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Will See Greer Saturday, 11/10: ATS Comments - messages?

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posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 04:25 PM
I'll be attending a local MUFON event on Saturday at which Greer will be presenting.

Hopefully, it won't be just an "Aero" appeal for funding like we saw in San Jose.

In any case, since this will be a relatively small gathering, I was hoping I would be able to squeeze in a question or two. Since I don't expect to be given much more than one or two shots at this, I want to choose my words carefully.

I'm asking for suggestions. I've been following the Disclosure Project rise and fall and Greer's gradual transgression's of late, but I prefer to not be confrontational or disrespectful whatsoever - so please don't suggest something that would not be of high caliber and worthy of the opportunity presented.

I just want to make the best use of this time, and am struggling a bit with choosing the most beneficial way to phrase the right question(s) appropriately.

In any case - I'll report back here a synopsis of the event on Saturday as well as any response I may get from Greer.


p.s. I'm also going to try and squeeze in a plug for my buddies here at ATS - hey, inviting a few more members to join us on board here can't hurt, eh?

[edit on 11/7/2007 by Outrageo]

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 04:41 PM
I've no doubt if you get the "presentation" we got at X-Conference, you'll leave there dragging your jaw at how *anyone* could/would consider listening to Greer. It's actually frightening that there are people who do.

Buckle in for hilarity:
-an unnamed EU country who is working with him on Disclosure, unseen (by anyone other then him).

-photos alien babies (he'll say how adorable it was with a gleam in his eye).

-and how experiencers are all duped and in reality are being abducted by govt. "alien robots" (but he's been visited by the kindly real ETs...and he can help you meet them too - for just your wallets contents).

-other items that will wholly insult your intelligence.


posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 04:47 PM
I'd ask him when and if he plans to show videos or artifacts related either to the disclosures or to his personal encounter with aliens, so that he can 'prove' to the world once and for all that it's all true. The world craves hard evidence.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 04:55 PM
In keeping with what you want to do, I wonder if you could formulate a question about the '400 witnesses.' It could be something like this:

The Disclosure Project has provided video on a couple of dozen witnesses from the 2001 press conference. However, this represents only a small part of the witnesses. What has been done to record the testimony of the other 375 or so witnesses, most of which have come forward or been made known to you since the press conference? Obviously they can't all be high production value DVDs, but their testimony must be recorded and cataloged in some format somewhere, even if it is just a tape recording. Isn't part of Disclosure making these transcripts available and public? Do you need help transcribing? When can we expect the Disclosure Project to disclose what it has available?

Although I might not say it in so many words, we know more about government disclosure than we know about Disclosure Project disclosure.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:10 PM
Mount Blanca nerve gas attack? Scientist in hiding? The device which "fits in one's palm" that Greer claims to have had hooked up in his "simple country doctor" kitchen? Please note how many times he says, "take it to the bank"...


[edit on 7-11-2007 by V Kaminski]

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:19 PM
As we all know, our memory isn't reliable, so take a small recording device that can be kept in your pocket with the mike nestled unseen somewhere. NOT that I think anyone would /should object to it, but by keeping it out of sight, people are naturally more likely to speak freely. And when you report, you won't have to rely on just your memory of what was said.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:28 PM
He claims he can meditate and summon UFOs, no? Ask him why there aren't videos of him doing this all over You Tube/the internet. After he did this (put the videos online) he could do a TV show on a major network and do this, voila! Disclosure.

[edit on 7-11-2007 by Raoul Duke]

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 06:24 PM
Hi Outrageo...

We would prefer to NOT be associated with or even mentioned in any "formal" sort of way with the "good doctor".

While I know your heart is in the right place (meeting you in San Jose was a genuine pleasure), I really don't know what to make of the Doc at this point amd with all we have on the horizon I'd rather avoid the drama.

U2U or email me if you have any questions my man.


posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 07:16 PM
Outrageo, you might tell Greer that it's time to release all the witness statements he claims he has in his possession without benefit of compensation. This would certainly prove to me that he's not BS'ing us, and it would prove he's not in it for the money.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Outrageo
but I prefer to not be confrontational or disrespectful whatsoever - so please don't suggest something that would not be of high caliber and worthy of the opportunity presented.

Outrageo, please do not think that I am attacking you personally, ok. I'm not.

I would be asking Leader Greer the confrontational questions. I would be showing disresepct to his ideology and his Cult's dogma.

