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Hologram Effect - Hidden Images - Da Vinci ?

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posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:56 AM
I was doing my morning rounds catching up on the news and found this blog dedicated to the discovery of finding hidden images in Da Vinci's artwork.

This woman LA Jansann is an artist and obviously spends hours and hours trying to find the hidden imagery in the art.

There are many many images posted there and analyzed there, I checked out a few and I tend to think that her quest is like laying on the ground and finding images in floating clouds in the sky.

Is there something to her observations?

Some seem silly, some have substance.

I thought I would share with the members,

And let you figure it out for yourself.

It is pretty cool to seek out the hidden stuff so if your interested,

N 2 da Vinci and Beyond

This is a personal blog dedicated to sharing the discovery of amazing hidden images and optical illusions found within ALL of LEONARDO DA VINCI's works of art. Special techniques such as the "Hologram Effect" are skillfully employed by the ingenious artist/inventor to hide layer upon layer of hidden images throughout his paintings, drawings, study sheets and sketches...

about LA Jansann

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 08:10 AM
I have no doubt that Leonardo hid "secret" messages and images within his works. I'm sure most artists have in one way or another.

However, I think most of these people are reaching a BIT too far and, as you said, are doing nothing more than lying back and finding shapes in the clouds.

Again, great thread Jack!


posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by SimiusDei

It is interesting, it is also remarkable what your imagination can do to your perception.

Whether Da Vinci put some of these in his art or not, I guess is up for debate.

This blog reminded me when I was a young kid and spent some summer breaks at my grandmother's house.

She had this very old framed picture of Jesus on the wall and I remember that no matter where I was in the room, the eyes were following me.

Since then I have seen a few other portraits that do the same, it always amazed me that an artist could create that kind of effect from a painting.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 10:04 PM
(she said somewhat timidly.)

I happened to notice a rather large amount of traffic originating from this site (thank you Jack!) and thought I’d pop in. I don’t always join in on discussions like this, being the subject of discussion especially, but I liked the logical “I’m not convinced” reasoning to the flow of conversation and well… Hello!

The oddest truth is I don’t spend that much time searching for these “alleged” hidden images as you would probably expect. Once I simply backed away from da Vinci’s art I found the images began revealing themselves quiet easily one right after the other.

It’s okay to laugh, believe me; I haven’t been able to stop laughing ever since I realized what all I was seeing. It really is just the most incredible think to experience once you grasp the concept of a particular illusion or the style of the hidden image within a certain sketch, painting, etc. and you know what you’re seeing is real.

I haven’t necessarily found messages usually just faces both animal and human varying from normal to cartoon or caricature style images. Well, I do point out the “possible” hidden compass and square I found within the Vitruvian Man…. BUT, I do admit that it proves nothing other than if you look for Masonic symbols you’re bound to find them everywhere. (But it sure was clever IF it was da Vinci’s deliberate intention) But I can only wonder...? Of course.

Thanks again Jack

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by lajansann

Well hello. Welcome to ATS.

I have to say I'm not familiar with your work but was about to click on Jack's link to see what it was all about. I hope you stick around to answer any questions that I, or other member's may have.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 10:20 PM
I must not have a very vivid imagination, which is odd, because normally I do. But I just dont see any of it. LOL Ive tried. I sat here for God knows how long staring
and not seeing what I was suppose to see.

However, its all intersting nonetheless

[edit on 2-11-2007 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by GAOTU789

Thank you for the welcome and well... okay.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 10:36 PM
Your welcome.

I am going through your site and I can see some of it. The FADE IN pic was interesting.

I'll have a couple of questions for sure. I want to have a good look first though.

Interesting stuff for sure.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 10:55 PM
Thank you GAOTU789,

(how do pronounce that... lol.)

Seriously now, are you really seeing some items within the
fade in illusion?

That's very interesting! If you noticed a recent update on that
post, I've had tons of emails asking me to outline some ot the
hidden images, which I've promised to do asap.

So that is nice to hear you're actually seeing... Something?

If you're having fun looking don't read any more. I don't want to
spoil the fun.

In the upside down image of "Horse and Rider" there's an almost
goofy looking caricature style face, the horse's hoof becomes his
eye. And in one of the rotated views of this same sketch there's
a very large caricature smiling face.

