posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 09:04 AM
I was reading an article on MSN on “How Global Warming Can Cost You”. Now, whether or not global warming is real or not…it’s making prices of
certain things (maybe everything) rise faster and faster.
As a home builder, I’m being affected by the new energy codes that they are coming up with left and right…some are complete B.S. Bottom line,
it’s making my cost rise, which in turn I have to pass that along to the home owner. More money. More cost. I’m using this as one small example of
how global warming is costing you. I can imagine the immense number of other ways this environmental controversy is going to cost the people of this
My question is if it’s costing us…who is profiting the most? (I know there’s not one simple answer) But, please give your opinion…Thank you.