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Greer @ O.C. MUFON Presentation Nov 10: A ReCap/Pics

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posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Mira_of_lurk0more

Why on earth would he want to become a member, and have to fend off 100 vulture-debunkers day in day out?

Now ATS Mix, on the other hand....

One day, one day....

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 11:34 AM
How much time in the day is there for Greer to keep visiting top secret bases?

He works out. A lot.

He writes books.

He does radio shows.

He gives speeches.

He writes other things.

He has five daughters and a wife at home.

Is he still an active doctor?

He holds meetings.

He meditates.

Does he also do yoga?

That's just SOME of the things he does regularly. Sooooo...can he really also be globe-trotting to secret locations to hold precious, beautiful alien babies in his arms and check out dead alien corpses?

What other small town doctors with no security clearance get to do this? Why is he allowed to talk about it?

How did Jeff Ganon gain access to President Bush?

What kind of cover stories did Hoover have to make up to be able to wear those pretty dresses?

What did Senator Craig tell his family and friends and the public he was doing when he was traveling to a bathroom stall in Minnesota?

Are these related topics?

[edit on 2-1-2008 by Jeremy_Vaeni]

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 03:05 PM
Im interested in this security detail he mentioned needing after some recent threats.

To the OP, did you see any security personnel near Dr. Greer at any time ?

To me this lends some credibility to his data. If Dr. Greer were merely a crackpot, why not allow him to speak. But if he speaks the truth, I would imagine his life is in constant danger.

Who the heck would hire security detail if there was no threat ? Thats a lot of money for nothing.

I personally believe him. Ive seen his evidence like the radar tapes from the 2001 briefing and they are legitimate. Nothing man-made could pull off those maneuvers and no human could suvive the g force effects.

I watched Friedman and the other experts stumble and fail to answer Larry King's question not too long ago on why keep this all a secret. I was screaming at the television...FREE ENERGY stupid !

[edit on 2-1-2008 by admriker444]

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 04:09 PM
Wait so when Greer said he held a beautiful alien baby in his arms and has video tape of it but he can't show it to believe him? And you believe that he'd be allowed to talk about it? Wait never mind the second question--YOU BELIEVE HIM?!

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by Jeremy_Vaeni

Yes yes Jeremy, Greer routinely makes fantastic claims and then doesn't back them up with evidence, I'm sure we all get that.

To me the more important question is, if he's such a crackpot, why do we constantly, constantly see people praising and supporting him, even risking their lives and their families' lives for him?

Could CSETI actually be the real deal?

Could Greer really have over 450 inside sources?

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 04:57 PM
Why do people defend him?

--Because they are gullible. Yes, even the researchers. Let's take a look at some of the other people they defend.

--Who risks life and family to work with him? Please don't tell me that two people who work with him got a government-created cancer and so it goes...Actually, DO tell me that because it'll make this point easier:

If "the government" doesn't want Greer to know about any of this, talk about it, kills his friends and relatives--then why are they still escorting him to secret military bases to see this stuff for himself?

Isn't the only honest answer "They're not."

I've seen Greer speak but once at the X-Conference last year. My takeaway is that he is a pathological liar. He cannot help it. That's as much benefit of doubt as I can give him. Nothing about his body language, his inflection, the way he deflected my question, or the content of what he said reflected someone speaking the truth.

And I'm not someone who "hated" Greer prior to seeing him speak. I actually knew very little about him.

It's far more likely that he, a charming pathological liar with an interest in UFOs, approached some people with kindness and promises of disclosure to get them to step forward with him--I mean it's not that hard to talk to people who really want to get their experiences off their chest. If you're a sympathetic ear, how hard is it to win their trust and before long have a laundry list of witnesses coming forward under your umbrella?

If I'm not mistaken, two con men posing as producers produced the original Batman movie before anyone found them out. It's all too possible that Greer is more along these lines than a dude who is brought into secret bases to see aliens and can blab about it all day long...with zero evidence, just the name he's made for himself by having amassed some witnesses for disclosure.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Jeremy_Vaeni
--Who risks life and family to work with him? Please don't tell me that two people who work with him got a government-created cancer and so it goes...

