posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 03:29 AM
I have read most of Zecharia Sitchin's books on the Anunnaki stories and enjoyed them much. There does seem to be a corrolation of stories from
around the world including the bible of creationism by visiting gods, wich also works with evolotionism if the indiginous lifeforms are crossbread as
descride in the bible.
We now know that there are many planets out there orbiting other suns in habitable zones, so i thinks its a given we will find proof for the potential
of life, if not life itself out there soon.
From memory, Zecharia's decoding of sumerian txts describes our solar system's history in a way that is only now being theorised by science.
As for the Anunnaki, from the heavens to earth came, then left and probably keep returning.
I do wonder what all the fuss is with the middle east and why it is still a requirement to have such an amount of millitary hardware and troops of so
many nations at hand. I know oil, ideals and the east are branded as reasons for such points of conflicts in the area, but im not so sure. Could it be
that those in power around the world are waiting for our ancestors to return?
I'm pretty sure they won't like what they find if / when they do.