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Students required to Undergo Ideological Reeducation

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posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Redge777
You are a landlord because our economic system defends your right of ownership, and will support an action of eviction you ask for.

I don't evict with police. I ask people to leave. My houses are on a half acre lot and I live here.

Sir, may I ask you what you will do when all the tenants of yours, and other tenants elsewhere tell the landowners to go get (pick a term) and ignore your eviction.

My tenants are "indoctrinated" to my system, and they support me. So if that day came... I'm quite sure my people would be out with pitch forks defending my land for me. They appreciate the atmosphere I provide. They also realize that every penny they pay me goes to taxes, mortgage, and insurance on my buildings. And they realize that if their rent is late... I still pay their taxes mortgage and insurance on time. And they still have a roof over their head and water in their pipes. I loose money being a landlord. I choose to be a landlord because it gives me the ability to control utility usage of "tenants". My tenants have solar hot water. My tenants have wood heat. On my "compound" striving to be "off grid" is cultural.

What will happen when the police see that your actions are infringing on the majority of the tenants beliefs and tell you to go get(pick a term).

The majority of tenants can kiss my ***. If you are not willing to live by my rules; you won't live here. I'll make you uncomfortable until you go.

I mean no disrespect I only wish to further illuminate what ownership is. Ownership is what people allow you to call your own, or something you can defend as your own with power. Your ability to dictate the terms is based on the people agreeing to your ownership, if that ownership is abused, societies have known to simply say it is no longer yours. (see french revolution, and nationalization of economic interest)

I'll tell you what ownership is. Ownership comes from the flakes of skin that are peeling off my hands from exposure to caustic tile mortar. Ownership is also the cut in my fingernail from the tile saw. Ownership is the 3 roofs I have tacked on in the past 4 years. Ownership is the countless rotten boards I have replaced. Ownership is the copper plumbing that I have installed in 4 buildings. Ownership is the electrical systems that I have installed myself and the electrical systems I have paid to have installed. Ownership is when the wall has a hole in it; it gets fixed by me, the owner. Ownership is when the window breaks it is fixed by me; the owner. Ownership is when my tenants want somebody to leave and I escort them off the grounds. Ownership is the gardens, the trees, and the food I have planted; the green things my tenants enjoy and I upkeep. On top of that ownership is seeing to it that whatever debt is owed by the property, it gets paid; always and on time; regardless of whether a tenant pays his rent. From that state of ownership, I do dictate terms.

Might it be that the U of D stands on the same high horse?

Sri Oracle

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 07:15 PM
This is one of the main reasons when I have children they will be home schooled.
Schools do nothing but indoctrinate kids with $hit like this.

This is a direct violation of everyones first amendment rights. The school has no right "teaching" this load of horse $hit.

[edit on 11-3-2007 by CPYKOmega]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega
This is one of the main reasons when I have children they will be home schooled.

Schools do nothing but indoctrinate kids with # like this.

I agree...

My children will be home schooled as well.

But we are not talking about children; we are talking about young adults.
This is a university, where you have the choice to attend. It is a university with its own culture and soul.

If you looked up U of D in "Fiskes Guide to Colleges" and its ways didn't suit you... why would you choose to go there?

That said... Note:

Nov. 1, 2007

The University of Delaware strives for an environment in which all people feel welcome to learn, and which supports intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, free inquiry and respect for the views and values of an increasingly diverse population. The University is committed to the education of students as citizens, scholars and professionals and their preparation to contribute creatively and with integrity to a global society. The purpose of the residence life educational program is to support these commitments.

While I believe that recent press accounts misrepresent the purpose of the residential life program at the University of Delaware, there are questions about its practices that must be addressed and there are reasons for concern that the actual purpose is not being fulfilled. It is not feasible to evaluate these issues without a full and broad-based review.

Upon the recommendation of Vice President for Student Life Michael Gilbert and Director of Residence Life Kathleen Kerr, I have directed that the program be stopped immediately. No further activities under the current framework will be conducted.

Vice President Gilbert will work with the University Faculty Senate and others to determine the proper means by which residence life programs may support the intellectual, cultural and ethical development of our students.

Patrick Harker

Sri Oracle

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by InSpiteOf

Why? Why is socialism bad and Capitalism good?

Putting words in my mouth, reread what you write,
don't try to spin this around.