Every single one of the witnesses and whistleblowers who have gone public on the UFO/ET issue (not only the Disclosure Project witnesses) have risked their lives.

As people who go up against "them" have had a tendency of getting whacked (JFK).

It's far more likely that he, a charming pathological liar with an interest in UFOs, approached some people with kindness and promises of disclosure to get them to step forward with him--I mean it's not that hard to talk to people who really want to get their experiences off their chest. If you're a sympathetic ear, how hard is it to win their trust and before long have a laundry list of witnesses coming forward under your umbrella?

Perhaps - but don't you think all these witnesses would have done some serious research into Greer before agreeing to risk their LIVES for him?

(And yes, many Disclosure Project witnesses EXPLICITLY mention being on the receiving end of harassment and death threats in their testimony.)

I know if I were contemplating putting my life on the line for someone, I would want to know for DAMN sure what kind of guy he really is!

Especially if I were, say, a VERY high-profile lawyer, like Daniel Sheehan, for example!

This is something that many people just don't get. The fact that Greer has all these people willing to risk their LIVES to stand with him on the international stage, speaks volumes about the kind of man he really is. Obviously, he has some way of showing people that he is the real deal and winning their trust.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 08:24 PM
I'll defend anyone who is willing to stand up for the UFOLOGIST Research for Disclosure or Exopolitics.

It's sad that everyone attacks Greer and calls him crazy or a lunatic, but they still come to ATS and hang out at the UFO forums looking a video, photo's and stories.

Greer has helped organize and bring together credible witnesses and risked being laughed at for his beliefs.

I guess a forum can't survive without polarizing members.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 09:05 PM
call it a leap of faith if you must but yes I believe him. And I also believe the hundreds of other highly credible witnesses that have come forward for the Disclosure project.

Before the Disclosure project, we were always told that the secret was kept because society couldnt handle the truth that we werent alone. Dr. Greer's theory that suppressed technology is the reason for lack of disclosure makes much more sense.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by admriker444

To the OP, did you see any security personnel near Dr. Greer at any time ?

I sat in the front row during Greer's presentation, and also observed pre- and post- movement of lots of folks. I did not see anyone that was conspicuously security detail for Greer, but my guess is that they would not try to be too obvious in any case. There were a couple of "serious"-looking gents that kept going in and out of the auditorium while the rest of us waited in line before they opened doors, but they may just as well have been A/V techs or something.

There were also a couple of big dudes hovering around Greer after his talk and during the book signing segment, but they were behaving more like crowd-control types than security ops per se.

At another event in San Jose earlier in the year, Greer seemed almost oblivious to the commotion around him, and there were only a couple of secretary/admin assistant-types keeping us little people at arms length.

Verdict: no decision; If Greer was telling the truth and had the proof of only some of what he claims, there are probably a few government goons that would like to silence him. On the other hand, he may be playing the music that the higher echelon leadership wants the public to hear, so it may be more of a "hands-off" policy as Greer temporarily at least satiates the masses with a bit of personalized UFO lore.

Clearly, the "security detail" comments made by Greer, whether factual or not, contribute to the mystery and "aura" he has manifested for himself. It makes for good theater. Adds an element of deeper suspense. Harmonizes his theme.

All I can hope for is that if he genuinely fears for his safety as he described, that he has made complete and thorough arrangements to pass unambiguous disclosure to the public in the event of some, um, unfortunate accident...

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 01:23 AM

Im interested in this security detail he mentioned needing after some recent threats.

Now this irritates me, why should he need security, when he could simply fall into meditation and get his alien friends make any thread just play the guitar and groove along ?

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
why do we constantly, constantly see people praising and supporting him, even risking their lives and their families' lives for him?

