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If the NWO is in control why vote?

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posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 11:01 AM
This is a rhetorical question of course. I am going to vote. However, I really want to vote for Ron Paul, but wouldn't I just be wasting a vote. In other words, it seems American voting strategy is to pick from the two frontrunners and choose the lesser of the two evils. Why can't we just all blindly vote for who we would like in office and hope others do the same? There must be a better method.
If the NWO is truly in control. And. this is something I find highly suspect. In other words I am not sold on the subject. Why would anyone vote? Wouldn't we just be going through the motions, spending valuable time we could be spending checking out the latest greatest at our local firearms store?

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 11:05 AM
I strongly urge everyone to vote absentee ballot. Creates a paper trail that cannot be hacked such as the electronic voting devices, that of course I cannot remember at moment. CRS.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by jpm1602

Really? I was unaware of even having that option. Good point! I will definitely do that this year. Thanks for the info! I can always count on learning something new here on ATS. That is what is so great about this site. Thanksss.

[edit on 6-11-2007 by theutahbigfoothunter]

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 11:13 AM
Aw shucks, I have my moments, in between 50 mile rides of mindless oblivion LOL. 'It's two lines Mods, two lines' please don't hurt me LOL.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 03:49 PM
Yes because voting absentee will make a huge impact on the coarse of our nation.

Why not get rid of the defeatist attitude cultured on these forums and actually LEARN about a candidate from sources other then those you get from one crackpot message board on the internet.

There are lots of people unhappy with our current government, even those in mainstream media, i feel your pain on the voting situation, but this site is not the answer. The answer is hard work, and no hard work does not mean goggling for the latest loose change smearumentary.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 03:52 PM
First off, I do not even believe the NWO is in control. I do not believe that they exist. Secondly, I know vote fraud is a reality, but it can only go so far. All the hacking in the world can't turn a landslide defeat into a credible victory, after all.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 03:57 PM
Ron Paul is Free Humanity's last and only hope!!!!!

Of course you should VOTE AND VOTE RON PAUL

Imagine a heard of cattle that suddenly realized they were all being fattened up for slaughter, and took it upon themselves to jump the fence

Seriously we gotta give ourselves more credit we are human beings after all, or are we all just sheep!!

either way were gonna get what we deserve !!!!!

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 03:58 PM
Ohhh I think they ARE in control.

I do NOT believe for a second that Georgie Porgie W Bush was EVER voted into office.

I think the continuation with the 'voting system' is to just give the blind masses the illusion that we have some choice in the matter. To keep them blind.

Even before The Bush's learned how to steal the Presidential office however our votes did not count for much anyway as the ELECTORAL COLLAGE is/was the true seat of choice & power.

I just pray we can get ourselves OUT of this horrid deadlock of Bush/Clinton/Bush/ they feed off each other and back each other up at every dam turn.
Keep in mind Hillary voted YES to this ridiculous 'War on Terror' that is so fake..............

[edit on 12-11-2007 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 04:05 PM
I urge everyone to NOT vote.

What a message that would send if everybody decided to stay home on voting day.

Voting is a scam to make you feel like you have control. When you vote you give up your own power, you are voting for a master and thus lose your liberty.

When you vote you are justifying an institution that enslaves you, steels your money, exploits you, lies to you, kills you. Whoever you vote for 'they' win.

Do not give up your freedom, don't vote!

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 07:14 PM
To me voting makes no difference. If you want to vote DO IT. Please and I would support you voting Ron Paul! He'd only be assasinated or die in mysterious circumstances and then there's the little chance he won't win at all and then there's the actual reality that voting fraud is a reality and tends to favour whoever is currently in charge.

Your not the only country in the world with the problem don't feel so bad. It's a global burden to us - the worker ants.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 01:21 AM
I'm voting for Mr. Paul, Hes the only candidate thats upholds his oath, Hes the only candidate that can initiate change, If we the people can get him into office, it wont change everything but it will be a start... Give a man like that a real platform and he can inspire and spread the message to those who are still blind to the reality of freedom and liberty...

With that said, I believe those who run the show already have their picks, they want a Hilary Giuliani race and they are going to get it... Divide and conquer, they can control either of the two.. and do.

So basically Paul must have such overwellming support that there no way to fix the election, or one of those two will take the office..

I believe Paul does have the support and will get it one people start to wake up..
The question is, will they vote..

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
I urge everyone to NOT vote.

What a message that would send if everybody decided to stay home on voting day.

Voting is a scam to make you feel like you have control. When you vote you give up your own power, you are voting for a master and thus lose your liberty.

When you vote you are justifying an institution that enslaves you, steels your money, exploits you, lies to you, kills you. Whoever you vote for 'they' win.

