posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 09:03 PM
After reading this board for several months, it seems few know the good things that HAARP can do. I am not for this technology, but it does have
useful purpose. For instance, I believe its in the third or forth vid he speaks of HAARP being able to create new ozone. Though, the military will not
explore these peaceful aspects. He does also speak of how it could be used for mass population total mind control, or influence.
This is a classic example of how technology can save, or end us. With all of humanities flaws, its no surprise things like this have come about. I
remember hearing in the 70's "We have been around a fraction of the dinosaurs time, but already have the power to destroy ourselves." I remember
thinking "Well thats fine we won't destroy ourselves", but I was wrong, I realize now without some sort of control, we very much have the ability
to destroy civilization within a day. The uni-bomber tried to warn us of technology like this, in his manifesto, but where do people like him end up?
In jail, silenced.