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Greer @ O.C. MUFON Presentation Nov 10: A ReCap/Pics

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posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

Do some research into things like the 1992 Gulf Breeze incident, ITF. There are at least three different references on the web to people being shown a tape of this incident - where Greer vectors in a Triangle craft in front of many eyewitnesses.

Oh, why didn't you say so, lol. I mean, three different references on the web of all places...had I known you had such a reputable source I would not have questioned anything you have said. Thanks for ending the debate with your undeniable web facts.

And also - NEVER forget, CSETI has been shown vectoring in a UFO on national TV!

Ha, ha. Please, lol.

The evidence is actually there, if you bother to look.

Here is what you don't and never will get. If the evidence was REAL and UNDENIABLE like you insist in your mind it is, I WOULDN'T HAVE TO BOTHER TO LOOK. It would be all over the place, smacking in the face every time I turned on the television, every time I listened to the radio...I mean, we are only talking about the greatest discovery and revelation known to man, evidence as overwhelm,ng and absolute as you say it is would not be (COULD NOT BE) ignored by the mass media and real SCIENTISTS from around the world.

But none of that has happened, has it? Why is it, if you insist this that no one should even doubt this Greer fool's evidence we do not see peer review of it in every scientific journal, talk show, news report out there? Why? Cause he is full of crap and everyone (but you) knows it.

CSETI IS legit. There's not a snowball's chance in hell that Greer could have stayed in the game for 17 years and garnered the amount of support that he has, host major press conferences at the NPC etc, if he were simply some cult leader leading people around to pray and hallucinate UFOs, as guys like tezzajw would have you believe

Um, yes he could. As long as there are people out there that want to believe in something there is an audience. All he has to do is keep up a certain level of "shenanigans" without providing ANY verifiable substance and he can keep this up for a long time. And as far as his high level "contacts" mean to us (those with common sense, reason and logic on our sides) well, in a word nothing. If I considered every high level person I was ever in a room with a contact, then I could claim the president of the United States, Ronald Regan, and hundreds of congressmen and senators in my "loop" What has Greer's high level contacts done for him? Nothing, they are not real contacts, and those dumb enough to meet with him now don't want to even acknowledge it they feel so stupid for doing so. And his NPC press conferences don't mean anything. Dude, it's a hall that anybody can RENT out and hold a press conference. I should rent it out, hold a press conference stating that I think the puppet ALF was not really a puppet and I have proof, soon to follow of course. Then sit back as fools send me money to help me on my magical journey to puppetron to discover ALF's roots in the Beta Centaurus system. A fool and his money are easily parted, and Greer is nothing more than one of thousands of people that take advantage of that. Come on, man, if you can have some old man convince a bunch of idiots to drink special Kool Aid before hitching a ride on Hale Bops tail then you understand how easy it is for some idiot like Greer to stay in business, right? You do get that, don't you?

Look, there's a simple way to resolve all this. Find out where CSETI keep all their photos and footage and other evidence, and ask if you can send a rep there to examine it! Problem solved!

Don't have to. There is nothing of substance they have that proves anything, or they would have released it and made themselves rich beyond their wildest dream, lol. Sure, sure, these people are a private organization holding onto, what you insist. is 100% undeniable, verifiable and substantial proof that "they are here" but yet they don't come forward. Sounds pretty fishy to me. This is just what a shoddy organization does, string people along. Shame there are too many people willing to go for a ride.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Do some research into things like the 1992 Gulf Breeze incident, ITF. There are at least three different references on the web to people being shown a tape of this incident - where Greer vectors in a Triangle craft in front of many eyewitnesses.

Oh, why didn't you say so, lol. I mean, three different references on the web of all places...had I known you had such a reputable source I would not have questioned anything you have said. Thanks for ending the debate with your undeniable web facts.

The whole point is, perhaps arrangements could be made for someone to go to CSETI and examine their tapes and photographs in person, ITF.

We'll never know - until someone tries!

And also - NEVER forget, CSETI has been shown vectoring in a UFO on national TV!

Ha, ha. Please, lol.

LOL. Ha ha ha. Ho ho ho. Har har har.

No really, in the early nineties, an anchorwoman from a major news network accompanied CSETI on a "vector-party", a UFO was vectored in, and she went on national TV and showed the footage and said "I DID see a UFO!".

Do a search and you WILL see that I am correct.

The evidence is actually there, if you bother to look.

Here is what you don't and never will get. If the evidence was REAL and UNDENIABLE like you insist in your mind it is, I WOULDN'T HAVE TO BOTHER TO LOOK. It would be all over the place, smacking in the face every time I turned on the television, every time I listened to the radio...