I'm an artist but the old fasion kind and my graphic skills are LACKING.
But I will begin the tedius procees of outlining some of the hidden images in this series.

Can to share what you're seeing?

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by lajansann

Wow, thanks for stopping by, we love to discuss a wide variety of subjects here on a daily basis and since I am not an expert in any subject

I love to find interesting items to bring here for the members to discuss and experience.

When I stumbled upon your blog and saw the effort and information that you provided in your blog, I knew I had to share it here. Nice work.

Like I said earlier, I don't know if your discoveries of other images in Da Vinci's works were intended by the artist or just something that our imagination can do with almost anything be it real or art.

I hope you get the chance to cruise around here often, you might find some things that interest you.

Once again WELCOME

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by lajansann

Ok for the horse and rider sketch, on the left side of the horse just below the rider's hand, there appears to be the head of an Egyptian king. On the opposite side of the horse, half way down the drawing, there appears to be a head with sun rays coming from behind it or maybe a Medusa's head kind of thing. Also, when the drawing is rotated 180 degrees, it appears there is another human on that the top of the sketch.

The old man drawing, I noticed the snakes on his neck before I read about them. And noticed some of the other weird anomalies also. I didn't get much further than that last night as it was late here on the East Coast.

What's your opinion on why Da Vinci would do this? I would like to hear why you think he imbedded these hidden images within his work. Was it for personal satisfaction or was there other reasons behind it? What's your interpretation of all of it?

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 06:40 PM
I was just composing a farewell note of sorts when I
saw your comment so I’ll gladly answer before I post

I’m really excited about all you’re seeing within the Horse
and Rider sketch considering what I say above about it.
I could spend hours describing the vast number of overlapping
images that I see in that sketch and I still see something new every
time I look at it. Of course that’s pretty much true of all da Vinci's
works of art.

The Profile of the Old Man is one of my personal favorites
as far as the most incredible optical illusions in addition to
the seemingly endless number of hidden images.

There does seem to be a large number of what appear to me
to be Egyptian items in a lot of da Vinci’s art.

As to what I think da Vinci’s intention was would be mere
speculation on my part; though, I have theories enough to
fill the pages of this forum, they are nonetheless only theories.

Perhaps we’ve finally discovered how an incredibly ingenious man such
as LEONARDO DA VINCI, amused himself with his own creative genius.

Of course, I am inclined to believe it’s got to be more than that considering
all the other artist of his period who seem to have utilized very similar techniques
(my archives) but at this point I’m just desperately
trying to get people to see what is really there hidden within each and
everyone of his works of art.

As to any possible meaning how can we ever begin to hope to
understand that if we cannot even see what all he’s left, so easily,
for all of us to find?

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 06:58 PM
I'm all for clever artists hiding many layers of meaning or multiple images in their work.

But I'd like to take a horsehair brush and gouge out the eyes of the woman in the link for using the term "hologram" in relation to this. It has no relation at all to a hologram, unless ol' Leo was able to directly paint interference fringes, in which case he was probably an ET.

Courtesy Is Mandatory

[edit on 5-11-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 07:07 PM
I want to thank you, you really have no idea how hesitant I
was about joining in on the discussion, but I wonder if my
presence may be keeping some from speaking their mind.

In the beginning even a group of my best friends were humoring
me while secretly planning an intervention on my behalf. lol Until
I actually sat with them in person and pointed out exactly how and
what to look for. (Wish I could do that with everyone.)

I do explain the simple secrets to seeing these incredible images and
illusions on my site in detail; distance and viewing angles are a must.

Sorry, I must sound like a promotional ad, so I will look around your
site some more and leave your group to your honest opinions.

In closing may I just say that when and if you’re able to see even one
hidden image or illusion and it isn’t a matter of thinking that could look
like a gorilla or that might be a second face… But when you
know what you’re seeing is real you’ll be amazed at what all
else you’ll suddenly begin to see.

Thanks to all of you just for looking and wondering… What if?

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by lajansann
I was just composing a farewell note of sorts when I
saw your comment so I’ll gladly answer before I post

There's no reason to leave. This site is a great place to discuss the topics and theories you have on these drawings.

