posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 02:48 AM
The time has come for action. Given that we pass safely into the new year, a change must occur. Nearly all aspects of our Federal Government have
been corrupted into a slavery inducing false presence. We roam about aimlessly as mice in cages.
I offer you a purpose.
I offer you a plan.
They say in every cloud there is a silver lining. The disappointment of this 5th of November will heal surely. However, we need a REVOLUTION. Next
year, 11/5/08, make a commitment to stand at our Nation's Capitol and demand reform.
Uniquely, I'd like to suggest that those who will not commit not post to this thread. Likewise, those who will should only post once with a personal
letter of devotion. In this we will compile a number of those expected to attend.
Let this be my letter of devotion to you that I will prepare, save, and arrange to attend next year in full support of my fellow patriots and for the
goodwill of our planet.