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John Titor is NOT real

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posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 08:17 PM

It doesn't take a time traveller to reveal that the US if knackered. Not that I have any sympathy, they should have stopped acting like they were the king of the planet, simple as that...

How would people react if i came up with my predictions thanks to my time travelling bicycle.

2007: People realise that war is imminent.

2008: Violence grows amongst the people.

2009: something amazing is discovered, many lives saved. A royal dies.

2010: Something amazing is disovered, a previously believed extinct thing is now discovered to be alive.

2011: Amazing discoveries in space, science threatened by new revelations

2012: nothing happens, lots of big parties, people shake off hang overs

2013: etc


[edit on 9-11-2007 by mr-lizard]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 08:28 PM
His predictions had a lot to do with Russia and Europe as well

UK's history isn't exactly a model of peace and individual freedom either

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by ZeroGhost

he specifically states the divergence caused by his travels is a mere 2%

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 09:29 PM
Let's not forget that Titor would be a teenager living in Florida right now. For all we know he is reading this thread, without any idea of who he is.

Civil War in the US? Entirely possible. Everyone laughs at the Alex Jones police state rhetoric, but meanwhile every day in the news someone is tasered and/or abused by the police in a bizarre manner, schools have become these lockdown brainwashing camps where all form of free speech is squashed, the intense airport atmosphere is being spread to malls, other public places, etc, etc.

When will YOU be so sick of it that you decide it is time to fight back? I don't mean pick up a gun and march on the white house, I mean do anything to work towards making a change. You can write your congressman, you can try to organize a protest (good luck, they give the licenses to do so for areas nowhere near where politicians make their speeches), etc.

The people in this thread who question whether rights have been taken away? Are you kidding?! You obviously haven't done any travelling lately. You haven't tried to move money across borders anonymously. You haven't been a kid in school who wanted to hug his girlfriend, or a seven year old who wanted to play tag on the playground. It isn't even slowly being ripped away! The definitions of a 'terrorist' are so broad that homeland security may as well be the new Gestapo. If you are lucky enough to have not been affected yet, good for you. That won't last forever.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 09:55 PM
He also said that an event that should have happened in our timeline, Y2K, did not happen due to his intervention. Without this stressor, things at this time are better than they would have been had Y2K had its repercussions. Imagine, no money, computers, food, etc. People would have been fed up with the government a lot quicker. Martial law would have been enacted. etc.etc.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by Dan5647

You know, I always wondered about John Titor... If they can travel through time, why don't they just go back and buy a whole lotta water? Or buy stuff to purify water... You could solve a lot of the problems he said they had by going back in time, instead they waste the trips on fixing computer bugs

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 12:02 AM
There's a simple proof that he was lying, understandable by anyone: in his purported photograph of the bending laser, the background behind the beam is undistorted. If the laser light is bent, then so must be the light coming from the objects we see behind it. But there's no distortion. So, the image was faked.

[edit on 10-11-2007 by green dog]

[edit on 10-11-2007 by green dog]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by Dan5647


freedom of speech,

on the internet,

and in real life,

i certainly always get cut up when someone doesn't like what i say. And told to stfu.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 12:44 AM
Am I missing something? Wasn't John Titor found to be a complete hoax a few years ago?

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

Your right, I remember that.

But if you point a long stick, and move it just a small amount where you are holding an end, the other end moves many times the distance.

We don't know much about time as a medium yet, but a change of position from here, 2%, might be multiplied many times once events in that time line start to differentiate. How different would our society be if the WTC disaster never happened? That's just one event, but it fundamentally changed things globally, starting war, loss of freedoms, etc. That alone could change the whole course of the world for us here.


posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 04:22 AM
Okay ~~~~~~~ I am going to try and explain this all ~~ slowly. Now, first my credentials first of all -- none -- I am just an original poster on one of the threads that John Titor (TimeTravel_0) started up. So first, is not John Titor. It is a person who stumbled onto his postings about 2003 after the original posters (and Art Bell's BBS Forum shut down) decided to repost the threads which were saved by some of the original posters to keep the discussion going. The history of that now is here:

Unfortunately at this time also though skipping to the present time -- physicist David Deustch (spelling might be off) and some other mathematicians or physicists lately -- recently -- have decided that mathematically -- parrallel universes should be somewhat similiar and have stated that they as a group have proved this mathematically.

John Titor also stated to avoid all of it (which makes sense if it does or if it does not sort of change in this worldline of what is going on with all the posturing of Governments - what is allowed by people thinking about - perhaps Iran -- or Pakistan -- or anybody else.)

First though - the First Amendment does not really in some people's point of view -- allow Protest -- that is a liberal interpretation of that Amendment -- those people do not deny that you have Freedom of Speech - but deny that you can get so emotional over it - that you can not chat with your friends or in a coffee house - or a place eating some food or general conversation about what is going on and perhaps even help and come up with some ideas.

