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UFOS Nikola Tesla and Germany

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posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 08:56 PM
some points i should make. (these are merely points that have been omitted or forgotten on both sides)

first, life outside of earth is probable. there are too many other locations and stars in the universe. on top of that, the definition of 'life' that we have is very earth-centric. it is likely that many things exist in ways that do not register in what we define as life. interdimensional beings would have an impossible, if not highly difficult, time 'communicating' with us. this does not mean they do not exist, just that they don't exist in our definition of existence. more than likely, we interact with ET beings daily, without our knowledge.
the universe is beyond definition in size, and there are many other universes similar to ours. who made up the rule that ETs have to be solid, intelligent, or even three dimensional.

second, the nazi's, may or may not have had advanced unimaginable tech. the issue that they would have had, if they had such tech, is funding. they had the ability to create insane tide turning machines, but they did not have the means (funds and manufacturing constraints) to do so. they were fighting on two fronts and had to pay for that first.

as for Tesla, he is an extraordinary person. i am sure that he could have created some amazing things if he had the support. now that the government has his writings, they most likely have created the things that Tesla dreamed about.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Hey thunders,
I posted a link to his wikipedia page like on page 2 of this thread I think.. If you have an interest in the anti-gravity UFO hypothesis then his book is the book you've always been looking for.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Scramjet76

I clicked on that link and got a wikipedia biography or resume of some sort. I didn't see much information on his books. That's why I asked for a synopsis.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by SevenThunders

I thought there was a link on the wiki page. Ok try this.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by SerpentPath

Okay, well before I start talking about why I disagree I need to say you instantly discredited yourself by saying that there has never been/will be any aliens in our Universe. Mathematically its near impossible if you look at the vast distances in space and the amount of stars and other galaxies in it and don't even get me started on logically. Explain to me how you could possibly come to that conclusion ?

You say that the German's had this sort of technology in WWII due to Telsa's findings. If they did I could assure you that they could put that knowledge to a practical use to defeat the allied forces. I don't mean by zapping their brains out with Particle Cannons while flying around in flying saucers I just mean something little they could put to practical use that would very much help them.

I'm very interested to see who these contacts of yours are. Yes the US Government is feeding us false information, by denying their knowledge of them and their real origins. Yes I know you can argue thats just to cover their own asses but what about when you have people like the late David Hamel ? His story would be one of a laughable one if he didn't provide us with physical proof of his claims, he gave us the concepts so when he passes on we have something to work with.

You say that alien invasion is a laughable scenario, its not. Its actually more mathematically possible for aliens to invade than not envade Earth. I mean people higher in society than ourselves must know something, otherwise why would Tome Cruise build a bunker to protect himself from alien invasion ?

An acquaintance of the Disclosure Project has stated the government is going to stage an alien-invasion but I don't think thats to make us think aliens are real. Its to make us believe they are hostile so we let them weaponize space.

If the US Government is trying to hide the fact alien spacecraft is ours why did they get very secretive about the Roswell incident ? Why don't we see just a snippet of this technology get put to public use ?

Wheres your proof stating man has never been to the moon ? They have the question is were they the first. The question has never been 'did man actually ever land on the moon' the question was 'Was the United States the first country to send a manned mission to the moon'. Honestly I think it was quite disrespectful to your son to swear on his life also but thats none of my business.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 02:45 AM
check out this vid

interesting point if view on ufo's

look at the second link at 4:23, very interesting.........Ben Rich

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 03:33 AM
The Germans certainly did develop some impressive technology by the time The Third Reich ended. Rocket planes, rockets, night-vision for some Panthers. Firearms that could shoot around corners, machine guns that'd fire 1,200 rounds a minute...

Why'd they lose the war? There are lots of reasons contributing to why the Germans were defeated. For example, the Germans lacked resources and privacy. Enigma was cracked fairly early on into the war; the Germans couldn't really do much without the British knowing about it in advance. By the time the Germans got wise to this (circa Ardennes Offensive), their resources were depleted. They didn't have enough fuel for their armour.

As far not even being able to defeat Russia, well--the Russians had a lot of soldiers, were better equipped for cold weather and Russian tanks were (in significant ways) better than the Germans' tanks (...among other reasons). One of Hitler's biggest mistakes, of course, was underestimating the Russians--in several ways.

Also, the British (with the assistance of the Yanks) were masters of deception ("Operation Fortitude", for example) and intelligence.

Technology alone is not enough to win a war; French tanks were largely superior to German tanks, (I'm talking about when it was relevant--I'm not talking about the later German tanks) for example. But the French didn't use their armour effectively.

