Okay ~~~~~~~ I am going to try and explain this all ~~ slowly. Now, first my credentials first of all -- none -- I am just an original poster on one
of the threads that John Titor (TimeTravel_0) started up. So first, JohnTitor.com is not John Titor. It is a person who stumbled onto his postings
about 2003 after the original posters (and Art Bell's BBS Forum shut down) decided to repost the threads which were saved by some of the original
posters to keep the discussion going. The history of that now is here:
Unfortunately at this time also though skipping to the present time -- physicist David Deustch (spelling might be off) and some other mathematicians
or physicists lately -- recently -- have decided that mathematically -- parrallel universes should be somewhat similiar and have stated that they as a
group have proved this mathematically.
John Titor also stated to avoid all of it (which makes sense if it does or if it does not sort of change in this worldline of what is going on with
all the posturing of Governments - what is allowed by people thinking about - perhaps Iran -- or Pakistan -- or anybody else.)
First though - the First Amendment does not really in some people's point of view -- allow Protest -- that is a liberal interpretation of that
Amendment -- those people do not deny that you have Freedom of Speech - but deny that you can get so emotional over it - that you can not chat with
your friends or in a coffee house - or a place eating some food or general conversation about what is going on and perhaps even help and come up with
some ideas.
The history is that -- during the '60's there was more speaking and acting out that led to 5000 people being shot. Can a Government do that? Yes,
actually a Government can do that -- except that the agenda was changed so that more people would not end up being shot. Now to the future -- new
weapons have been made -- the tazar -- and all of that. Is that misused? Yes, it is -- because people get tired of putting up with the Acting Out
which is not a First Amendment Right. It is not, it has never been, and this world is bad enough -- why add to all of that? First you have other
people who state that they will handle it -- when what exactly are they handlin'? Perhaps they want to handle the way that you think and control you
even more -- because they assume that they perhaps think (at least to me since I been through all of this before) that they have more Rights to do
that. Actually though, they do not, and although they are protected being running as political candidates or while they are in Office -- they seem to
all be stubborn - as much as some other people are stubborn about believing John Titor or Not.
So, you can not believe John Titor but read the rest also. Because first, time travel has not been invented, so there is no belief system to hold on
to. This requires some rational thought between all people -- because some people think that people ought to work more better among one another --
instead of always complaining to the Federal Government. The other political party -- usually seem to deny more what the rest of the world is doing --
and always prefer to handle everything -- so which one is actually removing Freedoms then? The people are who always decide to prefer that the
Government handle everything from the Federal Level. Excuse me, but there is a State Level and a Local Level to Government also, and these people do
not seem to know what to do. The difference is what happened with Katrina and what happened next in Texas ( just as an example.)
Now here is the hard part. If the original posters would not have discussed it afterwards, most of you people would not even know about it.
Now think hard -- if you did not know even what Titor was about -- what he stated - or anything else -- and his threads were long forgotten and never
posted on the Internet or anything else -- which by the way - some Government workers also were reading it at the time it was posted -- how would you
feel about what is going on now with this Country and this World?
Think if it would be different not knowing Titor at all -- even remotely -- as he never would have been read.
Now -- since you have read some of it and still there is science going on -- what makes you think that everyone has read it? Many people now know
about Titor -- would that make the rest of the World different -- probably not -- well, really not really -- and now how can anyone prove something
that has not happened yet. Only being a psychic can that be achieved - and as far as I know - there are some people who claim many things -- but
really --- all of may just be stories -- as much as - thinking processes go for any human.
There is so much more -- that none of some of these other people are actually making any sense at all. First, humans do not actually know precisely
what year it really is. If you look it up, King Herod may have died anytime between -4 and -6 BC. This is in records but the interpretation is what is
going on in the present about what has happened in a Past that also can not be proved. Just intelligent thought going on there and an schoraly thought
Now take a view of the world, and how people manipulate others in this World, and how some of you people even take a dim view of that emotionally.
Well, all of it will not create -- Time Travel -- and all of us -- are Time Travellers also living our lives on this Planet.
Maybe some people's stubborn attitude may change, but so far, I actually so no evidence of that happening with some other people. I also do not or do
believe Titor. I simply can not, all I can do is say that there seems to be parallels and that since Titor mentioned some of those first -- that I can
spend all the time that I may allow myself to -- to see if he still is making some sense at all. So far -- he just does not seem to dissappear
completely and whether he is good at seeing trends coming up and did a lot of homework first on the world situation first of all before he posted -- I
can not say either way. I can only say that there seems to be some things he wrote that just do not seem to go away as this world is nowadays.
That is all that I can state:
You would have never read the threads if it never had been posted and discussed after the original threads and forums went down because even at Time
Travel Institute to find his thread it is buried.