Think of it this way - he has shown complete and utter disrespect for our collective intelligence with the claims that he has made.

Why not make ask him the 'difficult' questions and see him try to dodge the issues and run for cover?

I'd like to know who authorised Mothra and why a moth was misrepresented as an ET alien on his own website? Similarly, why dust particles over his tshirt (in a picture) were reported to be 'orbs'.

People like Leader Greer need to be pinned to the wall, so what better place to do it, other than at one of his fund-raising promotional drives? People like Leader Greer need to be held accountable. Ask him every tough, embarrassing, difficult question that you can think of. Make him squirm.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 10:07 PM
Schuyler's question about the witnesses is excellent of course.

Also, as Raoul Duke said, I think the biggest question everyone wants answered is, where's all the photographs and footage from all the CSETI expeditions over the years? Why doesn't he have footage on Google or Youtube, like Gilliland does?

I know that they do have footage, as you can find at least three different references to the "Gulf Breeze" tape on the web, and the CSETI Coordinator also freely admits that they have it.

If these two questions could FINALLY get answered by Greer himself, it would go a long way I'm sure....

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by V Kaminski
Scientist in hiding? The device which "fits in one's palm" that Greer claims to have had hooked up in his "simple country doctor" kitchen?

Ever seen the Steven Mark torroidal power unit videos?

They look and work exactly like Greer described. (if the footage is to be believed of course).

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw
Ask him every tough, embarrassing, difficult question that you can think of. Make him squirm.

I would doubt seriously if he'll even get called on for a question. At the X-Conference there was many people saying that he calls only (or nearly only) on his cultists-members, in the audience. Maybe with a local meeting it'll be different.

I'm tellin' ya, if it's the same there, you're in for a real treat.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 10:16 PM
Staying on topic, please ask what progress seas power has made, and how close he is to demonstrating a working 'over unity device'.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Alexander the o.k.

SEAS power has inexplicably changed into the Advanced Energy Research Organization (AERO) (switched from non-profit to LLC maybe?

You can find the latest information at:

The Potomac Energy Project
The First Advanced Energy Technology Colloquium

[edit on 7-11-2007 by MrdDstrbr]

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 02:29 AM
Some early footage of CSETI:

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 12:31 PM
I'd ask if in his opinion "he thought the disclosure project was right on track with his original schedule/timeframe and if he could change one thing in how its been presented, what would that one thing be, and is there a 2nd media disclosure planned?". I think that/those question(s) would probably open up a number of lengthy possibilities and answers.

In regards to mentioning ATS, I agree with Springer, I think that if were not mentioned at all, it will allow for no prejudice on his (or anyone else's) part to influence the outcome or stance in your attendance and/or questioning of him (or others). I would equate it the same way as if you went into someones home and proceeded to telling them that you like the furniture/kids/(whatever) at their neighbors house over their own. Many people for the most part don't like hearing about a person/place/thing that is probably 'better' than what they know/believe...

Yes I know, a rather simple example, but hopefully you get the idea...
Neutrality and anonymity in one's quest always works best when trying to secure information.

Just my 2 cents...

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 02:35 PM
Thanks for your suggestions and comments, everyone!

by jritzman
Buckle in for hilarity

I would doubt seriously if he'll even get called on for a question. …maybe with a local meeting it'll be different.

J: Yes, I’ve been following Greer’s “progress” and manifestations for quite some time, now. Like the majority here at ATS, I’ve grown weary and disappointed in the slow but steady slide away from “Disclosure” – on which we had all pinned such high hopes – to - well, something else, lots of things, actually; just not the disclosure we thought we were going to get.

Yes, I was in the audience when Greer spoke in San Jose earlier this year. Although this Saturday’s venue is going to be smaller and more “intimate”, I am looking for a private chat of a few minutes, if possible. I was able to corner Greer in San Jose for this and hope to do so again this weekend.

7Thunders: I doubt he plans to show any video or artifacts related to disclosure/his personal encounters with aliens as “proof”; One, because he has refused many requests to do so, and Two, because I don’t think he has any to show. See my comments and those of many others on this specific issue sprinkled throughout ATS.

Alexander: noted – thanks; I’ll ask him if he doesn’t bring it up during his talk although I’m presuming his agenda will include seas/AERO in no small measure.

by Schuyler
What has been done to record…? Isn't part of Disclosure making these transcripts available and public? When can we expect the Disclosure Project to disclose what it has available?

