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The Magnitude of a Single Idea

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posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 10:12 AM
The Magnitude of a Single Idea

Part 1. of 2.

Of what magnitude, can the actions, and more importantly, ideas, that a single individual possesses and embraces,
have on the fabric of the world which we are all a part of? Is there a set limit as to the depth and weight a single
action can create? And what of the influences said action may have on those whose eyes are open; open to the
substance of change and endless perseverance towards the accomplishment of advancement and stabilization for a unified whole?

Why must individuals be imprisoned in a systematic construct of their very will and ambition due to the physicality
that exists about ones self?

Are inherent limitations dictated by society set as a "concreteness"? Are these very limitations which are based solely by length of existence, financial prosperity, and the possession of materialistic documents an unsurpassable
barrier - restricting actions and the pursuit of ideas and ideologies; and set to bound resilient persons determined to enact paradigm changes upon the world? Can a sole individual with the strength of a single idea, break free of this prison, and be released to openly accomplish time restrictive goals which are to be nullified shortly by the onset of development and achievement of those whom are at a higher tier of accommodation?

I, myself, refuse this world inevitability and beckon to create another.

Futurists such as Ray Kurzweil predict the onset of a "Technological Singularity" brought forth through exponential acceleration of computer technologies; a trend of growth which is known as Moore's Law; and fueled by advanced
developments and integration of pillar technologies - artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and robotics; three fields
whose impacts can potentially bring forth changes in society, government, and individuality never before envisioned
or experienced in our species existence.

Unfortunately, the growth pattern of development of these fields is dictated by society's limitations, as are all other forms of research and development organizations currently in existence. These platforms, though potential for unimaginable prosperity and growth exists, are as well, limited by the stability and continued allowance of
governmental and sociological approval and cultivation.

Even in the most idealistic environment in today's world, development of an idea still critically relies on the
overseeing of an ever changing and contradicting government and the sustenance of the all mighty dollar.

Due to capitalism's implications and essence, a powerful idea; no matter how great its potential may be; is curved
and swayed by a specified dictation of physical resources, employment, finances, and the ever watching "Big Brother" governmental approval. Any violation or overstep of of these foundations directly results in the termination of the idea's essence itself, and the pursuit dissolves into nothingness.

Why must this be so?

With such a highly developed nation such as the United States of America, critical fundamental blunders are still
ever present in a world where the power of raw technology's application should not make it so. And those without
acknowledgement of poverty, starvation, disease, and war as being every present in every organized structure of
society to this date are blind to their own doing.

It is not divinely driven that these downfalls of humanity be ever occurring throughout the length of these humans'
reign, but of merely our own greed and ego, that we allow for this anguish and devastation to continue to occur on this planet we reside upon. We allow our own selves to take forever precedence over all others, and at the expense of the struggling extremities of society, the rotting crust if you would, each and every sleeps soundly at night in the
comfort atop their own pillar.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 10:16 AM
The Magnitude of a Single Idea

Part 2. of 2.

Technology at the stage it rests today, has the potential to dramatically reduce, if not eradicate in all entirety these
downfalls of humanity which has plagued this world for Milena. And yet, primarily due to the cost tag attributed to
such a project, most feel it shall never be so. It has been deemed, impossible.

I refuse to accept this as being an inevitability nor as an absolute.

There is always a solution if the will for such can be generated. All it takes is a single idea.

I hold deeply within the corridors of my mind literally thousands of ideas, innovations, concepts, inventions, and
thoughts involving the research, development and moral utilization of technology for the dramatic improvement,
sustainment, empowerment, and development, of all people, of all societies, of all backgrounds, of all beliefs, and of
all stages of enlightenment. However, due to the restrictions society has placed around me; dictating I hold a degree
within a specified field and possess a considerable amount of wealth as backing, any ideas of which I portray and
present, no matter of what complexity or of willingness towards its pursuit, shall my voice call to deaf ears and
embers stamped into darkened nothingness.

No matter what extent of knowledge I may or may not possess towards a particular subject, lacking of a formalized
education residing in a specified field of which does not yet exist prevents the pursuit of any idea I may hold and

The knowledge and skills for the accomplishment of many such ideas, exists well within the minds of those studying
specified fields and industries today, however, as an outsider, I am viewed as an illiterate and a fool; blindly pursuing
that which I am not publicly certified to even ponder. And when the day shall arise where I hold degrees in all fields
necessary to accomplish untouched worlds my ideas span within, others shall already have secured their footings
into newly created branches of technology and computation; my ideas being born prematurely to the papers
associated with it, and so, I shall constantly fall short of volumes of goals, due to the age of existence I find myself in
the world today.

With goals such as the individualized and unique solution involved in the automation of wheeled vehicles as shown
as a determined pursuit by being openly demonstrated by DARPA (the Defence Advanced Research Projects
Agency) this past weekend in their "DARPA Urban Challenge", it has become clear to me that without more
responsive and stronger behaviours towards the pursuit of my own ideas - the accomplishment of such feats as the
creation of an fully autonomous car, I may soon find my own ideas in neigh, and always being a step behind those
with the accommodation and support of society; a step I myself shall never find.

Time has created what I shall strive towards accomplishment, the very essence and embracement for possibilities,
and pursuit from within one's very mind.

I may try, and I may fail, but I shall still pursue for the entire length of I.

The power of a single idea has the potential to change everything, and I may or may not hold the ideas involved in
such a change.

Regardless, I continue forth.

Signed, future founder of a company of which does not yet exist,

Salem Ghoweri
[email protected]


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