Originally posted by Skyfloating
Alright. I understand the concern.
Assuming he says "I apologize. Wont happen again"...I hope he can avoid getting banned from ATS.
And I appreciate the sentiment, really I do. But it would be a lie. I think lying is also a banning offense.
Worse, it's a dishonor, even if only
I know it.
Look, Intrepid et al. I appreciate your position, as little as you might believe it. But that incident hasn't got jack to do with my ego. A guy made
a very strong insinuation backed with the right numbers and places that he was doing something criminal. And having read it, you understand that too,
or you'd be throwing it in my face.
You said "Criminal activity SHOULD be dealt with but it isn't up to a sole member to decide what it is," and you're quite right; I agree with you
wholeheartedly. But neither is it up to the staff of ATS. It's up to the federal and state authorities with the jurisdiction to deal with that sort
of matter, and in the end, that's where the authority lies. It's their job to determine if a crime's been committed. Not yours.
Truly, I'd be really worried about your position in a legal sense, by setting yourselves up as arbiters of what's legal and what's not outside the
walls of ATS, you're incurring the possibility that if someone informed you, you took no action, and later it turned out that a crime had been
committed, that you'd be subject to criminal accessory charges, and having discussed it amongst yourselves, to felony conspiracy charges. I wouldn't
touch it with a ten foot pole, personally.
If someone posted something similar again, I wouldn't trust you, and I'd take my own action in the matter to report it to the authorities,
especially in a situation such as that one. I won't promise you otherwise.
Therefore, in expectation of the coming ban, I'll say a fond farewell to everyone I've posted with over the last 18 months, it's been a lot of fun,
you've kept me on my toes and I've learned (and re-learned) a lot of things just trying to keep up with you.
Ok, staff, fire away with the scathing hate posts - I'm sure they're all queued up, but you're wasting your time. I'm not going to behave any
differently, nor lie to you that I will. Since you can't live with it, pull the trigger and get it over with instead of the usual threats and
posturing. Heck, I even understand your position in the matter, though I doubt you'd reciprocate.