Please provide the exact names of the people who have risked their lives for Leader Greer. You will also need to supply the names of the family members whos lives were also in danger.

Please supply the corresponding police reports that show these people, who felt their lives were in danger, reported the matter to the police. The police reports will contain all of the dates and details that will be required to verify the exact nature of the death threats that these people have been receiving.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw
Please provide the exact names of the people who have risked their lives for Leader Greer. You will also need to supply the names of the family members whos lives were also in danger.

I don't "need" to do anything, tezzajw.

Please supply the corresponding police reports that show these people, who felt their lives were in danger, reported the matter to the police.

We've been over this before. It would be pointless for them to go to the police and just say "I'm scared, I was threatened" without any evidence.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 08:31 AM

I think you're putting way too much stock into the "risking their lives" thing. I'd be interested to know just which type of witness the "we're risking our lives" line comes from. Is it from the unprovable I worked at a secret military base with aliens "witnesses" or from unquestionably legit witnesses?

Robert Salas, for instance, didn't think he was risking his life by talking openly about the UFO incident over the nuclear facility he was stationed at. He started talking because the thought the documentation had been declassified. He went to Greer unknowingly, without doing all of the research you suppose he and others should have. He really just wanted to talk about it and found an open ear in Greer.

So no, it doesn't always work the way you're suggesting because in real life people don't always make the logical well-planned choices.

I don't think it's fair to cite JFK as the person who was assassinated for knowing too much. We don't know why he was assassinated.

Lastly, Greer had no discernible security detail at the X-Conference. What he did have were what seemed to me (and I could be wrong about this) plants in the audience asking him softball questions. I was sitting down front and raised my hand first so I think he mistakenly called on me first. After me no one with a real question about anything got called on. Perhaps a coincidence.

My question was, Why is it that you had a great open relationship with aliens as a young adult but now you're limited to shining flashlights at the sky in the hopes of them flashing back?

Fairly obvious question, I thought, given that he claims to have spoken with these beings on numerous occasions.

His response was that they don't just use flashlights but high-beam lasers and other technology to signal the space craft.

As he was explaining I tried to interrupt and tell him no, that wasn't the question; the question was, What happened between then and now that your relationship with them has so deteriorated--but he waved me off with his hand in the way one does when suggesting, "Hold on, I'm getting to it in a moment." So I listened. And he never got to it. And then he immediately took another question from his fan base in the back. And another. And another.

Yeah. He's the real deal all right.

[edit on 3-1-2008 by Jeremy_Vaeni]

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by Jeremy_Vaeni

I think you're putting way too much stock into the "risking their lives" thing. I'd be interested to know just which type of witness the "we're risking our lives" line comes from. Is it from the unprovable I worked at a secret military base with aliens "witnesses" or from unquestionably legit witnesses?

If you simply review the freely available witness testimony, MANY of the witnesses explicitly mention harassment and death threats.

I don't think it's fair to cite JFK as the person who was assassinated for knowing too much. We don't know why he was assassinated.

The point is, not even Presidents of the Unites States are safe from "them". And tezzajw's notion that the police could somehow protect witnesses from "them" is laughable!

ALL of the witnesses and whistleblowers who have gone public on the UFO/ET issue took a considerable risk by doing so, and that's a fact, jack

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 10:11 AM
Well alrighty then. I shall leave you to your Greer belief with this bit from his Wikipedia entry:

"In March of 1997, during an event near Atlimeyaya, Mexico, Greer and his CSETI team encountered two soldiers who were carrying AK-47 rifles and who had no insignia on their uniforms. Believing they were in danger, Greer and the team prayed for protection from the 'Divine Being', which kindly influenced the two soldiers for both soldiers dropped their rifles, walked to a van, picked up guitars and starting playing them, allowing Greer and the team the chance to escape."

If that doesn't smack of reality I don't know what does.

[edit on 3-1-2008 by Jeremy_Vaeni]

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by MrdDstrbr

The point is, not even Presidents of the Unites States are safe from "them".

