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The REAL reason for the 'working surge'

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posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 12:37 AM
"You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round, round round!"

You know, this last week I was starting to bite my tounge in regards to the Iraqi-crime...

How on earth has 4 years of illegial war suddenly started to reduce?
Has the surge really worked after it was so assured it was a waste?

The number of explosively formed projectiles (EFPs) that have been detonated or found in Iraq has dropped by nearly half in recent months, from a peak of 99 in July to 53 last month, Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, the commander in charge of day-to-day military operations in Iraq, said yesterday in a videoconference with Pentagon reporters.

U.S. troop deaths began plummet. American deaths dropped from 84 in August, to 65 in September, to 38 in October—the lowest tally for a single month in over a year and a half.

We were told

But rather than recognize this for what it was, notable Republicans and other right-wingers immediately began to spin the story as if this was the result of the "surge":

McCain told students at Coastal Carolina University that the United States has had "astonishing success" in Iraq as a result of the military strategy now in place.

We are told the SURGE, has produced results.
And the numbers are meant to speak this truth.
What we WERNT Told, was that the main element of these attacks, had called a 6 month truce on the back on a serious incident UNRELATED to US military strategy,.

The Iraqi militia leader, Moqtada al-Sadr, called a six-month truce today after fighting with a rival Shia Muslim group in the holy city of Kerbala left more than 50 dead.
A spokesman for the Mahdi army claimed it would lay down its weapons for six months and, during this time, would attack neither rival Shia groups nor the US army.

At least 52 died and 279 were wounded yesterday in the fighting between the Mahdi army and the Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council. A curfew has been imposed on the city.

Hazim al-Araji, an aide to Mr Sadr, read out a statement to Reuters saying the militia would suspend its operations "to restructure it in a way that will preserve its principles". He said Mr Sadr had ordered all his movement's offices shut for three days of mourning.

George Bush and his merry followers have declared success,
The surge has worked, Iraq is becoming peaceful.
How about we hear the truth?

The biggest Iraqi political party has laid down its arms to restructure its core principles due to infighting, UNRELATED To US strategy.
What are those core principles?
It wouldnt be the liberation of Iraq would it ?

The surge isnt working.
And im quite happy to let all the happy little campers preach GW's tune.. because soliders will again start dying... bombs will again starting booming... and the harsh reality of Iraq will once again come knocking!

[edit on 6-11-2007 by Agit8dChop]

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 06:35 AM
Yes, I stumbled across this the other day myself. It went pretty much unreported and the article I found only had a vague reference to this 'cease fire', but it seems like that's the true cause of the reduced violence.

Whatever works, as far as I'm concerned. If the Mahdi Army is the cause of half the violence, bust them up now and don't let them re-group. If the administration just goes on believing it's own spin and the violence level jumps back up at the end of the cease fire, I'll have to believe they don't have any intention of stopping the violence at all.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 06:47 AM
Anybody that knows what is going on In Iraq behind the veiled propaganda coming from the happy trigger camp at the white house will tell you that things in Iraq are not better and they will not get any better.

The so call Surges that Bush has been pushing to make the American people believe that his horrible endeavor in Iraq is in control is nothing but a lie, has been a lie and will stay as a lie.

The bombings also came under scrutiny when so many air campaigns were killing Innocent civilians and the Iraqi people, the Iraqi government and UN groups where complaining about it.

You do not have to be a rocket scientist to read and make up you mind on the realities of the fiasco called Iraqi freedom.

But now people do not care anymore, Iraq lies in ruins and their people over 2 million have fled to neighboring nations, but hey who needs people when all you want is what is under the sands.

[edit on 6-11-2007 by marg6043]

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 07:09 AM
Yea the Mehdi/Mahdi Army has opted for peace.. I wonder why?
Possibly because they were getting their asses kicked every time they went up against US Marines or is it because they, like many other Iraqis are fed up with Al Queda in Iraq.
After realizing that they were only there to serve their own interests and not those of the Iraqi citizens, they are now taking a stand against the brutal Al Queda.
They dont care about Iraq and they arent there because theyre being occupied, they are there because they hold a grudge against the US Military for kicking their asses across Afghanistan.
Even Bin Laden has realized that A.Q screwed up in Iraq and made a plea for the Iraqi people to forgive them for their past brutalities and to trust them again..
Sounds like a cry of desperation to me

Some of you people do exactly what you claim that the US Govt and the Media do, you try to spin a story to suit whatever scenario that best fits your beliefs.

