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If There is No Conspiracy, Why All the Secrecy? -- "No Good Deed Goes Unpublicized"

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posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 09:08 PM
I posed this question at the end of another thread of mine. Upon further thought, I figured it deserved a thread of it's own.

If all of the "sane" members of society are correct, and the government truly has nothing to hide, then why all of the secrecy? If they have nothing to hide from us, then why do they hide so damn much?

Hell, if you dispute their amount of secrets, you need look no farther than ANY formerly classified document obtained via the "freedom of information" act. Sure, you can obtain copies, but you are lucky to actually be able to read 10 to 20% in most cases. Naturally, it's understandable that they want to hide something like the location and names of covert agents. But, is it REALLY necessary to hide the name of some doctor that performed an autopsy 40 years ago? How can something like that NOT make you wonder?

And speaking of secrets; What about the Bilderberg group? I mean COME ON!!! There is a group of world power brokers and politicians (illegally) meeting in secret every year to discuss, what we can only assume are, plans for the future of the world. The secrecy and security of these meetings are unfreakingbelivable. Does this honestly not scare the beejeezus outta you guys? Hell, the Bilderbergers are the exact representation of a "global elite". Can ANYTHING that's actually GOOD for us possibly come out of these meetings? What good deed has a politician EVER kept secret? Hell, they hold a press conference every time they manage to wipe properly.

Isn't our government supposed to be representing and speaking for US? Aren't they supposed to function according to OUR will? Aren't they elected to be OUR servants? If so, where do they get the RIGHT to keep secrets from us?

How can people continue to call the whole idea of a "New World Order" or a secret government a conspiracy THEORY when it is, by definition, a conspiracy?

Conspiracy - con·spir·a·cy (kən-spîr'ə-sē) - A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design.

I think these Bilderberg meetings fit that definition pretty well.

If you honestly do not believe that these guys meet for "sinister" purposes; What do you suppose they discuss at their meetings? And, as I asked before, if their discussion and plans are benign; Why the secrecy?

Sure, there are some conspiracy "theories" floating around about what these guys discuss. However, their meetings are, in FACT, conspiracies.

There are very important topics being discussed at those meetings and they are topics that they DO NOT want us to know about. There can be no questioning that. The question is, WHY don't they want us to know? If it would please us, would they bother hiding it?

So, where do we go from here?

What about Skull & Bones? Why is it that so many of their members make it to VERY prominent political positions? Could it just be that they are so much better suited to political life than the rest of us? Or, could it be because their former alumni have achieved positions of power through nefarious means and have continued to ensure fellow bonesmen rise to those positions of power as well? Again, conspiracy by definition and we ALL know of the secrecy surrounding skull and bones. "It's so secret that I can't talk about it", right?

That leads us to another question. If these guys are capable of ensuring prominent government positions (even PotUSA) for their members, what else are they capable of? Also, IF these guys are able to get their fellow bonesmen into high power ELECTED positions, can we honestly believe that our elections are fair and honest?

Fact is, our entire governmental system is based on secrets and lies. That is the way they like it. Things are always easier when you don't have to explain them. And what do they say when we question them on their lies? "National Security."; The two magic words that cover all their little lies.

Are the majority of the citizens in this country so unbelievably gullible that the old "national security" lie satisfies their questions? In what way do coverups and secrets make us more secure? If anything, the crimes these guys perpetrate under the cloak of secrecy make us LESS secure. They are carrying out attrocities in OUR NAME all over the globe on a daily basis. When those REAL terrorists that our government is creating DO decide to actually let a nuke go in one (or several) of our cities, who is going to be affected? Certainly not the Bilderbergers.

While you guys may worry about our sanity for questioning too much, I worry about you guys for not questioning AT ALL. It seems that some of you are perfectly happy to roll over and do whatever you are told as long as they tell you every so often that you are all nice, safe and warm under their umbrella of ultimate protection.

Serious question: How many of those "terrorist" groups out there right now (you know, the ones we waged war against) did we NOT create? Can you think of ANY that we did not either create or fund and arm?

If there is ONE thing that you CAN say for these guys, it's that they are firm believers in planning ahead. That being what it is, how could they not have seen the present coming? Could the events going on in the world today possibly have been planned, behind locked doors, 6 years ago? That idea certainly fits the profile.

All we, as conspiracy theorists, are saying is, "If you have nothing to hide, stop hiding everything!"


posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by SimiusDei

You are going to find out, in your lifetime, that physical confrontation and self sacrifice is inevitable in any "civilized" society.

People around the world are beginning to understand that "mickey mouse" is carrying a machine gun, and if you don't believe in mickey's make believe world, he will gun you down with that big fat smile on his face.

"There will be Blood"

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 12:21 AM
Yeah I wonder what those people talk about during their meetings. I say we gather some people and do a covert operation, and get into their secret meeting room through the ventilation system and record what they talk about.

What if their conversations are on how to make the best cupcakes? I think maybe they are just this big (secret) Star Wars fan club, but thats just my opinion.

[edit on 2-11-2007 by Night_Prowler]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 12:29 AM
star wars fan club, hmmm, well the part about an empire that enslaves the world through deception and the dark side sounds about right.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by Night_Prowler

Hey, you may be on to something there. Star Wars Fanatics and Trekkies do seem to border on the line of lunacy. They also seem to exhibit some extremely obsessive behavior.

We should look into that.

Of course, getting the ventilation system would just get you disappeared. However, if you are correct, it would be a light saber and not a pistol that did the job.

May the force be with you,

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by Conundrum04

I suppose it's a good thing that I'm very pro-physical confrontation and self sacrifice then huh?

Unfortunately, I'm not sure if enough others are also supportive of these tactics.


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