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Hillary Clintons 'Machine' Invades the internet! Backers are China Financiers!

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posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 09:12 PM
Internet wing of the Hillary political machine found!

I found a video clip that exposes part of the Hillary campaign that tries to make us think it is just a progressive web site. Going through its backers and some speeches from its CEO you can see it is actually a political campaigning site disguised as just an information source. This is how they are moving in to controlling the Internet like TV.

Video information on the topic

[edit on 9-11-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 12:22 AM
There are actual speeches from Political/Internet insiders that speak of "How to do politics on the Internet" and the "disruption of the new media just like TV was"

I think it is informative, plus it shows that all this China pro con conversation in the news is ridiculous, top think tank members are on the Chinese stock commission, and board of directors of the biggest Chinese banks.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 01:41 AM
If nobody has a comment on the content, could I get a comment on why people didn't view it, how far they got before they gave up, there general perceptions.

Is it wrong, plausable, obvious or already known and no big deal?

Any comments?

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 03:05 AM
Don't feel bad if you don't get a reply here sometimes, I've blown the lid off some things here before, I even connected major league baseball to CIA torture and have yet to get a reply one on that thread.
If no one else does, I'll say it... Nice Find!

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 03:11 AM
I am not surprised that actions are being taken to control the internet. Murdoch owns myspace, CIAs got google and facebook. But this isn't just controlling a medium, it's the hijacking of our elections. Good find.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by wingman77

I was amazed how many of the brokings institute people have Murdoch, Kissinger, and China connections.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 03:39 PM
Good music in the clips too

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 05:10 PM
I watched all three of these - the 3rd one was a tad boring while it listed the names and resume's of the part of her machine that could very well be the leaders of the NWO.
It was good to see someone expose CNN (the Clinton News Network) for the psychological brainwashing machine that it is also.
I saved the links to pass on to my non-ATS friends. Thanks

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by JustTheFacts

Yes the third is boring, I agree, but it is just info, I tried to add good songs to make up for it
I thought it important to show how connected the people are.

Check this thread out to see how TV has conditioned us to need fast cuts and lots of action, after seeing clip in thread I noticed I do the same thing, when out at bar or something, I always drift to the TV, even if they say little, because it is more exciting when things keep moving.

Thanks for spreading it around, I was surprised how far the Clinton connections go. Murdoch, China, and others.

[edit on 10-11-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 06:44 PM
You think the Clit-ton Communist chinese connection is new?
Just to remind everyone of some simple historical facts

Newly declassified documents show that President Bill Clinton personally approved the transfer to China of advanced space technology that can be used for nuclear combat

The legacy that President Clinton left for the 21st century is a modern Chinese army equipped for global nuclear war.

The findings closely match a report yesterday by the Los Angeles Times that found a huge number of Chinatown donations from donors listing bogus addresses or in amounts unlikely, given the donor's occupation.
The Times examined 150 donors, one-third of whose addresses could not be found. As with the Post search, most of the donors are not registered to vote.
In April, for instance, the Clinton campaign raised $380,000 from a single fund-raiser in Chinatown, the Times said. By comparison, Sen. John Kerry raised $24,000 in Chinatown during his entire campaign.
The Clinton campaign dismissed the L.A. Times story as derogatory to Chinese-Americans.

I don't log into utube or the others. They require you to lower your security settings so they may track you more easily in your travels thru the web.
Nice topic Redge777. Well worth the effort.
I find many readers here are tuned, or preconditioned for the BIG HEADLINERS that the MSM has programmed them to pay attention to. Do not take it personnally. Those are exactly the kind of nimrods you do not want to attract to a subject this serious.
Thanks for the heads up.
Team hillbill?
Be afraid. Be very afraid....

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Alexander the o.k.
Be afraid. Be very afraid....

Personally I don't believe anyone should be afraid, however they should be honest and disclose what they are really doing, when they don't people should expose it themselfs.

