posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 01:01 PM
Last evening was indeed something special. Things might not have gone off as smoothly as it appeard on paper timewise, however ATS IS starting a
revolution. ATS is spearheading a new movement in the way we can all communicate. Make no mistake about that. The AMIGOS have done so much. You have
no idea how much behind the scenes work has been done, and is continuing to be done on a daily basis.
Was it a party? YOU BET it was. I had so much fun, and showed it on camera for everyone in my ATS family to see. Was a party deserved? I for one say
yes. What has been accomplished in such a short amount of time is astonishing. Look at the list of celebrities who attended. Think they didn't have
other things they could be doing? I'm sure they could. BUT. They came to join and promote our family. Why? Because we are the REAL DEAL.
Take a look at the banners. Do you see the names of the companies? That's not an illusion, nor is it an accident. These companies, whom most everyone
recognizes the names of are associating themselves with us. Yes I say US. It's you who make this site very attractive to these companies.
Every one of you should take a moment and pat yourselves on the back. You had the opportunity to watch a party. That party was in celebration of
I am proud to be a part of this family we fondly call ATS.
Perhaps the message at the party was convoluted, or lost something in the translation. But make no mistake about it. A revolution has been started,
and you all are the reason it could come to fruition.
Nice job everyone. THANK YOU.