However, I don't believe that the Germans launched anybody to the Moon or established an Antarctic base. And it's been agreed upon by even the most conservative historians that they made neither soap from human fat nor lampshades from their skin. And I do believe that Hitler committed suicide in his bunker in Berlin.


posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 04:01 AM
I believe Aliens exist, but I believe that they don't make up for many of the UFO sightings, if any at all.

The whole "UFOs are manmade" theory does hold a lot of water. That is why I started that other thread about Nikola Tesla, Otis Carr, and Ralph Ring. Some of these guys supposedly successfully flew around in flying saucers that they created based on free energy.

Governments are obviously sitting on some pretty crazy technology that could help the world, and whether it is derived from Aliens or completely invented by us, it is a damn shame that they feel the need to hide it from us. There has got to be something we can do about it.

Ralph Ring is still around and I think he is publicly listed. I wonder if he would help someone work with free energy? If we can figure out the technology on own own and spread it successfully then the government's plan would be ruined.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 08:05 AM
Just wondering………the Russian dude Putin,

would he be in the know how, about the UFO/ET stuff?

You got Bush talking out of his ass with the IQ of something like 95, probably ignorant about the whole thing and everyone knows he’s not the real leader of America, more like a joke.

You’ve got President Putin, hard ass, serious dude, past KGB operative. Probably in the know on the important facts in the world before and after elected president.

The way I see it, the president of America knows absolutely nothing about the real world involving the ET phenomena, where the Russian president, is informed about everything do to with UFO’s and such.

If Bush knew anything about ET’s I don’t think he would still be Christian after finding out the truth, although he might act publicly as a Christian and then behind the scenes, engage in ET relate issues. But then what about ‘Bohemian Grove’ people of high ranking power in the west, attending a cult worshipping the owl, with sacrificers. Can he be partaking in Christian, cult and a ET beliefs all in the one?

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by SerpentPath

Originally posted by Copernicus
reply to post by SerpentPath

Oh really, there are no aliens?

Seems to me that you are the enemy here, not the Disclosure Project.

I promise you on my son's life that I know for a fact that there are no aliens, the government has a UFOlogy department where they plan on ways to leak false information that is not true.

Sorry but this is the BIGGEST BS I have ever heard! How can anyone say with such certainty there is no alien life visiting earth. Your stament is illogical if not plainly disinformational.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 12:09 PM
I think you should keep your own opinions to yourself...seeing as how at least 40-50% of the people believe in aliens on this website...Its ludacris to come on here with little proof backing what you say and you just throw out accusations that aliens simply do not exist. I believe you are correct with the government's whole scam trying to confuse us- we're definitely confused...but to say that theres no life on other planets because your paranoid is ridiculous...Earth is distanced from other planets with intelligent life for a reason...clearly theres a vast amount of difference. There have been countless navy and airforce officials from the 40's and 50's that have seen these things- Your talking about at least an 70-80 year old why would a 70-80 year old man lie about seeing aliens? what does he have to gain at such an old age? Your theory is exactly that...a theory...Don't crush other people's minds because you slammed yours shut too. Aliens do'd be a fool to not believe that somewhere in this infinite universe lies life in far greater numbers than we ever could have imagined...From what I've read- Earth is one of the many "insane asylums" of the universe- yet we are the only one making progress (Hard to believe right?) It would make sense when you think about how out of control the world is getting...but back to the aliens- I leave you with one more thought that burns away your theory...The CIA is an American come UFO reports are worldwide? China sees them all day long, Germany as well. That would mean the CIA is working worldwide to establish this "hoax" you are delusional my friend...but we all are because no-one has the right answers- but you cannot have a closed mind to other life forms...if it was just us, why have animals been created? is it illogical to think that there are no other animals on other planets at least? so if there are animals, there has to be a higher form of intelligence- NASA has a non-disclosure policy....clearly there is something goin' on in space that they cannot speak about aka ufo's, planets, life....etc.

Your just making it worse- save your paranoia for yourself

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 12:11 PM
and by the way-

it is a known fact that the earth is definitely not the center of the universe.....its on the outskirts and damn near as far off as possible....

The center of the universe is where most likely- life would occur on most planets

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by andre18

If Bush knew anything about ET’s I don’t think he would still be Christian after finding out the truth, although he might act publicly as a Christian and then behind the scenes, engage in ET relate issues.

Even if Bush & Cheney were briefed on UFOs what do you think they learned? I don't think the gov't knows as much as people think they do. And how would they? Considering that aliens could have evolved a million years before us how would any human be able to comprehend their nature?