There are two paths a person can take, lie and hide, and then to maintain the deception they have to make the population dumber, and distract them. Ritalin and lead toys to dumb down the kids, and empty news on TV. Or a person can be honest, this forces them to do the tough work of educating a population, teaching critical thinking, and methods used on them to deceive.

We can actually see that secrecy leads not only to those that hold the secrets becoming corrupt, it also leads to many ills used against the population to maintain their dumbness.

If we live in truth, we must also share knowledge and teach. Light and truth I say, that and love.

Your comments on China are quite accurate, but this video also shows the hidden front organization of Hillary Clinton she is currently using on YouTube and how they call themselves just progressives, when they actually are Hillary Campaigners and Backed by Corporate power.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Redge777

Originally posted by Alexander the o.k.
Be afraid. Be very afraid....

Personally I don't believe anyone should be afraid, however they should be honest and disclose what they are really doing, when they don't people should expose it themselfs.

Your comments on China are quite accurate, but this video also shows the hidden front organization of Hillary Clinton she is currently using on YouTube and how they call themselves just progressives, when they actually are Hillary Campaigners and Backed by Corporate power.

Thanks again for the topic. However, I find your reply a bit, shall we say, naive. When you say "....however they should be honest and disclose "....
You are implying what hitlary and Co. should do. When has she ever done what she SHOULD do, I.E. what is right, true and proper?
By extension, you also imply the MSM. They are more than willing to 'overlook' the treason, hypocrisy, and dishonestness of the Clit-ton campaigns (all of them--bill and hill). If they are willing to bury massive contributions by the Communist chinese party on page XX, if they report it at all, and your asking them to do what is right by way of honest disclosure altho laudable, is also naive. The truth regarding the Clit-tons has been covered up many times in the past, and continues to be by the MSM in the hopes that the younger generation will not remember what has been under reported or excluded from the news. ( NOT ON THE EVENING NEWS, OR HEADLINED).
When I say "Be afraid. Be very afraid...." this is what I am refering to. The MSM WILL NOT REPORT THE FACTS ON HITLARY. PERIOD. This is why we should be afraid. The MSM counts on a DUMBED DOWN populace with a short attention span that can not for the life of them, remember how slick willy sold our top missle and nuclear secrets for 'campaign contributions' to the Communist chinese. Do you expect the MSM to be honest now regarding hitlary's fraudulant campaign? What experience does she have to be Pres? 2 terms as a jr senator? please.
It's a contrived election. Just look at Michigan where all candidates pulled out leaving hitlary unopposed. She won by default. There is nothing ever honest when it comes to the Clit-tons.
Even their 'marriage'.
Google Chinagate and convicted DNC fundraiser JOHN HUANG. As I said.... Be afraid. Be very afraid....
Nuff said.

[edit on 10-11-2007 by Alexander the o.k.]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 09:52 PM
I guess I agree, but I also think that if people did not hide in secrecy we would all be in a better place, I do not think they will just out all there secrets, which is why we need both the media and common people to not accept the lies and expose them.

I think we should all call BS on a system when we see it as rigged, then the system will be forced to change.

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by Redge777
I guess I agree, but I also think that if people did not hide in secrecy we would all be in a better place, I do not think they will just out all there secrets, which is why we need both the media and common people to not accept the lies and expose them.

I think we should all call BS on a system when we see it as rigged, then the system will be forced to change.

I fully agree with your sentiments. However, I also recognise the idiocy of the MSM and the Amerikan populace.
I wish more of us would take the time to investigate what we are spoon fed by TPTB.
If we did, Hitlary would not even be in the race, a senator, or on our radar.
Now the Hitlary machine and the communist Chinese are threatening us with the presidency. Follow the money.... She is a bold one, she is.
God save the republic, for it is doomed...

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 07:44 AM
I agree if everyone spent one hour a week on a topic they considered important, lots of good info would come out.


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