As usual, top notch questions, to be sure. This is what I was looking for – thanks for helping phrase what I wanted to ask – though I’m assuming the “…need help transcribing?” part was meant more tongue-in-cheek than a question expecting an affirmative answer. BTW, Oh yeah - if he has the stuff (the real McCoy) – I would love to get my hands on a few boxes of it to “help transcribe” it for him. Wouldn't that be a great way to spend a vacation? The rest of your post is something I will compartmentalize into a single question to ask whether I’m lucky enough to be called upon in the meeting, or “in the corridor”, if I can maneuver myself into ‘his sphere’… Thanks – good stuff!

Vic: As always, your colorful dialogue leaves me smiling, but a tiny bit puzzled. But thanks, again as always, for contributing – I’ll listen for the “take it to the bank” frequency. My gue$$ is: Mucho.

NGC: I have a problem, ethically, with concealing a recording device to surreptitiously capture a conversation. Perhaps in the meeting room (though I lean against doing so there as well), but I just wouldn’t feel comfortable hiding a recorder in my clothes. For one thing I’m a terrible liar and would probably give myself away. Secondly, I would be overly conscious of it and it will restrict my own free thinking and speech. And finally, if the damn thing beeped or fell out of my pocket or something I would be petrified and feel quite ashamed. Somehow this goes against my desire for mutual trust and openness. It’s like finding out after you had a heart-to-heart with someone on the phone and then discovered that they recorded the conversation and shared it with others. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth…

Raoul: Thanks, but like I said earlier, I rather think such videos are neither Greer's M.O. nor his forte, if any such videos have been, or ever will become, available. He may "sell" what he has in condensed form if and when the chips are down sometime in the future.

by Springer
We would prefer to NOT be associated with or even mentioned in any "formal" sort of way with the "good doctor".

Springer & JohnnyA: No worries. Perhaps you misunderstood. I had no intention of mentioning ATS in any formal sense whatsoever – perhaps “plug” was a poor choice of words. What I meant was that in milling about the meeting, in casual conversations, in the ‘lounge’, etc., a conversation with someone new may go like this:
NewGuy: "Wow – that was interesting! I wonder what to make of all the recent UFO/Alien stuff…"
Me: "Yeah – fascinating stuff indeed! The truth is hard to find, though, isn’t it? Have you heard of You should check ‘em out… "

You know -like that. I have similar chats with people I meet all the time - and I mean all the time – so I hope there is no problem with that. If so – just say the word, and I’ll zip it

by Landis
…you might tell Greer that it's time to release all the witness statements he claims he has in his possession without benefit of compensation. This would certainly prove to me that he's not BS'ing us, and it would prove he's not in it for the money.

Landis! Landis!: [Sorry – for a second I just flashed back to the November 5th ATS [Chat] Festival.]. Yes, you are quite correct, of course. Although not really a question, your comment has the same flavor (neopolitan) as Schuyler and others. “Benefit of Compensation” seems to be a recurring motive, so if you’re going to tie proof or not of “BS’ing” to this as a qualifier – then I think you have your answer already.

by Tezzajw
Why not make ask him the 'difficult' questions and see him try to dodge the issues and run for cover? People like Leader Greer need to be pinned to the wall… Ask him every tough, embarrassing, difficult question that you can think of. Make him squirm.

Hey Tezz: Thanks for your comments. As you know, we have shared similar sentiments in the many Greerite threads on ATS, so I hear where you’re coming from and certainly respect the conviction of your feelings on this subject. Nevertheless, in my own view, being confrontational and interrogative would yield less and close doors rather than elicit anything meaningful or useful at this event. Please understand, I agree that the time has long past for Greer to ‘fess up’ and produce the goods – he does indeed need to be put ‘on the hot seat’ and under some very bright lights. Only, I’m not the one to do it. For one thing it’s just not my nature. For another, I think in this instance, to serve my purposes, to take such a position would be highly counterproductive. Making someone squirm is just not my style. I do, however, hope YOU get a chance to meet with Greer so that YOU can pose such comments and questions to him in this manner. If such an opportunity were to arise – please let me know, I would pay good money to get a front row seat!

Thanks once again to all posters!

We’ll see how it goes…

[edit on 11/8/2007 by Outrageo]

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 02:51 PM

in the context you illustrate above, bt ALL MEANS, keep doing that!


posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 03:15 PM
What is the Ultimate answer to the Ultimate question.

Of course this will be based on interpretation, but it might give you a glimpse into his sub-conscious.

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