Well, evidently not. Because the footage IS on the web, it WAS shown on national TV, the newsanchor said "I did see a UFO!" with the whole world watching - and is it all over TV and radio as you say? No.

Similarly, our good friend Prophet has also been shown vectoring in a UFO on national TV, and did it create a massive international buzz as you say? No.

The famous Phoenix Lights incident, which had tens of thousands of eyewitnesses and produced photos and video footage, was shown on national TV, and did it create the massive international buzz you are talking about? NO.

So, sorry ITF, try again. Never underestimate the power of cognitive dissonance. People see these things on national news, they go "Huh, that's cool!" - and then the next day it's back to work as usual.

The kind of buzz you are talking about won't happen until the government officially tells people that ETs are real in no uncertain terms.

Look, there's a simple way to resolve all this. Find out where CSETI keep all their photos and footage and other evidence, and ask if you can send a rep there to examine it! Problem solved!

Don't have to. There is nothing of substance they have that proves anything,

How do you know that for a fact? Have you been to the "vault" and examined their evidence personally?

Remember what I said about Debunkers trying to dissuade ATS from investigating things properly?

And BTW, attempting to dissuade people away from legitimate investigation, is absolutely AGAINST the spirit of "Deny Ignorance"!

For in order to effectively Deny Ignorance - we must also Seek The Truth!

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 02:42 PM
Wasn't that Greer fool and his cronies the same little wussies crying about how they wanted disclosure? Seems kind of odd that they don't seem to want to apply that to their own organization, huh?

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 03:00 PM
Just for you, ITF:

Early footage of Steven Greer
Phoenix Lights UFO report on US news
James Fox on CNN
Stephen Bassett commentary on CNN

UFOs HAVE been shown and discussed on TV, many times.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

You have a point there, and it is odd that CSETI don't post any of their footage online.

But as I said, perhaps Greer has some other reason for keeping a low profile with CSETI.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence! Just because they don't put footage up on the web does NOT mean they don't have it....

But anyway, as I have demonstrated - a bit of UFO footage is not earth-shattering news; UFO footage has been shown on national TV lots of times already....

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
Wasn't that Greer fool and his cronies the same little wussies crying about how they wanted disclosure? Seems kind of odd that they don't seem to want to apply that to their own organization, huh?

Yeah, it should have been called The Anti-Disclosure Project. They have no evidence to disclose, but they'll keep selling the lies to you.

MrdDstrbr, I think that you are confusing a very fundamental issue, namely UFOs and EBEs.

You mention the Phoenix Lights. Sure, while they were popular UFOs, they didn't prove that EBEs exist.

A news anchor saw a light in the sky at one of Cult Greer's vector-parties and you're using that as a basis for proving EBE contact??? No way at all. Wrong. It doesn't happen like that.

Leader Greer has not proven any contact at all with EBEs. He got it all confused with Mothra.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by tezzajw

Yes I understand the difference between UFOs and EBEs.

My question is, what kind of evidence would be considered conclusive Proof of EBEs?

Anecdotal testimony from thousands of witnesses who claim to have seen/interacted with them, apparently isn't good enough Proof.

There have been plenty of different photographs and footage of alleged EBEs, but they are not good enough Proof. People are always quick to cry Hoax, CGI etc.

Footage of a craft landing and actual EBEs coming out? Possibly - but then again, Steven Spielburg already produced that in a studio with special FX 30 years ago....

What kind of evidence/proof from CSETI would be considered conclusive Proof of EBEs? Photos? Footage? Testimony from members?

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
My question is, what kind of evidence would be considered conclusive Proof of EBEs?

You claimed that Cult Greer has proven contact with EBEs. Ok, show it.

What kind of evidence/proof from CSETI would be considered conclusive Proof of EBEs? Photos? Footage? Testimony from members?

According to you they already have proven contact with EBEs. So why isn't their evidence every front page newspaper and every major 6pm news bulletin around the world?

Obviously, they don't have the evidence to prove what they claim. Liars, hoaxes, charlatans and frauds.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by tezzajw

Way to totally avoid answering my question, tezzajw.

Here it is again:

What kind of evidence/proof from CSETI would be considered conclusive Proof of EBEs?

Photos and footage? No wait, those get written off as Hoaxes/CGI.

Anecdotal testimony from eyewitnesses? No wait, that gets written off as "stories".

A dead EBE on a slab? Well, yeah - but the army always keeps those for itself and classifies them, according to all the whistleblowers.

Starting to realize yet that EBEs CAN'T be proven, unless you've actually seen one yourself? That trying to "prove" EBEs to people is like arguing with a brick wall?

Maybe that's why Greer and CSETI don't even bother trying?

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Greer already proved Contact, years ago.

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
Starting to realize yet that EBEs CAN'T be proven, unless you've actually seen one yourself?

