reply to post by flashstorminc
Hi flashstorminc
oooh, im really going to have to be polite and careful here but here goes...
I am totally and utterlly in tune with your message, allthough i can claim no substancial evidence or solid reasons to back this up. And it has to be
said, that at the very least, the message is positive and uplifting, as apposed to some others i have read from many sources over the many years...
Now with the very greatest of respect (and i really do mean this) as i have always claimed to be a spiritual person, on many occasions, i tend to take
messages such as yours as merelly good moral guidance and advice...
And i also have to point out, quite clearlly, that allthough i suspect my views to be very similar to yours, I am in no way, influenced any more or
less by your post, than by many which i have read. (but i think you allready know that
) Now where am i going, hmmm...
I for one, am not going to ask you for dates and events, but merely your opinion, on a few issues i have with this subtle but nevertheless, a kind of
disclosure situation we are now in...
I totally and wholeheartedlly subscribe to accountabillity and transparrency, from top to bottom, and i am sure that all spiritual and moral planes
that might exist subscribe to this view and moral outset. Well, thats my opinion. And if they dont, well, to be quite honest, im happy where i am, and
i will not play a part.
(( hopefully make a point now, sorry all
if this technology is being used against us, and this has been allowed for a period of time by other EBE entities (i do not subscribe to the word
alien) that this issue alone tells me we have not progressed much at all, regardless of their evolutionary or spiritual position, or plane of
how dare any race or religion exploit another (such as we do here) or even allow it and how dare any EBE allow us to be exploited in any way shape or
form for one second, let alone a life-time! Especially by their own technology. ((oooh, do you sense the anger))
You see, we know we cannot look after ourselves properlly down here, we know this, but seriouslly, have our fellow EBE human beings done any better.
(again, i am totally clouded by my anger, i know, but read between the lines.) I am convinced that our EBE brothers and sisters, if they exist, are
just as much implicated...
If we have aquired their technology, regardless of how, and it has been abused by elitest organisations or corrupt governments, how dare they sit back
and watch. They should have been here yesterday cleaning the mess up. I dont remember being visited or abducted, and asked for my opinion or my
views... ((LoL, phew! thats off my chest now))
Now i cannot emphasise enough how much this is not a criticism, this is me questioning what i desperatelly want to believe, but will not do so
blindly. I need to know (and directly, certainlly not thru a web-site, but i know if you are genuine, you will subscribe to this also) that the
intentions of others that i would definatelly like to have faith and a belief in, have the same good moral code that i claim to have, and hold myself
to account by, each and every single day of my life...
You see flash, in one aspect i know you are 100% right. We need to look inside, and once we do that, everything will get better outside.
And hopefully our other friends out there subscribe to accountabillity. I for one cannot wait to meet them with open arms, but i have a few questions
they might not like. But i will ask them. And i will expect answers..
(i bet you didnt expect this flashstorminc)