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Why do we have to take crap and pee?

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posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 02:31 AM
I mean, I completely understand if it's for the energy purposes and all, but........why do we have to do like that?

Humans with an intelligent brains have yet to take crap and pee? Do even these extraterrestrial individuals do the same?

Peeing and crapping is not appropriate IMO, as I think it would be awesome if humans one day did not have to take crap and pee.

edit: Oh yeah, that includes eating, too lol.

[edit on 10-11-2007 by TheoOne]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 03:33 AM
I wasn't sure I wanted to touch this one, but what the hell. I'll try....

We consume food to convert to energy so that we can run our bodies.
Our bodies are not very efficient at utilizing everything we consume for that energy.

Our inefficiency to process the foods we eat leads to having waste products that the body has no use for, so we need to evacuate the left over material we don't use.

You can eliminate fiber from you diet and minimize the intake of material your body can't metabolize to energy, but I don't think our bodies are sufficiently evolved to be sustained on a diet that will produce minimum waste.

Don't put a bung in the back end just yet, and keep the water flowing in and out.
It's either that or die.

Start here on Wiki:

We'll work from there if you have a question.

EDIT: Added a word because I missed a word....

[edit on 10/11/2007 by anxietydisorder]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by TheoOne

Um, are you serious?

What does this have to do with conspiracy?

I'm sorry, but after reading this, I have to assume you posted this meaning it to be funny/silly. Otherwise, I worry for you.


posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 04:01 AM
Please tell me that for some reason you were not thinking clearly when you posted this.....
Good grief.
I would expect a higher quality post from a member who has been here awhile.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by AccessDenied

hey, chick from the land of the "eh?", you have a u2u.


posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by SimiusDei

Um, are you serious?

What does this have to do with conspiracy?

He may feel his intestinal tract is plotting against him.
We could be dealing with an obsessive compulsive disorder on bodily functions.

It might be moved to a more appropriate forum, but let's let the OP respond before we condemn the thread entirely.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by anxietydisorder

Hey, no condemnation here.

Just curious.

I'm all about some silly ass threads, all you gotta do is look at some of my past ones to see that hahahah.

Though, this one, I believe, has left mine in the dust.


EDIT TO ADD: I would actually like to see this thread stay here in GCD. It certainly could turn out to be one of the more *ahem* interesting threads in awhile.

[edit on 10-11-2007 by SimiusDei]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by TheoOne

Oh wow, when I read the subject of this thread I was thinking you couldn't really be talking about this, but I was wrong.

Heh, you made me laugh.

But yet i'm speachless, are you even being serious?

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by TheoOne

Peeing and crapping is not appropriate IMO

[edit on 10-11-2007 by TheoOne]

This, BTW, is my favorite line.


posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by TheoOne

Simply put, if we did not have to export bi-products then our bodies would be 100% efficient, which has so far been noted as impossible.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by ben91069


You are a symbol of tolerance.

I commend you for coming in here, answering the question and leaving without taking any wisecracks.

You are better people than us.


posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 05:34 AM
One of my fondest dreams is that we may someday be able to nourish our bodies with a pill.

I travel alot and finding a clean toilet is sometimes a major undertaking. I do have my favorite toilets that I arrange my travels around. I stop. get gas, go potty, walk the dog, and load up on more food and drink so I can go through the whole process 3 hours later.

The older a person gets the more important peeing and crapping becomes. Holding fluid in your body can cause shortness of breath and hight blood preasure. I've been to the hospital for this so I know the effects. Not crapping is no joy either. I know people who have been to hospital for that too.

Be thankful that you pee and crap.

We must be very bored to be discussing this topic.


posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 05:47 AM

Thanks for the responses. Sure, you can take it both funny and serious at the same time. I mean, if you're close-minded enough, then why post, right?
Although of course I know why do we have to take crap and pee and eat (I didn't ask for the explanation, though lol) but it's just the question of WHY we were designed to do like that? Whoever designed us needs to find a way to play the life without having to eat and you know. It's just...kinda disgusting.

To be honest, I don't even like doing this when I (we) have to do that. For example, if I'm playing a game and feel like going to bathroom, yet I don't wanna do that, otherwise I might lose, right? It's just an unintelligent thing to do.

Another example, if you're a hockey player or a soccer player and you're in the process of game, yet you'd feel like you wouldn't wanna leave, would you? Lol

There just should be a way to avoid of doing that, especially eating like an animal, perhaps can be done through modifying human body genetically or somethin'.

I wasn't sure where to post this, because I'm just really, really tired and so I figured I'd post here. Because IT'S CONSPIRACY!!! Lol.

[edit on 10-11-2007 by TheoOne]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by TheoOne

Ahhh okay, now I got ya.

It's because we weren't designed.

We have evolved and taking in nourishment and energy and expelling the waste are simply necessity.

However, assuming we WERE created, I see 100% where you are coming from. From a creationist standpoint, it makes absolutely ZERO sense.


EDIT TO ADD: No offense meant by this, but: Am I correct to assume that English is NOT your first language? That could be the cause for some of the confusion.

[edit on 10-11-2007 by SimiusDei]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 05:56 AM
Maybe there are Russians in your intestinal track?

The rest of us dont have to go. See a doctor. I think you have been sabotaged.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 06:07 AM
No I'm fine, it's just the thought I came across by.

I'm not sure if we have "evolved", but I'm glad you see what I see, SimiusDei.
And I dunno, I feel like it is my first lang. I didn't mean to confuse anybody as I'm very tired, especially the reason might be that boredom is what made me create this thread.

[edit on 10-11-2007 by TheoOne]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 06:11 AM
From a creation point of view, crap is also fertilizer for new growth of things yet to be born, so even our crap becomes nourishment and has a purpose.

In a more allegorical view, crap and pee may be more of all the negative stuff we give off, finding the bad in things. I see myself doing that sometimes, not looking at the positive and just crapping around without looking for the good.

Or maybe farting, the act of releasing foul gasses, gossip insults or judgement, as I said, I work on this and am trying to see the lighter side of things, even the lighter side of this thread.

So on that note, I offer this youtube clip (no toilet humor in it)

[edit on 10-11-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by TheoOne

You feel like it's your first language? What does that mean? hahaha

Are you drunk by any chance? I know I posted things like this back in my drinking days hahahaha.


BTW, this thread is getting favorited.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 06:42 AM
Now that I think about it. Where the hell is Dr. Love?

This is right up his alley.


posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by dizziedame
One of my fondest dreams is that we may someday be able to nourish our bodies with a pill.

Are you serious?!

I love the taste of food, i love food period.
Lol, I could never picture taking a pill and that doing me good for a day. It's insane.

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