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Superstorm excpected in Europe for november?

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posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 10:41 AM

Superstorm excpected in Europe for november?

Een vooraanstaand weerkundige in Engeland voorspelt deze maand een superstorm. Piers Corbijn baseert zijn verwachtingen op de zonne-activiteit. Volgens hem begint november nog rustig, maar barst tussen 8 en 13 november de hel los. Dat schrijft De Telegraaf.

De man schat dat er tachtig procent kans is dat we in november met noodweer te maken krijgen. De storm zou gepaard gaan met windstoten van 145 tot 175 kilometer per uur. Daarna krijgen we een periode waarin koude en zachtere perioden elkaar afwisselen, terwijl zich op de Atlantische Oceaan een nieuwe depressie ontwikkelt. Daaromheen zit weer een actief koufront waardoor een verschijnsel ontstaat dat we als superstorm kunnen omschrijven. Deze tweede storm wordt tussen 24 en 28 november verwacht met windstoten van meer dan 200 kilometer per uur. Zelfs tornado's zijn niet uitgesloten.

Sneeuw in december
Na de stormachtige novembermaand zouden we een natte periode krijgen, maar begin december zou het kouder worden met kans op sneeuw. Begin dit jaar kreeg Europa al eens af te rekenen met extreem stormweer. Ons land ontsnapte grotendeels aan het noodweer, maar in Nederland en Duitsland was de schade aanzienlijk. (gb)
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 10:41 AM
This guy, Piers Corbijn is expecting a storm 8-13 Novembre. Then between 24 - 28 Novembre, a superstorm will come our way? Wind speeds until 200 km/h!
I'm trying to find some English links...

What do you guys think? Must we in Europe prepare for the worst?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 10:43 AM
What parts of Europe? This sounds kind of strange... we usually dont have superstorms here like they have in the US.

Is this Dutch? I ran it through babelfish and it seems to speak of storms, but doesnt say where exactly. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

[edit on 5-11-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 10:48 AM
Yes it's Dutch.

And my Dutch isn't the greatest, but this is a prominent meteorologist from the UK, apparently. According to him, a cold front is supposed to go through, followed by a cold period, in which a depression will develop in the Atlantic to bring in a "superstorm?"

Again, my Dutch isn't great, and I think this guy may be predicting something, as I am not seeing the science behind it.

[edit on 11/5/07 by niteboy82]

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 10:52 AM
This is the babelfish translation (so not perfect english):

Prominent meteorological in United Kingdom this month predicts a super storm. Worm Corbijn bases its expectations on zonne-activiteit. According to him still quiet, but bursts between 8 and 13 November the hel starts November separately. That writes the telegraph.

The man values that there are eighty per cent chance that we in November with noodweer to make to get. The storm would go paired with windstoten of 145 up to 175 kilometres per hour. Afterwards we get a period in which cold and gentle periods varies each other, whereas on the Atlantic ocean a new depression develops. Daaromheen sit an active heat front as a result of which a phenomenon arises that we can define as a super storm. This second storm is expected between 24 and 28 November with windstoten of more than 200 kilometres per hour. Even tornado's have not been excluded.

After the tempestuous November month we would get a wet period, but beginning December it will become colder with chance on snow. Beginning this year got Europe already once stormweer to settle up with extreem. Our country escaped mainly to the noodweer, but in the Netherlands and Germany was damage considerable. (gb)

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 02:40 PM
Read more here:



We predict new enhanced activity on the Sun at the end of October and start of November which would lead to the severe storm spells in November particularly because we are now in a phase of especially effective Sun-Earth magnetic connections and therefore the corridor is now open for the solar particle drivers of weather and climate to have maximum effect.

Our forecast for September published 15.9, contained a warning for a storm 26-31.10, which would bring heavy rain and severe gales causing widespread wind damage. The storm did take place but its path did not touch the Netherlands.

Two periods for which Weather Action are 90% confident there will be damaging storms. These storms are very serious. Preparations should be made. Windspeed risk maps will be produced for the potential tracks of the storms.

Read about the October 26th -31st storm period in various parts of the world and about the two coming November storms with maps here.

8th-13th November. Storm/hurricane force gusts of 145 to 175 kmh and tornado type developments. The storm will bring damage to a band of N Europe which is likely to include (80% confident) Bergen, Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki and possibly St Petersburg.

24th to 28th November. Storm/hurricane gusts of 145 to 210 kmh. Likely track (80% confident) of damage eastwards from the British Isles: Netherlands, Denmark, North Germany, South Sweden and parts of the Baltic countries and Finland. This storm unfolds on the 304th anniversary of the devastating tempest of 26th/27th November 1703 and has potential similarities to it, but is likely to be less extreme. Still, it is likely to cause breaches of sea defences in West & South British Isles and the Dutch, German and Danish coasts. Update due mid Nov.

It looks pretty scary if he's right. They say it will be like never seen before. But I tend to believe the Dutch Weather forecasts more, they only predict rain, very strong winds and cold weather for this weekend, but not a very big storm.

[edit on 5/11/2007 by rai76]

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 02:48 PM
We've got beaming sunshine predicted all week here in the UK.

