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Bush Administration Agenda to Sacrifice the Fifth Fleet – The New Pearl Harbor

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posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by goosdawg

Originally posted by planetfall
simple war game scenarios. every imaginable scenario must be considered. there are those so opposed to self defense that they would gladly welcome a less imaginative military to look after our freedoms.

If "every imaginable scenario must be considered," why did they refloat the ships and throw the game?

And then continue to downplay the significance of this action?

I would posit that there are those so devoted to their offensive position to impose their goals, they will sacrifice their own citizens and assets.

And in order to counter an extreme far-right leaning administration about to tip us into the abyss, we must take an opposite stance to the left to level the ship.

again, simple simulation and examination, whats to downplay? some people get bent out of shape over a speculative strategy... why not try ever scenario? man, some would tie our hands even in pretend-land.

study world war two, you would marvel at the sacrifices made during that war solely for the agenda of american security and sovereignty... all the things many americans these days find distasteful

the iran sitch will likely be pushed back for years via diplomacy.

would iran be more likely to nuke israel with a gop or a donkey in the white house?

i think they're waiting for prez hillary so they wont be so hassled about it when they do, you know?

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
Now all of you that are so convinced that this will happen I think your I’m not sure what you all are going to do when Bush quietly leaves office, but just maybe a ray of truth might pierce this blackness that surrounds you and prevents you from seeing the real truth.
[edit on 11-11-2007 by Xtrozero]

well, if things are going the way they seem to, there'll be a dem in the white house, and what will i do?

pay more taxes and wait for the dems to bring the war on terrorism to our soil, where it belongs... or at least thats the impression they give

talk about conspiracy! the dems know that more attacks on our soil will unify the american people and cast a pall over the gop in a huge way

i'm sure thats not why they parrot 'bring the troops home' at every opportunity, is it?

i bet they hate it that homeland security has been so successful... yes, lets get out of iraq! thats what hillaryobamakucinich sez...

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by planetfall
would iran be more likely to nuke israel with a gop or a donkey in the white house?

I would counter there's a donkey in the White House now, but that's putting it on nicer terms than I would normally use, if not for the TAC's, you know?

But seriously, I think they''ll only nuke Israel as a response, not a provocation.

They have too much to lose.

The leaders of Iran, despite their publicly bellicose behavior, harbor no illusions; should they be the instigating party, they, and their people, will suffer greatly, by the hand of whoever fronts for the PTB, either Dem or GOP.

The reason being, should they tip their hand and expose their nukes, they will be rightly damned by world opinion, not just the unilateral cowboy posturing by the current White House puppet, or the next, for that matter.

Without the appearance of an Iranian "first strike" there will be no public or world support for an offensive action against Iran.

That is why the threat of a "false flag" event, should be of such manifest concern, by all sensible-minded people, of all stripes and persuasions.


reply to post by planetfall

If the elites/corporate/military/industrial complex-controlled US would stop meddling in the affairs of sovereign nations, they, these sovereign nations, would have no reason or desire to meddle in the affairs of the US, plain and simple.

The "War on Terror" is no more real than the "War on Drugs" or the idiotic corporate-sponsored tv programs to which the passive masses tune into with such drooling abandon.


[edit on 17-11-2007 by goosdawg]

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