posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 08:55 AM
This is now the third moarning in a row that i am hearing strange noises comming from the ceiling inside of my closet.
I moved into this place a little over a month ago and never had something like this happen before here. It sounds like a rat scraping or something.
but there are people that live above me.
It is very loud, and apears to be random, it has only happen the past few days.
At first i was kinda scared, but now i am just confused.
What the hell is it?
I just walked into the closet and knocked on the ceiling, and the nosie has stopped... for now.
So i ask again... DAMM IT, the noise started again, and it queited down when i knocked again... and there it goes again...
Its been in the same place the last 3 moarning, in my closet, in the ceiling, makeing scratching noises.