posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 12:48 PM
Pardon me for my former reply. Clearly, It is fake. It's shadow moves like it's its own organism, and the timing is perfect from when the camera
zoom's in and the alleged "unicorn" runs behind the trees.
P.S:the unicorn IS derived from the rhinoceros. The Africans came to Europe and spoke to them about the Rhinoceros. They just said that it has hair,
walks on 4 legs and has a single horn, so the Europeans believed it was a horse with a horn. And, to all those who say the unicorn was derived from
the Common Narwhal, the Narwhal is called the sea unicorn from its tusk protruding from it's forehead. Read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. It
has a little information on the Sea Unicorn, and is a good read.