When i'm in the basement doing laundry I keep thinking someone is behind, or there is another presence in the room besides me.
I run up the stairs fast sometimes because I think someone is behind me.
I wake up sometimes because of weird noises.
I hear a plane over my house and I think it's a black helicopter!! LOL it's true..
I keep wondering is this day they are going to try to come into my house and take me away?
The other day I heard a strange noise at the side of the house and I thought someone was trying to get in.
I poked my head out the window but nobody was there.
Don't worry TrueLies, i think alot of us, who frequents this site are paranoid.
#t, sometimes I am too paranoid to freakin sleep.
good thing I have a sane, rational other half who keeps me in check, I would hate to see what my life would be if I was with someone equally paranoid
as me.