The history is that -- during the '60's there was more speaking and acting out that led to 5000 people being shot. Can a Government do that? Yes, actually a Government can do that -- except that the agenda was changed so that more people would not end up being shot. Now to the future -- new weapons have been made -- the tazar -- and all of that. Is that misused? Yes, it is -- because people get tired of putting up with the Acting Out which is not a First Amendment Right. It is not, it has never been, and this world is bad enough -- why add to all of that? First you have other people who state that they will handle it -- when what exactly are they handlin'? Perhaps they want to handle the way that you think and control you even more -- because they assume that they perhaps think (at least to me since I been through all of this before) that they have more Rights to do that. Actually though, they do not, and although they are protected being running as political candidates or while they are in Office -- they seem to all be stubborn - as much as some other people are stubborn about believing John Titor or Not.

So, you can not believe John Titor but read the rest also. Because first, time travel has not been invented, so there is no belief system to hold on to. This requires some rational thought between all people -- because some people think that people ought to work more better among one another -- instead of always complaining to the Federal Government. The other political party -- usually seem to deny more what the rest of the world is doing -- and always prefer to handle everything -- so which one is actually removing Freedoms then? The people are who always decide to prefer that the Government handle everything from the Federal Level. Excuse me, but there is a State Level and a Local Level to Government also, and these people do not seem to know what to do. The difference is what happened with Katrina and what happened next in Texas ( just as an example.)

Now here is the hard part. If the original posters would not have discussed it afterwards, most of you people would not even know about it.

Now think hard -- if you did not know even what Titor was about -- what he stated - or anything else -- and his threads were long forgotten and never posted on the Internet or anything else -- which by the way - some Government workers also were reading it at the time it was posted -- how would you feel about what is going on now with this Country and this World?

Think if it would be different not knowing Titor at all -- even remotely -- as he never would have been read.

Now -- since you have read some of it and still there is science going on -- what makes you think that everyone has read it? Many people now know about Titor -- would that make the rest of the World different -- probably not -- well, really not really -- and now how can anyone prove something that has not happened yet. Only being a psychic can that be achieved - and as far as I know - there are some people who claim many things -- but really --- all of may just be stories -- as much as - thinking processes go for any human.

There is so much more -- that none of some of these other people are actually making any sense at all. First, humans do not actually know precisely what year it really is. If you look it up, King Herod may have died anytime between -4 and -6 BC. This is in records but the interpretation is what is going on in the present about what has happened in a Past that also can not be proved. Just intelligent thought going on there and an schoraly thought process.

Now take a view of the world, and how people manipulate others in this World, and how some of you people even take a dim view of that emotionally. Well, all of it will not create -- Time Travel -- and all of us -- are Time Travellers also living our lives on this Planet.

Maybe some people's stubborn attitude may change, but so far, I actually so no evidence of that happening with some other people. I also do not or do believe Titor. I simply can not, all I can do is say that there seems to be parallels and that since Titor mentioned some of those first -- that I can spend all the time that I may allow myself to -- to see if he still is making some sense at all. So far -- he just does not seem to dissappear completely and whether he is good at seeing trends coming up and did a lot of homework first on the world situation first of all before he posted -- I can not say either way. I can only say that there seems to be some things he wrote that just do not seem to go away as this world is nowadays.

That is all that I can state:
You would have never read the threads if it never had been posted and discussed after the original threads and forums went down because even at Time Travel Institute to find his thread it is buried.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 09:33 AM
Thanks to this thread, my attention was pointed toward John Titor.

I'm fascinated. I think he was/is the real thing. Russia is now posturing for an attack.

When his posts where made, no one knew the truth about the Federal Reserve.

He specifically claimed the Federal Reserve is taken out of the scene.

Now look at all the negative attention the Fed is getting. (Well deserved IMO)

It sounds like there is a crossing of dimensions in cycles.

Sort of like a Sine Wave, in 3D. 2008 I believe, is one of those crossings that all the parallel dimensions meet, and the same event happens to all.

I believe Bill the Homeless man knew about this well. He discussed many far out ideas like this. I didn't know exactly what to think, until I read about Titor.

I wouldn't put down Titor's claims, until 2008 is in the past. My advice.


posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 10:39 AM
I remember John Titor and all his claims of being a time traveler. Don't think I can believe him though. He claims that a civil war starts in 2005 and go up and down for ten years. Then in 2015 Russia fires their nuclear weapons and we fire ours and the whole world is messed up after that. I guess we'll have to keep our eyes open through now and 2015 to see if he's correct.
I also feel that the future can be changed and if John was telling the truth then why can't a federal agent or agents come back through time and change everything, thus being different compared to Titor's story. Anyway's I'll just sit on the fence and watch, because if it happens it happens.

