posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 08:48 PM
Mundane or not all artist's do it.
And alot of artishts, painters and sculptors hide images within their work.
One specific and perhaps most well known might be Picasso's THE DREAM. It's of Picasso's mistress Marie-Therese Walter. If you've never seen it
here's a link and if you need help finding the image the paragraph under the painting reveals it. I'm not saying what it is. lol
Of course, had PICASSO painted in DA VINCI's day I think he would have developed a far more complex means of hiding images. Considering mere free
thinking could have proveN hazardous to one's health back then.
The hi-def image of DA VINCI'S THE LAST SUPPER is after an extensive restoration was done in order to save the master piece from completely
deteriorating. So, regardless of what I or anyone else may think we see it is wide open for even more debate and controversy.
Although, the fact that I have found so many similar illusions and caricature style of similar hidden images, letters, numbers, etc. on all of DA
VINCI's works of art... Is, I believe, interesting. lol
The fact that DA VINCI's paintings and drawings/sketches seem to have an endless number of "layered" images and illusions I find extremely
The fact that they've escaped attention for over 500 years completely blows my mind!
[edit on 8-11-2007 by lajansann]