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Why do we here high pitch frequencies?

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posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 10:36 AM
Bear in mind that to really analyze this, you'd have to go into a special auditory chamber where there all sound is baffled, and there's complete quiet.

Many people in this kind of environment still claim to hear sounds.

It may be that it's just the faint sound of air molecules hitting the eardrum.

If, however, one did not hear the high frequency sound in a sound-proof chamber, then that would be an indication it was from environmental sources.

If that is the case it may just be a varient of the 'Taos Hum'.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 10:46 AM
I don't know if its still available, but you might like to download a frequency generator and discover what frequency it is. I got one at which is a 2 channel freq generator. Mine disappears at around 9600 Hz. The generator goes from 1 Hz to 20000 Hz. I'm no audiologist, but I thought that low frequency hearing was the first to go. I was a musician for 44 years and still dabble. The generator can be used for all kinds of interesting experiments and for fixing different things. It uses your soundcard to generate the frequencies. Hope you are O.K. Thanks ATS.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 11:13 AM
Yeah , i get this occasionally. Sometimes more with Electronic things.
I think i got it more often when i was little, because i recall, when i was about 5 i pretended it was the power rangers calling me, lol.
But yeah, i think i know what you mean. I can't hear dog whistles though.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 11:40 AM
I hear it as well. Not all the time, just an occasional "blast" of high pitched whine. It doesn't really bother me, as I have had it for many years.

Not to give away my age, but mine started when I was confined with the measles and I still remember dreaming the sounds and connecting them with the dream of Superman comics. (Naturally, before we had a TV, I dreamed such things in the "panels" of a comic.) It seems logical that something happened to my hearing, or the brains activity related to hearing, at this time.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 11:48 AM
People have differences in their inner ear structures. Do you understand the sheer amount of frequency around us. We live in an electric soup. If you had ears that could hear the full range of acoustic vibration... it would be deafening, terrifying even. It would be unimaginable.

Everyone hears these waves.


posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by michial
I don't know if its still available, but you might like to download a frequency generator and discover what frequency it is. I got one at which is a 2 channel freq generator.

It is still there i just DLd it from the dowlloads section. I'm still playing around with it, I'm not sure it is very good though according to it I can hear down to 1 Hz I think there is too much interference on a computer for it to be accurate.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 01:12 PM
Don't know if it's the same thing but I can hear stuff like those things that are supposed to scare cats away.

I don't "hear" it in my ears (if that makes sense) but rather just behind my ear inside my head.

I also get that whiney sound off things like SKY TV dishes.

Just the way my ear works I guess.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 03:01 PM
I don't know if what you and I have is the same thing..

Occasionally I'll get this high frequency noise in my ear, and after a few seconds, it'll go away. It's not a constant thing. It's pretty rare that it happens though, but when it does happen, it's weird.

It sounds kinda like what you'd imagine tuning a radio or something like that would sound like. Just a high pitch, I guess, ringing sound, except there isn't a difference in tone like a ringing sound would be, it's just constant.

Lasts for a few seconds, then fades and gets quieter rather than just stopping suddenly. It does the same thing when it starts, it fades in and gets louder as it goes.

I have no idea what it is. I've always wondered what it is. I don't have hearing or ear issues. I don't have mental issues even though some may say so. No health issues. Nothing. No logical reason for it.

So yeah. It's really weird.

I wonder if the CIA is programming our minds!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 05:10 PM
Well I can definitely hear a high pitched whining noise when I turn my wireless router on. As soon as I turn it off the whining stops, so it's definitely coming from the router. I can also hear a humming noise coming from outside every night between 1am to 4am. It sounds like the noise a generator would make, but as far as I'm aware there is no generator in the area. What ever this noise is, it's really annoying and stops me from getting a good night's sleep.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 05:22 PM
these are answers to some replies

other people i know can hear it some times to some degree. i though it was normal for everyone ,hence "we". Thats why i posted it not because im special.

i dont remember ever being complete silence. i do have good hearing so it cant be hearing loss and i live in a quiet suburb all my life. i was thinking more along the lines of electromagnetic fields!?!

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 06:37 PM
The day you do hear absolute silence will freak you out.

I once spent about 10 minutes in an anechoic chamber and after about 2 minutes I was ready to leave. All you can hear are the sounds your body makes, like the sound of blood rushing through your veins.
You can actually hear air hitting your ear drums, it's pretty unnatural and damn weird.

Maybe you are lucky and can hear stuff around 20kHz. Most electronic gear makes noise around 18-26kHz, so it's nothing to be worried about. It will fade with age.

