posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 02:11 AM
Ive been pondering this theory for over a year now. During world war 2 over Europe there were many sightings of "foo fighters" buzzing allied planes
and so the current UFO phenomenon began. In 1947 roughly America started seeing its own sightings of UFOs. Now coincidence enough in 1947 the
intelligence agencies of America started operation paper clip. This was a program to bring in as many Nazi scientists secretly into this country as
quickly as possible to work on science projects such as NASA. So the UFOs went from Europe during WW2 to America in the same year that Nazi scientists
began working for the American government. Thus forming NASA, The CIA, MK Ultra amongst other programs.
Now with that connection being made couldn't these "aliens" just be of a foreign nature. I mean I have talked to my grandfather who served as
a corporal in WW2 and he said the German's were a week away from unleashing fighter jets onto the battlefield when they were defeated. Could it be
German scientists were the first to reverse engineer Alien craft and that is why the Americans and Russians clamored to buy them up after WW2 or could
they have created the technology themselves. And if they did work with this technology and bring it to America couldn't the UFO story be a cover for
the American government working with the most hated regime in the world. Is it not a better story that America is covering up alien evidence rather
then America is working with Nazi scum. And if the US government was conducting experiments on the general public without consent would it not be
easier to blame on "Alien Abduction" rather then take the blame for these unconstitutional actions avoiding public outrage.