posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 04:11 PM
There's no doubt about something or someTHINGS unknown in our sky, and even the debunker couldnt deny this. His arguments were valid, but
inconclusive and he used a lot of fuzzy logic to debunk. For instance, the brittish incident where the ISO investigated the phenomena. He said, well
you have no conclusive evidence to back up your claims. The same could be said for the debunker going trick or treating on halloween when he was 9
years old. He can claim he in fact went trick or treating, physically knocked on his neighbors doors, and physically took and ate candy. Is there any
conclusive evidence? Any photo's that show that he did in fact go trick or treating? It may be a loose comparison, but really, these are objects that
we have NO IDEA their origin, technology, or intentions. It's hard to capture, study, and provide some sort of tangable evidence when we have no
grounds to study in the first place. UFO's will most likely remain an extremely candid and taboo subject for many, simply because of the nature of
it all. Im anxious to see what Monday brings, even if its just a few old military dogs claiming what they saw. Pressure on the government wont come
from us.... it'll come from them. And if they really have been flying around our skies for this long without us capturing a single beleiveable and
totally undeniable shot or peice of evidence, then the only people who will TRULY beleive are those who have been there, and those who just put their
faith into it. I for one have never seen anything too out of the ordinary in the sky, and the video's/pictures i've seen are too tough to discern.
But I beleive because I want to, and I think a majority of the people feel the same way, admit it or not.
They said it themselves... there's a real stigma when it comes to this subject in the mainstream. The US is too busy trying to fight a war, and gain
"footing" as a strong world power. Why risk looking like fools to people who would view you as such around the world, in the midst of so much
turmoil. I see Monday as being just another day... but I'll keep an open ear