reply to post by TORCHWOOD
It will be this. A catastrophy caused by gravitational and magnetic influences on our planet, polar shift will take place and this will be an
extremely violent action. Quakes and volcanoes and super hurricanes, the magnetic field protecting us will temporarily collapse and we will experience
high doses of radiation all over the world. It will be really really bad, maybe even have meteors caused by certain alignments in space throwing rocks
from the asteriod belt beyond Mars. Real bad.
"They" know it is near, the stars have ALWAYS been studied meticulously, we have always known our place in the galaxy and in the solar system, these
events occur and reoccur all the time. They change the course of humanity obviously.
If you study ancient religions, and base your study on this hypothesis, you will see they ALL speak of the same events. The Greeks, Indians, Hopi
Indians, Mayans, Aztecs, Egyptians, Aboriginee, all of them. A major worldwide catastrophy took place and was interpreted as "devine".
Our solar system is currently crossing the eliptic plane of the galaxy, which means that we will cross over the magnetic cortex above the pole of the
galaxy centre, this will put the direction of magnetic flow of Earth in opposite with that of the galaxy. Causing a polar shift. They happen every
time we are here.
From our viewpoint, the galaxy centre is half a degree wide in the sky, and moves across the sky at 1degree every 72 years. So we will take 36 years
to cross that centre point of the galaxy's pole. There are different ideas among astronomers as to the exact start point of this transition.
But, most agree, it has begun, we are moving across the centre of the galaxy, right now, while you read this, we are. And at some point, soon, we will
cross the exact centre of it and our poles will fist collapse (bad news) and then will be different, magnetically, when they reenergise (more bad
THIS is when "they" will come out of their bunkers and control the world.
They are ready, they know, they have planned.