posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 10:51 PM
Originally posted by Camilo1
Relax, eat right and get enough rest, nothing more to it.
We have a winner right here..........
Don't be overly concerned about the speed your hair grows, it really isn't that important.
Eat a proper well balanced diet, drink plenty of water, keep yourself healthy, and
"Don't use a bunch of products on your hair".
If you need to trim away some split ends for aesthetics, that's fine, but just have the tips trimmed on a regular basis to keep it looking good. Hair
is dead tissue, so when you cut it, how you cut it, or how much you cut, none of these thing will have anything to do with growth.
One of the worst things you can do is washing your hair every day. It drys your scalp and destroys the natural oils that keep your follicles happy.
Use a mild shampoo if you feel the need to scrub your scalp. Something like "Baby Shampoo".
The fewer damaging products you put on your hair the better. Any harsh treatment can cause long hair shafts to break, and frankly, constant brushing
will do the same thing. You get a frizzy look.:shk:
The fewer chemicals, hot rollers, curling irons, etc...the better your hair will look.
Keep it natural to keep it long....