Oh please, if "they" (and you often enough stated, that "they" is the industrial/military complex for you) are that big and equipped with future technology and all that clever gizmos, why did they let their 80ies posterchild president die as a drooling piece of meat from Alzheimer ? The man boosted the military in an unprecedented way and still, not even a death with dignity for him ? Guess he threatened "them" to disclose the friendly aliens, while trying to get his SDI, hm ?

Also, why do you ignore another point of corrobation from an eyewitness, that cult greer appears to be nothing but a pathological liar ?

and that's a fact, jack

Nope, again you are wrong and just because you believe it and won't stop to claim it while providing not a single piece of proof for it, it is not a fact and it won't become one.

[Edit] Ah, forgot that one - your signature is not a quote from Einstein as you can easily check here

[edit on 3-1-2008 by Phil J. Fry]

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Phil J. Fry

and that's a fact, jack

Nope, again you are wrong and just because you believe it and won't stop to claim it while providing not a single piece of proof for it, it is not a fact and it won't become one.

I have already provided the proof. Greer makes fantastic claims constantly and yet he is continually supported and given props by high-profile people - Sarah McClendon, Daniel Sheehan, Art Bell, Paul Hellyer, Stephen Bassett, Dan Aykroyd, Alfred Webre, etc etc. He has a small army of credible people supporting him - pilots, radar operators, lawyers, military/intelligence, scientists, inventors....

The only explanation as to why he has SO much support is that CSETI is legit.

Whether guys like you want to believe that or not is irrelevant, and frankly I'm tired of arguing about it. They will eventually succeed with time and persistence, whether guys like you give them your endorsement or not.

Now go ahead and get the last word if you want. I don't care.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 03:45 PM
I was also at the X Conference. There was a very observable disparity in presentation styles between Robert Salas, Richard Dolan even Daniel Sheehand all in relation to Greer. Greer comes off, IMO, as a creepy dude while those other people came off as fairly genuine.

To my friend who attended and is not very unfamiliar with Ufology and had to frame of reference, Greer really seemed to him to be some wierdo cult leader, hence we didn't bother sitting through the question and answer period.

For me, having followed his work closely trying to figure out over the past year whether he's a fraud or not, I came away from his speech at the X Conference thinking it doesn't really matter anymore does it? Until he publicly backs up his claims, it won't effect me, so who cares? If some dude has a time machine in his closet but it never gets out then whats the point? If Guns and Roses follow up album Chinese Democracy is never released, whats the point of wasting time worrying about? (i hope that doesnt happen though!)

Until he actually backs up his claims publicly there is no reason to take him for his word.

If I had to guess, he probably is a bit of a pathological liar to such an extent that he may not even realize it. I think he probably jumps to conclusions very easily after talking with people rather than keeping some healthy skepticsm. I feel there must be elements of truth in his story because of what he has accomplished, but it's entirely possible there isn't. Maybe all his experiences are via remote viewing and so it's not very tangible so it's hard to prove? Who knows, but if that's the case you'd think he would acknowledge that. I don't know what to think about the dude and although I'm still on the fence a little bit, I'm starting to lean towards the fact that he is more of a creepy new age movement leader who has some truth to his story but also exagerates and makes up a lot of stuff.

At the end of the day, as far as I know, the Disclosure Project happened in 2001 and other than that he's been mostly talk.

Until he has a press conference with a fully operational free energy machine on 60 Minutes, I will take everything he says with a grain of salt.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
I don't "need" to do anything, tezzajw.

Of course you don't. However, your claim that people put their lives, and the lives of their family at risk, are opinions. Please, don't state it as fact, when it is not fact.

We've been over this before. It would be pointless for them to go to the police and just say "I'm scared, I was threatened" without any evidence.

Exactly. Without any evidence at all, the claims are pure speculation and void of fact.

No one risked their life, or the lives of their family 'helping' Leader Greer. Sensationalising the claim to lend credibility to Leader Greer's fairy tale does not make it true.

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