posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 03:39 PM
So Ohio State lost to USC. At least they played a decent team in non-conference play.
We don't know much about teams like Florida. I am sure they are good, but the toughest team they've played is Tennessee. Wait until they play
Texas is the same way. Maybe Texas Tech upset them last year, but Tech is not close to a top tiered team. I simply need more information.
Alabama is the only team that I know enough about to be confident in their ability to win the big games.
California did not belong in the top 10. Their toughest game up until getting blasted by Oregon was against Minnesota.
Wait until the BCS rankings come out. The whole list may be different.
I don't think Ohio State is the best team out there(I could probably list 10 better teams), but if all the better teams want to screw up again we may
have no choice but to go to the Championship game.
For Ohio State to come close to being a championship team, they will have to get the offense out. If Prior can improve every week and OSU can get
through Penn State, Iowa, and Michigan it is likely they will go to a BCS bowl game.
Penn State losing to Iowa. I actually called this one. They should really consider making this match-up the last game of the season.
LSU vs Oregon for the National Championship.
Arizona had something to say about this. 2007 was a crazy year. I still am in shock that Pitt beat West Virginia.