It has been unusually warm this past week though. High's of nearly 20c! In November!

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 06:38 PM
We are going to get hit hard... I sence weather change... Everything feels wierd outside, and then I read this..

I live in the netherlands so i'm gonna fasten my seatbelt...

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 09:32 AM
Piers Corbyn also predicted the severe storm that hit the UK last weekend ...... Oh, did you miss it as well?

Actually, there is a deep depression moving across Scotland and then over towards Sweden this week, there will be some strong winds and potentially a nasty storm surge down the North Sea. This will be happening on Thurs 8th though, and not the 10-11th which are the dates Piers is currently stating as being the most probable time for his storm.

Piers makes similar predictions all the time. He predicted a severe storm to hit the UK just before Christmas last year. Instead we had all day fog .......
And he even wrote to the PM so convinced was he that there'd be severe flooding in London in August (this he announced, btw, after the July flooding)

Edit: more info here:

[edit on 6-11-2007 by Essan]

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 10:47 AM
yes unfort Piers couldnt predict snow even if he was in an avalanche !!

here in the UK he is well known as giving out false predictions, as Essan says there is a good discussion going on about his predictions on here:

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 10:47 AM
edit for double post
sorry new keyboard

[edit on 6-11-2007 by snoopyuk]

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 11:19 AM
and here's another one debunking him

Dutch News

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 07:02 AM
well he may be right as the MOD is now saying the same thing .........

any input ESSAN ???


posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 07:25 AM
Well, we have been following developments of this storm - which is quite normal for the time for year - for several days now. Interestingly, over the weekend we were expecting it to hit the UK on 8th Nov whilst Piers was continuing to say the 10th-11th Nov ....

Anyway, it's starting to look less severe now, especially as far as the UK goes and advance warnings are being downgraded. Main areas at risk now are the Orkneys, Shetlands and exposed headlands in Eastern Scotland - so hardly affecting much of the UK. I still wouldn't fancy being on a ferry crossing to Bremerhaven tomorrow night though! Snow may be more of an issue for a time in the north since it could well be the first low level snowfall of the season.

But Piers has also downgraded his comments about the storms!

This is what he originally announced in a press release on 16th October, and, IMO, is what he should be judged on:

October 26th to 31st or Nov 1st. Storm gusts of 80 to 100mph in places. This is likely to be a major storm period but probably only a ‘warm-up’ for what is to come in November. It is good there is now no election (eg on Nov 1st ) because the election period would have been severely disrupted (NB warning of the storms was passed on to the Labour leadership). The storm will track East and likely (80% confident) affect Holland, Denmark, South Norway, South Sweden and parts of North Germany.

ð 8th-13th November. Storm / hurricane force Gusts of 90 to 110 mph and tornado type developments. Probably worse in Scotland and Northern Ireland than South England. The storm will track East and bring damage to a band of N Europe which is likely to include (80% confident) Bergen, Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki and possibly St Petersburg.

ð 24th to 28th November. Storm/hurricane gusts of 90mph to 130 mph. Probably worst in central /South British Isles. This is the 304th anniversary of the devastating tempest of 26th/27th November (modern calendar dates) 1703. Likely track (80% confident) of damage eastwards: Holland, Denmark, N Germany, South Sweden and parts of Baltic States and Finland.

Make your own minds up on how accurate he is
I'm sure you all remember the severe storm last week very well
I myself suffered a fresh breeze and 0.6mm of rain .....

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 07:31 AM
nice one essan,

yes last week was bad , i almost had to ring the coastguard ....NOT !!!

i do find it strange that he was riduculed so much yet he still puts out this kind of warning ....and even more strange that the MOD is taking him seriously ...



posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by snoopyuk
....and even more strange that the MOD is taking him seriously ...



I doubt the MoD are even aware of Piers - they will be aware of what the Met Office and other professionals have been predicting since about last Fri/Sat. Just coincidence this storm is similar to Pier's prediction.

The Daily Express base most of their Front Page weather stories on Piers' press releases, btw

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Essan

IThe Daily Express base most of their Front Page weather stories on Piers' press releases, btw

really ????....i didnt know wonder they always seem a bit out there !! lol

cheers essan


posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by Essan

Haha, nice one. I'm surprised they have any room left on their front page after they've crammed it full of Diana stories.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 09:42 AM
A BIG storm has just hit where I live in the UK. We haven't seen a drop of rain in weeks and have had quite nice weather actually. Within 10 minutes the whole sky went a dark grey and the rain is hitting so hard it sounds like my windows are gonna break through! There's no thunder and lightning as of yet but some 40ft trees near my house look like they're gonna fall

Could this be the start of it?

Anyone else in the UK had storms today? Aint had chance to check the weather yet....

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by drunknmunkyAnyone else in the UK had storms today? Aint had chance to check the weather yet....

The weather isn't terrible here (South Lakes) and only had a little bit of rain. Clouds haven't made much of an appearance yet but it has been blowing up a gale all day...and of course as I write this it dies down a little
And it's about to rain naked redheads......damn!

Be safe, munky! Where are you btw?

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