress seems to be in collusion with The Bush administration, even though they have violated our Constitution, The Bill of Rights, our Rule of Law, stand in utter contempt of Congress, violate international laws and treaties with impunity – yet a Congress that is empowered and has the duty to impeach these traitors and tyrants still abdicate their sworn duty to uphold the very constitutional values they were voted into office to protect – yet they stand mute and appear to be complicit with the eventual downfall of our democratic republic; Why? Millions are asking these questions, voicing their outrage, and still nothing of substance is being accomplished to halt our nation from falling into tyranny and utter chaos – and most of us stand in disbelief while Bush and Cheney shred everything that once made the United States the great nation it used to be, and now we watch as our economy is literally falling apart! LINK

Until a few days ago, I was one of those Americans that were asking all of these questions, and more - even editorializing on Nancy Pelosi’s idiotic stand on “taking impeachment off the table” and generally condemning our Congress for their lack of courage and inaction as we face the downfall of the world’s foremost democratic society. LINK LINK We know that Bush’s illegal wiretapping began the second month he was in office, and now because of a patriotic Whistle-blower who had the courage to tell the truth, we also know that the Bush administration was not tracking so-called Internet traffic and calls that were based in other countries, but that ALL Internet and possibly phone communication as well within the United States was being quietly fed into NSA’s surveillance system(s), and yes, that includes privileged information from attorneys, Congressmen/women, and every other citizen of the United States! LINK

I still haven't mastered your controls yet... This is a rather long Editorial and is located at the link above. It deals in-depth with NSPD-51 and what we can do to nullify this directive and also not give Bush a chance to declare Martial Law to nullify impeachment hearings. There is documentation galore in the Op-ED, and thee picture it paints is absolutely astounding!

William Cormier


Added 'ex' tags for external material

please read Posting work written by others

[edit on 12/11/07 by masqua]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:15 AM
I am giving you a star and a flag, the reason being is that you have put your heart mind and soul into this quest to bring to light not only the short comings of the current direction the US is headed but also because you give from your prospective ideas that could possibly make the needed changes to keep the worst case scenario from happening. You have put so much work and thought into your plan and I thankyou.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:24 AM
You really should put things from external sources within the EX tag, but its a good message. Freedom is not free.

What you could use is a revolution, but the difficult part is how do you fix the country? Corruption is everywhere. The two largest presidential candidates are also crooks. The FED system keeps sucking the US dry. The CIA keeps setting up new wars and conflicts abroad.

Is it even possible to fix anymore?

[edit on 12-11-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by antar

Thank You. I wasn't sure how it would be perceived, however, I was concerned that many of us, myself included, present a serious issue - and then offer no viable solution - and since our Congress appears to be stalemated or cowed, it is now the responsibility of the people to make sure this is made a matter of public knowledge.

I sincerely hope people will heed the advice to contact those News and commentary outlets, as well as emailing their representatives and force this issue into the open. It's time for straight-talk and for someone to attack the issue head-on and damn the consequences. We are better prepared now than we will be after even more planning is placed into this Coup Attempt - and somehow, we have to warn the people and/or force the media to report upon the facts - not rhetoric and opinion that shirks the real issue(s)

Best Regards,

William Cormier


You have a U2U

[edit on 12/11/07 by masqua]


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