Do not give up your freedom, don't vote!

It's certainly your right to not vote, but in choosing that course of action you give up your right to complain about the state of affairs. The problem we have is that not enough people vote, not the other way around. We don't need a third party. We need term limits.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 03:26 PM
They clearly want you to vote so you think YOU are in control. There's a huge chance both candidates work for the NWO so either way the NWO wins.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by BlueRaja
It's certainly your right to not vote, but in choosing that course of action you give up your right to complain about the state of affairs. The problem we have is that not enough people vote, not the other way around. We don't need a third party. We need term limits.

IMO it doesn't. Read what I said.

Voting is a scam regardless of how many people participate. I'm not against democracy it's our right to vote, but that vote is controlled by those in power and really means squat. To continue to practice what has become nothing but a scam to make you think you have control is stupid. You are just playing into their hands and legitimizing corrupt government. You are giving up your power to control your own life and putting it in the hands of legal criminals.

We don't need term limits we need a complete change. The power needs to be put back in the hands of the people and taken away from corporation controlled government.

If anybody in government was really going to change anything they would not be allowed in power, no matter the votes. Look around you, has anything much really changed for the better all these yrs we've had government and their 'vote'? We still send kids to war, we still have corruption to the highest levels, we still have corporations dictating policy.

The system is a mess and you keep relying on the 'vote' hoping things will get better, well we're still waiting and getting very impatient.

"If Voting Changed Anything, They'd Make It Illegal" Emma Goldman

[edit on 13/11/2007 by ANOK]

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 09:17 AM
I must disagree about not needing term limits. The problem with government as it now exists is that you have career politicians. The Founding Fathers never intended or envisioned that eventuality. If a politician knows that they have a finite time in office, then they can focus on doing what they were elected to do, rather than worrying about getting reelected(i.e. pandering to interests, pork barrel spending, etc..). That would do far more to keep them honest, and voting their conscience. I don't believe that everyone in government is some NWO agent, and it doesn't matter who you vote for. With limited terms, it would matter a lot who you voted for.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 09:25 AM
Reply to poster who called for a "stand down" on vote day.

OMG! Are you insane!?!?!

That is really THE most f'd-up thing I have ever heard. You are telling us to just sit back and accept what has been planned for us?

you think that "not voting" will send a message to the global elite!?!? HAHAHAH *clears throat* HAHAHAHAHAHA


What the hell is wrong with you? I believe you should leave this site immediately if you think that we have no choice. DENY IGNORANCE!

The choice we have is Ron Paul. The guy is the "champion of the constitution" for pete's sake. Read up on his platform. He really can be the savior of our republic.

Now that you know his name, go read... go youtube, go wikipedia!

and my apologies for the flame, but if you continue to spew mindless dribble, then I will react adversely.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 03:45 PM
the optimal voting system is instant runoff voting. in such, all ppl vote for whom ever, than the top 2 vote earners face of in a second vote and all the other people that voted differently get a chance to vote the lessor of two evils. This is the fairest way to ensure 3rd parties have a chance.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 03:59 PM
I have been thinking about the vote and how no matter who runs, they all are aiming for the same goal of a perfect race and one rule.


posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by 12SeVeN34
Reply to poster who called for a "stand down" on vote day...

...OMG! Are you insane!?!?!

Nice rant but sry but you are misinformed and a little naive. The system is corrupt, an illusion, your vote means nothing, and yes I'm insane...

You put your faith in the vote, which give you the illusion you have control and have to do nothing else. If you know it's a scam then that's a cop out, if you don't realize this then get informed. We have to realize we have power beyond just the ballot, and if we want real change then we need to act on it, before it's too late. They want you to put all your faith in the vote, and to feel powerless beyond that. They have you trapped in a system they control, and your interests mean nothing to them.

If Ron Paul gets voted in and actually makes a change I will leave this forum for you OK? If he is really on the up and up, personally I trust NO one with that kind of power, then he will not be allowed to be president.

How many times in the past has some new potential president been seen as the great savior? How many have actually changed anything?... None.

Govern your own self, don't vote for someone else to do it for you. Voting is a scam and promotes a false sense of freedom.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 12:20 PM
I have to disagree. Ron Paul's vote count will show the political cabal that the American people are moving closer to the truth. Ron Paul is not like any other candidate I have ever seen. He really says what is wrong and wants to fix it. JFK was the last person to be open about views of this kind.

I do suspect that Hillary has already been chosen by the cabal, but why not show them that the dissatisfaction is growing? Sitting by without voting because we "have no choice" is a ridiculous cop-out. How bout some peaceful civilian disobedience then? SOMETHING?!

Or we can just grab some popcorn, sit, and watch our government control like a reality show that doesn't end.....?

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