I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with how nice you are to people.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 06:43 PM
Thanks to numerous viral ear infections and TMJ I've lost 40 percent of my hearing, mostly in the upper frequency range. Stinks to be me.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 06:56 PM
Wow this is a strange coincidence, Just the other night I had to switch the PC off for a couple of minutes and I noticed it was dead quiet so I laid back with the PC off and no other sound from anywhere. (its rare its that quiet so I thought Id make the most of it).
I have always had problems with hearing and ear infections so im used to unusual sounds (heartbeat, whooshing like a train noises, clicks pops and creaks)
I for some reason decided to just focus on the strange constant sound that I hear.
The only way i can describe it is as reverberance occuring from the back of my brain

It is really hard to explain, it sounds electronic.
If you hit a steel drum then capture the sound of the reverb as the echo is almost gone, play it on a loop and play it through earphones with surround setting to sound like it is occuring from behind you then that is a small example of the noise.

I dont know if it is related but I am hyper sensitive to noise, a low rumbling noise or the distant thud of neighbours music isnt just an annoyance it can literally affect my mental state, nerves and breathing.

I can only imagine pure quietness, It seems unlikely i will ever hear it (or not

I believe everyone gets the burst of whistling noise that comes on and then after a short while fades over a few seconds.
Doesnt it remind you of a boiler that has to reheat or a refridgerator that does that thing (I dont know what the fridge thing is, I suppose some sort of temperature balance mechanism).

[edit on 6/11/07 by eagle32]

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 07:31 PM
I have it and i'm pretty sure i've posted about it in the past.

Don't know what causes it or why, but i can 'hear' electrical appliances. It's like the ping the TV makes when you turn it on, except constantly being emitted from some objects like routers / hubs, satellite dishes etc.

I get it worst at college, my computer is in the room next to the main network hubs and boxes, and it nearly kills me some days.

A few points i picked up on through the thread though that i can back up:

It isn't like hearing something, it is like it is a tone in your head.
Not everyone can hear it... i have a few friends that have the same thing, but that majority of people i know when asked 'can you hear that buzzing' can't.

No, I am not crazy!

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 08:14 PM
As a child and teenager I had that too Fooffstarr...time has taken its toll, though I can usually tell when I walk by a house whether a tv is on inside or not.

The other night while listening to late night radio, a strange combination of very high pitched tones seemed to overlay what I was listening to. I had headphones on and I am very accustomed to all kinds of static and unusual sounds, but these were perfectly clear. So clear that it sounded like they were coming from inside my head.

Mind you, I had just gotten over a horrid migraine akin to a mild stroke. Blame it on the medication.

[edit on 6-11-2007 by serpentine7]

[edit on 6-11-2007 by serpentine7]

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by fooffstarr

Yes you are crazy --jk jk

yeah it like in your brain but its a sound. its kind of hard to explain it if you never "heard" it. last night it was really strong so i unplugged the tv (it was off) then everything was better, but it wasnt absolute silence.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 08:35 PM
Hey Man,

I hear it as well. You are hearing the actual sound of vibrational frequency in your energy field. You can listen close and when a higher energetic being comes into the area it will actually rise in pitch. If you are in a room with UFO beings then this pitch will be accompanied by a lower vibrational humming sound.

If you can hear that then you prob also hear a short high pitch sound in one or both ears that lasts a very short while. This I am told would be higher vibrational energy being given to you.

You can see the energetic wave as well but thats totally diff.

Hope that helps

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 09:08 PM
I hear these types of sounds, too. I believe they have something to do with electromagnetic frequencies, or something. Once I was doing some reading on a website about feng shui, and it mentioned devices that give off a strong EMF.

For weeks I was going crazy because I swear it sounded like someone had left a radio on in another room. My husband couldn't hear it. I couldn't get to sleep at night because this sound was so distracting. I mentioned it to my mother, and she said she was hearing the same type of sound in her house (in another city). Both of us had gotten up to walk around and look for the radio, only to find that there was no radio on.

Then I read on the feng shui website about making sure that clock radio/alarm clock thingies weren't too close to your head. I had recently put a new alarm clock on my nightstand, right near my head. I put it on another piece of furniture, and suddenly I could get to sleep- no more sounds! I told my mother of my success, and she moved her alarm clock and cordless phone to other pieces of furniture away from her bed. Same thing there... no more radio noises.

Electromagnetic frequencies. That is what my money is on.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 09:45 PM
You know I never really payed much attention to it until reading this thread. But it is kind of weird.

I mostly only hear it coming from the TV though. But I can also "sense" if you will, when someone enters a room.

I'm not sure if it's that I'm hearing the air waves change when someone comes through a doorway or not, but it is still weird. But cool at the same time.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by 1Crisis

i can always "sense" as you say, when someone is looking at me but i prefer "know". im not sure if that has anything to do with hearing. (keep on this subject though, it is of interest to me)

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