I also suppose that the story that came out a few days ago is a lie, the one that claims that thousands of Iraqis are returning to Baghdad because of improving security?
You can say that the violence has shifted from Baghdad to smaller cities in Iraq but it is now been reported that the two biggest cities in Iraq, Baghdad and Basra are safer.
It has to start somewhere.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 07:23 AM
Here is a nice site where the news comes straight from the sources but you will never see this news on Fox.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 08:09 AM
Yes of course, find the pages that only have negative things to say and when anyone posts a story that makes any positive statements, its automatically a lie..

All of you Anti-Whatever crowds are the same.. Everything you find thats negative is the truth and everything thats positive is a lie or spin.
You must be miserable in your "the glass is half empty" lives

Im not completely ignorant of the facts that things arent all rosey in Iraq, after all it is still a war zone but there ARE good things happening there but those are conveniently ignored by you people or its considered a lie..

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 08:13 AM
You are very defensive are you, I wonder why, after all the site is Iraqi News.

So should we stop reading the realities in Iraq coming from Iraq and just let wave our littler American flags and watch Fox.?

Sometimes life could be so easy if we just turn blind.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by marg6043

I'm not defensive, I'm a realist who realizes and admits that things arent the greatest in Iraq BUT there are good things happening there.
However, its the good things that are either not reported or when they are reported they are ignored or said to be a lie.
I just find it interesting that the negatives are believed, no questions asked but the positives are attacked and immediately cast aside.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by marg6043

So you'd rather accept at face value news from sources as credible as Tokyo Rose, than those of your own country? I was in Iraq several years back when Al Anbar province was the absolute worst place to be. Now it is mostly pacified, with Iraqis helping the US against foreign insurgents. The news back home was always worse than what was actually happening on the ground. Not the other way around as you'd love to believe. We don't need terrorists to bring the country down. We have plenty of locals that are happy to tear it apart from the inside.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 12:59 PM
Well things are so good that I will be taking my next vacation in Baghdad and will be waving my littler American flag to the Iraqis as I go on the tour bus around the city, while screaming "Is all for freedom"

Give a brake, wake up and smell the real stench of what Iraq has been turned into.

I will like to see Bush the liberator taking a walk around Baghdad kissing babies and shaking hands with the Iraqi people.

After all they have been liberated.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

Has the surge really worked .... ?

The Iraqi militia leader, Moqtada al-Sadr, called a six-month truce today after fighting with a rival Shia Muslim group in the holy city of Kerbala

A spokesman for the Mahdi army claimed it would lay down its weapons for six months and, during this time, would attack neither rival Shia groups nor the US army.

to borrow a tag line from Gore.... 'An Inconvienient Truth'

right after the 'Surge' was underway, with the 30,ooo extra troops,
then al-Sadar & his Mahdi Army call an unexpected truce...

Is the puppet govt of Iraq with Maliki? on their way out?
Was a secret cooperation deal made with al-Sadar by the USA?

And is al-Sadar being set up ?.
..we can look at the the 6 month (quietly kept out of the media) ceasefire
as the real reason the casualty rate is down, not the presence of the Surge.
...we also can say that the USA might just outlaw the Mahdi Army as a terrorist organization...the 'proof' will be the resumed escalation of aggression after the self-imposed ceasefire is lifted...
then al-Sadar & the Mahdi army will take the place of AQ-in-Iraq as the
targeted enemy force.
and then all the focus of the US occupation will be on the liquidation of the Mahdi army .

Intrigues abound huh

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 02:08 PM
The point Marg is that things have improved. I'm just curious as to why you aren't happy about that news. I don't recall saying everything is peachy, but significant improvements have been made, and acknowledged by anti war Democrats. I suppose that it would be an untenable position for many here to admit to that anything positive could ever be attributed to Bush, and that you'd prefer to just find fault.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 08:05 PM
One month's sample means absolutely nothing in statistical terms. If civillian and military fatalities reduce significantly over the next six months it might be valid to discuss the reasons why-but at the point the data could easily just be an anomaly.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 07:00 AM
Didn't six American soldiers die on Monday?

Doesn't sound like the war is won to me!

the deadliest year so far for the American army.

[edit on 8uThursday07/27/20 by paul76]

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
Well things are so good that I will be taking my next vacation in Baghdad and will be waving my littler American flag to the Iraqis as I go on the tour bus around the city, while screaming "Is all for freedom"

Give a brake, wake up and smell the real stench of what Iraq has been turned into.

Well it's not like people were booking vacations to Baghdad with their American flags ready when Saddam was in power.

BTW, just a little bit of information. Not even US camps in Iraq fly the American flag because it's not our soil.

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