There does seem to be a large number of what appear to me
to be Egyptian items in a lot of da Vinci’s art.

I have noticed a couple more Egyptian style hidden items in a couple of the photo's also.

As to what I think da Vinci’s intention was would be mere
speculation on my part; though, I have theories enough to
fill the pages of this forum, they are nonetheless only theories.

That kind of thing is encouraged here. You may find some lively discussion on your interest's on ATS.

but at this point I’m just desperately
trying to get people to see what is really there hidden within each and
everyone of his works of art.

Try starting a thread of your own. Explain your theories on the subject and I'm sure you will get responses. Be prepared for some criticism and questioning. By reading your site I think you will be fine though. I'll be glad to discuss them with you.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 07:19 PM
Pssst... GAOTU789 Is the coast clear?

Golly! That sort of blew me away! But I have wandered around getting to know ATS and it really does appear to be a great group of intelligent people gathered here. So, with your kind encouragement I'll see if I can stick around without causing anyone else the desire to inflict bodily harm.

Regarding your suggestion about starting a new thread, I just don't think the good folks at ATS intended these forums to be used to promote personal web sites. And besides, I personally just wouldn't feel right about it doing that at ALL!

Ya know, what's funny (in a way) is that if you think about it there really was an incredible sense of simplicity with regards to da Vinci's intelligence. I mean, who would believe he could have invented a functioning "robot" in the 1500's. Yet, he did!

Using a suit of armor and the most basic system of gears and pulley's the "robot" could sit, stand, move it's arms and the face plate would open and close!

Of course that's hardly what you might think of as a "robot" today considering our high tech robotic technology, but it is nonetheless still consider and referred to as "da Vinci's robot."

So would his ability to create a painting technique which mimicked a "hologram effect" be so far fetched? Personally, I'm not prepared to put any past his abilities.

Anyway, thank you and the very kind forum staff members for encouraging me to hang around, I doubt I ever would have had the nerve otherwise. Not that I'm a coward, mind you, just a Southern Lady well prepared and even expecting people to react with a healthy sense of skepticism and/or non-stop laughter, in fact as I stated much earier I
expect everyone to laugh (initially at least.) I haven't been able to stop laughing myself, ever since I first realized what all I was seeing!

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 08:38 PM
Wow this is a great thread.

You have to think that DaVinci with his brilliance and knack for deception most definitely put hidden images in his painting.

He was light years ahead of his time!

I think some are in plain sight if you know what to look for but others are placed so hidden that the people of his time wouldn't have the knowledge to find them or even know to even look.

I bet we find new things for many years to come that he put in there especially as our technology improves.


posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 11:02 AM
Well I certainly agree with Cory, in fact there are massive numbers of these "hidden images" that you can see clearly with the naked eye if you simply know how and what to look for, but technology sure has played a big roll in enabling me to try and help others to see all that I am seeing.

Point in fact, I was just sent the following link of da Vinci's THE LAST SUPPER shown in high definition with zoom contols:

Though some of the actual "illusions" are seen best, if at all, from a distance this allows the clearest view of the infamous "knife wielding hand"
mentioned in Dan Brown's THE DA VINCI CODE that I've seen to date.

As well as what I mention on my site as what looks like a face (green)peering over the shoulder of the first apostle shown on left side of the table (Bartholemew, I believe.) And sitting right in front of him on the table is what looks like another face (also green.)

I could go on and on. But does anyone else see this? What else do you see?

Then try using the zoom control and see if you too don't see what are extremely clear numbers and letters all over this painting/mural. I've been seeing them for sometime, but this really helps to confirm for myself at least what I've been seeing.

Hope you enjoy this great site/tool as much as I have.

[edit on 7-11-2007 by lajansann]

[edit on 7-11-2007 by lajansann]

[edit on 7-11-2007 by lajansann]

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 10:31 AM
Here's a link if you would like to see some close up views of what I'm seeing within Leonardo da Vinci's THE LAST SUPPER:

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 10:43 AM
I remember reading somewhere about the layering thing. However, as I recall it, the layering wasn't done to provide some hidden imagery or anything like that. It was done because the artist was recycling the old canvas, painting over the failed pieces and/or parts.

Maybe that mundane explanation is the real truth. Truth is usually quite mundane...

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