posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 12:33 AM
Another issue that I forgot to address in my original post is the issue of our export market/US trade. Fact is, most of our trade is resource and
energy based. This is a market that the US cannot simply walk away from. Without our exports, homes would not be built, the lights would not go on,
and the people would go hungry. It is not an economically viable option for them to turn to overseas markets due to the overhead of shipping. The only
other trade partner that can compete with Canada in this area is Mexico and they do not have the production needed to meet American demand. Thus,
while commodity export to the US will be negatively effected, the net effect of a strong dollar is to increase Canadian revenues.
The main point I wanted to raise is the issue of our (rather huge) surplus combined with the strong dollar.
While Harper wants to piss it away by buying votes through reduced taxes, I strongly believe that we need to maintain current taxation and use the
money to invest in/buy back our country.
I'd like to see a return to the socialistic roots of Canada through the government purchasing resources and production that has been sold off to
foreign interests. It is a strategy that would equip us in the future to ensure that Canada can look after it's own best interests instead of being
at the mercy of the giant to the south.
Maybe I'm a bit strange in my lack of personal greed, but I'm quite happy to pay my taxes if it serves my country and countrymen. Harper's bribe
will not buy my vote and I refuse to accept that we should impair our growth in order to serve the interests of the US.
This is not something that will happen without action from the Canadian people. The Liberals AND Conservatives have far too many friends in the privet
sector that would loath to be in competition with Crown Corporations. The NDP retains some of Canada's Socialist roots (and thus is the most likely
major party to take up this course), but I'm not convinced that they have to conviction to see this sort of thing through.
The first step towards this possibility is making people aware that it is an option. Then we need to lay the pressure on.
Wouldn't it be nice to return to Canada for Canadians?