We'll start with Aleister Crowley and Yogananda. Get a copy of autobiography of a yogi and read it, it has plenty of references to bible verses from
an occult point of view.
As for Crowley, let's go to
hermetic.com... and read the third paragraph (1) which states "1. In the beginning doth the
Magus speak Truth, and send forth Illusion and Falsehood to enslave the soul. Yet therein is the Mystery of Redemption."
This is an example of the bible. And all other religions as well. Since truth cannot be communicated, anyone trying to find the truth in speech or in
writ, is deceived.
As for the bible itself, I am using it as common ground. I would much prefer to share some of my extensive privately published library, but that will
come later. The bible is, quite simply, grossly outdated.
Here is some ritual elements to read:
"How the simple mason plies, tool to temple, see it rise! How we mock and scoff at them! Boaz Broken, Jachin gone, freely spoken, Jahbulon. All is
overthrown, for the love of Babalon... all is a lie, although divine..." -Song of the perfect initiate.
S.B.:63 Whom have you there?
K.S.:64 A S(acred) P(rince) of R(ose) C(ross), who offers to share the burden of the I(llustrious)
K(nights) T(emplar) of the O(rder) of K(adosch) and the D(ame) C(ompanions) of the H(oly) G(raal).
S.B.: Who vouches that he is properly prepared?
(The Knight or Dame who can do so, replies.)
Admit him in due form.
(K.S. directs him to t(rample) and s(pit) on the c(ross).)
S.B.: Behold the tomb of your G(rand) M(aster), J(acobus) B(urgundus) M(olensis). Swear to break the
bondage of vulgar error.
Cand.: I swear, etc.
C.B.: Swear unconditional and unswerving obedience to the G(rand) M(aster) B(aphomet).
Cand.: I swear, etc.
On the 13th day of October 1307 the Grand Master of the Temple Jacobus Burgundus Molensis or
Jacques de Bourg Molay and many of his brethren were arrested through the treachery of two apostate
brethren (They appear) who inspired the Pope Clement V and Philip le Bel King of France to crush the
Order. These tyrants stripped him of all the signs of his high rank (done by Pope and King) and had him
bound hand and foot (done by familiars) and cast into prison on a charge of heresy and immorality; and
indeed our Master was sworn to bring Light and Freedom in to those ages of ignorance and slavery.
Here he was put to the torture (Cord round Can.’s forehead until he screams) but not all the ingenuity of
the tormentors could cause him to utter a cry of pain, much less to recant.
On the 14th day of March 1314, he was bound to a stake surrounded by combustible materials, and the
torch of the executioner applied.
With his last words he invoked vengeance on his murderers, who died within a year and a day, as you
shall do if you ally yourself with tyranny and superstition.
(Can. released.)
Sir Knight, roll on the ground these emblems, and cry: ‘Down with tyranny! Down with superstition!’
Noble Sir Knight, I now re-invest you with the Insignia of Our Order. This Ring of Profession is always
to be worn on the right thumb. Its inscription V.D.C.A. stands for Vult Deus Sanctum Amorem, and for
certain other words which will one day be communicated to you.
This Eagle is that of Frederick of Prussia, who first shook the power of the Papacy. The insignia are
black, particularly the mantle, which though white within, a symbol of our light and purity, shews that
we must still walk in a cloak of darkness and secrecy; for Light and Freedom are not fully ours.
Yet in secret we may still worship as we will.