posted on Dec, 7 2002 @ 09:08 PM
A week or so ago on the channel TechTV, recieved by those of you with satellite, on the show, TechLive, there was a section in which an Italian
scientist announced that the first cloned human baby will be born in early January of 2003, probably in the first week or two of the month. The names
of the family members undergoing the cloning experiment were not released for "safety reasons".
Though I don't remember every detail about the broadcast, it was frightening enough to me that I am now prepared to leave for Antartica or
Siberia...somewhere of that sort, so I don't become part of any epidemic of cloning here in America...heh... I don't know how scary it is to anybody
else, but this is just horrifying to there! *~changes his name to Dmitriy~* hehe