John Titor

The ATS John Titor Projesct

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 10:39 AM
Yes, there are such things as free speech zones. Go to any politicaly rally and you'll see what he means.

And for the record, the "what rights have you lost" argument regarding the Patriot Act is really stale.

Read the legistation.

reply to post by Dan5647

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by KaiBosh
Let's not forget that Titor would be a teenager living in Florida right now. For all we know he is reading this thread, without any idea of who he is.

Civil War in the US? Entirely possible. Everyone laughs at the Alex Jones police state rhetoric, but meanwhile every day in the news someone is tasered and/or abused by the police in a bizarre manner, schools have become these lockdown brainwashing camps where all form of free speech is squashed, the intense airport atmosphere is being spread to malls, other public places, etc, etc.

When will YOU be so sick of it that you decide it is time to fight back? I don't mean pick up a gun and march on the white house, I mean do anything to work towards making a change. You can write your congressman, you can try to organize a protest (good luck, they give the licenses to do so for areas nowhere near where politicians make their speeches), etc.

The people in this thread who question whether rights have been taken away? Are you kidding?! You obviously haven't done any travelling lately. You haven't tried to move money across borders anonymously. You haven't been a kid in school who wanted to hug his girlfriend, or a seven year old who wanted to play tag on the playground. It isn't even slowly being ripped away! The definitions of a 'terrorist' are so broad that homeland security may as well be the new Gestapo. If you are lucky enough to have not been affected yet, good for you. That won't last forever.

Extremely well put. Anyone who think that civil liberties haven't diminished since 9/11 is either:

a) Not paying attention
b) in extreme denial
c) a paid stooge

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 12:12 PM
Well if JT was real and worldlines were real then that explains why things are different. And can people please stop stating their opinions and theroies as fact?

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 12:48 PM
JT said, that he was from a different worldline than ours. He wasn't sure of the exact times and events, because they would be a bit different.

When the worldlines converge, is when a predictable event would happen, if you were coming from the future.

It's mostly how he explains the world after WWIII that has my interest.

Yes, people would rely on solar, local farming, communiction through mobile nodes, etc. What he says about Canada, Australia and Europe, fit.

What he says about Russia attacking appears to be happening right now.

There is a civil war going on right now in the US. But, like he said, it won't get violent until next year.

If good people can travel back in time, so can the bad.

This is what I understand. It's a battle between good and evil from the future.

And the fact that the 5100 is the only machine that could read both codes, is not your average knowledge, even in this time.

Also, it appears he left, like he said. And he was careful not to reveal names and future events that could be avoided. This was crucial.

But we'll see, won't we. I know I'm going to stash some water.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 01:12 PM
What do you mean John Titor is not real?

I mean, I read the stuff and the next thing I knew I lost my job, my home, my family, and there's time travelers and aliens all over the place claiming to be "federal investigators" and "federal police"... and the story gets crazier as I try running off to Canada and they're there, too!
So, what does that have to do with John Titor? Hey, I haven't a clue, but when the cops come and start acting like they're going to nab me or something, if I say "It's John Titor" they leave me alone. (I'll leave the rest of the really crazy stuff out, because that's one wacky story).
That started in 2005 when I read the John Titor crap. These days, I have voices in my head (well, the "voices" started on August 19, 2005, when these "Federal Police" folks had me baricaded in one of my sister's apartments - okay, no more crazy stuff).
Then not only voices in my head, but folks chasing me around with dogs and babies and crazy stuff... really crazy.
My final recommendation is not to read the John Titor stuff at all... it's simply not worth the possibility that you might start sounding crazy, like the stuff you just read above.
Oh, yeah, and this "John Titor" may have not been 100% correct (I mean, he did say no more olympics after 2004, did he not?)...

But by no means is it a complete fake.

That is my final analysis.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 02:00 PM
Three more things to look at:

Why is John Titor so familiar with current websites? Wouldn't there be a more advanced Internet in 2036? It's like knowing how to use computers back in 1978.

Also, check out this quote and compare it to the pictures that came from the JT archive:

Yes, we have cameras. More digital. Film is used like painting is today. No hologram camera though.

Those pictures on the archive looks like they were captured using a cell phone.

Finally this quote contributes to his falseness.

I am curious� will anyone be upset if Florida�s votes are not counted in the Electoral College because of the current �confusion�?

Why is he asking this question? Shouldn't he know what happened with the Florida incident in 2000 and how GWB nearly won?

My conclusion about John Titor is that he created his own science fiction story from scratch and based on his story, he answered questions that would seem to fit in.

[edit on 10-11-2007 by Dan5647]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 02:10 PM

Those pictures on the archive looks like they were captured using a cell phone.

How many people did you know that had cameras on their cellphones in 2000?

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