Wow, amazing logic.

Leader Greer has proven it, but it can't be proved unless you have seen it for yourself.

I'll leave it at that.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw
Wow, amazing logic.

Leader Greer has proven it, but it can't be proved unless you have seen it for yourself.

EXACTLY! He has proven it to many, many people, IN PERSON, by teaching them the Contact protocols and vectoring in UFOs. By giving them direct firsthand experience!

The testimonials of CSETI members are written off as "stories", and photos/footage would be written off as Hoaxed/CGI, as they always are.

You STILL haven't answered my question.

For the THIRD time, tezzajw, what kind of evidence would be considered conclusive Proof?

Photos and footage - which are written off as Hoaxed/CGI?

Testimony from eyewitnesses - which are written off as "stories"?

How does one "prove" EBEs to people, short of throwing a dead body on a slab?

How many times do I have to ask you this question before you answer it, tezzajw?


posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by MrdDstrbr

Photos and footage - which are written off as Hoaxed/CGI?

Photos and footage of "EBE" so far has been wriiten off as Hoax/CGI because they have all been Hoax/CGI - you want to defend Mothra again, Mrd ? This wasn't even Hoax/CGI, it was not, as it was called on his website, a Loved One - it was insects. With 17 years of alien meet-and-greet, anyone could come up with better material.
Unfortunately for scammers like greer, photos can be properly analyzed by people like for example Dave Biedny or jritzman.

THAT'S your argument, Mrd ? Come on......answer the two or three dozen questions you dodged so far and then come up with something better, please.

And charging people for being "Ambassadors of the Universe" doesn't prove anything either. Why do you call it "Contact protocol" now ? Has the Ambassador business become to embarassing ? BTW, he raised his prices and now it's only a measly 995$ to become Ambassador, better use your chance now, before leader greer needs more even more money.

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by Phil J. Fry

Well, you guys, Fry and tezzajw, BOTH completely FAILED to answer my question.

You don't answer, because you CAN'T answer. You lose. Thanks for playing!

How does one "prove" EBEs, short of capturing/killing one and physically showing the body to the world?

Anecdotal testimony from eyewitnesses is written off as "stories" with no substance.

Photographs? Nope. Photographs of alleged EBEs are shown in tabloid magazines and things all the time, and people just go "Ugh, what garbage". There are lots of photos of EBEs online, they are not considered conclusive Proof.

Footage? Same problem. There HAS been footage of alleged EBEs, and it just gets written off as Hoaxed/CGI.

The FACT is that without an actual body, living or dead, EBEs CAN'T be "proven". The only way to prove it is to see one for yourself!

The promised landing and Open Contact with the leadership of a G7/8 country, THAT will be the Proof.

Until that happens, the next best thing is to get a couple reps out there with video equipment to capture footage and interview witnesses. OR, get some reps out to the "vault" to examine all their photos/footage.

The FACT is that ATS has dropped the ball when it comes to investigating this stuff, time and time again. The FACT is that the Debunkers are continually dissuading people AWAY FROM correct investigation, which is totally AGAINST the spirit of "Deny Ignorance".

You complain that Greer's training costs $1000? Gilliland's ranch is FREE, for God's sake! What would be the harm in sending a couple guys out there with video equipment to check it out?

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 07:45 PM
Well now... speaking of questions....

The ATSMIX team has secured an interview with Dr. Steven Greer set for later this week (Wednesday is the scheduled date). So now might be a good time to post your questions over at the ATSMIX Arena (or you could just click on the below link)

Post Your Questions for Dr. Greer Here

Please remember that the thread I provided is solely for questions to be asked.. not a thread for debate or discussion.. do that elsewhere (like here for example..he-he). Please act with all the civility you can muster up...

Johnny Anonymous

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by JohnnyAnonymous

Rock on!!!!!!!

FINALLY we can get some direct answers from Greer!!

Awesome stuff guys

PS What happened to the Gilliland interview?

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
reply to post by JohnnyAnonymous
Rock on!!!!!!!
FINALLY we can get some direct answers from Greer!!
Awesome stuff guys

PS What happened to the Gilliland interview?

It's coming.. be patient people.. We only release a few shows a week..
We've got a number of interviews to last us several months..
Lot's of surprises too..

Johnny Anonymous

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 04:03 AM
I never thoguht you would get Steven Greer on the show. I have a feeling he is going to get a roasting from some of the members here question wise!

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 06:10 PM
He's Baaaaaaack!

Greer is on his way, riding the Pale Horse (pun intended), and if you are in So Cal and can get a ticket, here's the scoop:

Greer Graces and Grimaces Goofiness in La-La Land (again).

Must be good money to be made in this Disclosure racket, eh?

Carry On!

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