IMO the only thing a briefing would do is make Bush aware that Project Blue Book was designed to gather data and relieve worried citizens. That the Condon Report was designed to put an end to the debate. And that there is still no satisfactory explanation to several reports without using an ET hypothesis.

I'm sure Bush would find this interesting, however it's already well known by anyone who picks up a book on the subject. I don't see a reason for him to suddenly drop his religious views and adopt new ones. Plus Bush is older and thus more fixed in his opinions. Psychology Source

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by andre18

If Bush knew anything about ET’s I don’t think he would still be Christian after finding out the truth, although he might act publicly as a Christian and then behind the scenes, engage in ET relate issues. But then what about ‘Bohemian Grove’ people of high ranking power in the west, attending a cult worshipping the owl, with sacrificers. Can he be partaking in Christian, cult and a ET beliefs all in the one?

bush a christian?,his actions would imply otherwise,hes a monstrosity.

he pretends he is a christian in order to attain more votes...

..a sin if there ever was one.

[edit on 6-11-2007 by wierdalienshiznit]

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 04:32 PM
What if the Government and Nasa suspected or had knowledge of a real Alien Invasion,
which to those in power is a threat but not to the ordinary person. And - for whatever reason that they don't want us to believe in Aliens now - they are in fact the ones perpetrating the idea of a hoax Alien Invasion - so that we will resist the Aliens that may be coming to actually save us from the Evil ruling parties that want to keep us enslaved.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by andre18
if aliens don't exist, how do you explain alien abductions?

There are actually some good scientific explanations around, dealing with our small knowledge of how the human brain works.

Not that being unable to explain the abduction hysteria (phenomena a better word?) is evidence that it is actually space aliens.

In the 1960s the word for abductees was contactees. (google George Adamsky) Only the scenario was not little greys with anal probes, but very human types from Venus. (We hadn't landed there yet) There were people coming out of the woodwork who had met Venusians, and enjoyed a trip to a lush world very much advanced from our own. Were all these contactees liars? No, I am sure many of them believed what they were saying. But they believed because they wanted to.

Which is where the interesting part comes in, which is the way the human brain works.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by Scramjet76
Even if Bush & Cheney were briefed on UFOs what do you think they learned? I don't think the gov't knows as much as people think they do.

I have always thought this very thing. A lot of people like to assume that somehow the government knows all the "answers" but is keeping quiet about them. I find it equally plausible that the government doesn't know a whole lot more about real UFOs than most people here. Maybe they have some clearer photos and some other evidence, but that doesn't mean they have these things figured out.

And that would maybe even be a more critical reason to keep quiet. It would be one thing to come out and say with authority that these things are alien spacecraft. It would almost be worse to announce that after quietly studying these things for 50 years, they still don't really have a clue as to exactly what they are, what they're doing, or how they can be defended against if they decide to turn nasty. People would not want to hear that.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by SerpentPath

I know the highest people of society on this planet, royalty, they know the true history of the Earth and that there are NO ALIENS!

So we're supposed to trust the inbreeds?
If you are arrogant enough to assume that we are alone (I'm not saying aliens are here, they may or may not be, but it's a huge multiverse and frankly, we are not the only planet with life) then any sort of discussion with you will seem like hitting a brick wall...over and over and over...

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 07:27 PM
Copernicus and Serpentpath,
It is entirely possible that you both may be correct.
Does anyone here remember this episode from the original 60's "OUTER LIMITS"?......
"THE ARCHITECTS OF FEAR". It starred Robert Culp as a 'Top Scientist' who amongst his peers, drew the 'short straw' and became a 'guinea pig' in just such a scenario.

Somehow a creature was captured from elsewhere in the cosmos, and though small, it's genetic material was used to transform Mr Culp's character into a larger more horrific version.

Not a Gov't program and though benevolent in the intent of their auspicious project, the newly-hatched creature misses his landing co-ordinates at Cape Canaveral and is shot to death by duck hunters in a Florida swamp. How terribly violent we warmongering humans much for Aesop's Fables.

I have to wonder what genius saw this telecast and took notes on this and "the Day the Earth Stood Still".

Do 'we' have the Science to pull this off?

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Nohup

And that would maybe even be a more critical reason to keep quiet. It would be one thing to come out and say with authority that these things are alien spacecraft. It would almost be worse to announce that after quietly studying these things for 50 years, they still don't really have a clue as to exactly what they are, what they're doing, or how they can be defended against if they decide to turn nasty. People would not want to hear that.

Exactly, I couldn't agree more. If the gov't came forward with that kind of statement, it sure wouldn't generate alot of confidence in the nation. Just more questions and something else to worry about. There is already enough instability in the world without UFOs.

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