[edit on 4-11-2007 by Radekus]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
My tenants are "indoctrinated" to my system, and they support me. So if that day came... I'm quite sure my people would be out with pitch forks defending my land for me. They appreciate the atmosphere I provide. They also realize that every penny they pay me goes to taxes, mortgage, and insurance on my buildings. And they realize that if their rent is late... I still pay their taxes mortgage and insurance on time. And they still have a roof over their head and water in their pipes. I loose money being a landlord. I choose to be a landlord because it gives me the ability to control utility usage of "tenants". My tenants have solar hot water. My tenants have wood heat. On my "compound" striving to be "off grid" is cultural.

Somewhere I read into your writing that they are not only your people, but you are also there's more symbiotic then a leech relationship. You maybe trading economic power for control over people, something I ponder as not being just.

If they are indoctrinated to a system that is different then if they thought about it and independently decided it was a better system. If the cultural beliefs of being off grid are given to them with song and dance and they do not come to the conclusion on their own, then I would disagree with this method but I do agree it is the one most used, and is effective.

The way you describe your ranch seems to be in a way that would not lead to a peasant uprising, I think my point was responding to the claim that you dictate to the peasants what is right and wrong, like burning wood. If you started to dictate something terrible like the fictional one from braveheart "prima noctes: first night" Then I might have a point.

I am trying to say, if they believe you right, then you become right, but I would hope that opposing view points on wood stoves would be allowed. So that if a less caring landowner followed you he would not be able to walk all over them because they never learned free thought.

Furthermore does anyone really have the right to control others actions because they have more economic power? Do they have the right of a larger megaphone because of economic power? Is the riches person the one that deserves to spread their song and dance, or is the validity of the argument more important.

Your investment and hard work is in exchange to promote your ideas, money for control. Most accept this, however I would say money or economic power should not allow for a promotion of a belief system above the arguable merits of that system.

The majority of tenants can kiss my ***. If you are not willing to live by my rules; you won't live here. I'll make you uncomfortable until you go.

You may be missing my point, could not the tenants make you uncomfortable also? Your power over them is economic, and any peer pressure you can apply from others indoctrinated. What if one or two decide you no longer should live there?

Your view shows a form of landowner indoctrination in the larger sense, the view that money is king and ownership is defined by laws of money. Sometimes this leads to abuse of power.

I'll tell you what ownership is. Ownership comes from the flakes of skin that are peeling off my hands from exposure to caustic tile mortar. Ownership is also the cut in my fingernail from the tile saw. Ownership is the 3 roofs I have tacked on in the past 4 years. Ownership is the countless rotten boards I have replaced. Ownership is the copper plumbing that I have installed in 4 buildings. Ownership is the electrical systems that I have installed myself and the electrical systems I have paid to have installed. Ownership is when the wall has a hole in it; it gets fixed by me, the owner. Ownership is when the window breaks it is fixed by me; the owner. Ownership is when my tenants want somebody to leave and I escort them off the grounds. Ownership is the gardens, the trees, and the food I have planted; the green things my tenants enjoy and I upkeep. On top of that ownership is seeing to it that whatever debt is owed by the property, it gets paid; always and on time; regardless of whether a tenant pays his rent. From that state of ownership,

I included the entire quote because it is so admirable, and really puts my comment in its place. I was thinking can I move in, sounds great! I admire your work ethic and what seems to be a general caring for the state of your tenants.

I do dictate terms.

Until I got to the last line, this is the slippery slope, and can lead to abuse of power.

I only ask the questions to illustrate extremes you do not fall into obviously. People are willing to compromise quite often, as long as those compromises do not go from action to belief. Well most just do it from conditioning, but I guess I am saying I would disagree if you require people to conform to your views, rather then you just offering arguments that are good reasons to agree and accept other opinions.

Due to that perspective I find myself often economically evicted, because I do not acknowledge the right of those that wish to enforce belief systems on people.

Might it be that the U of D stands on the same high horse?

As we all do at times. If someone challenges my beliefs do I not sometimes find ways to defend my point only to propagate my agenda?
Nice post

Sri Oracle

I am going to start adding my name to end of my post so they show up when I want to google an old post, thanks for the idea

[edit on 4-11-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
But we are not talking about children; we are talking about young adults.
This is a university, where you have the choice to attend. It is a university with its own culture and soul.

If you looked up U of D in "Fiskes Guide to Colleges" and its ways didn't suit you... why would you choose to go there?

What if you have to conform your beliefs to attend a good college, so that only people of a certain belief can later rise to positions of influence. This is how an ideological view point, even if bad, can be perpetuated in a society. The reason this is bad is it has the undertone of changing beliefs, not offering information and allowing people what they chose to believe.

Imagine if you have to believe in lets say greed, third world exploitation, and Empire to rise above middle management in a company.

What if you have to believe in cold indoctrination and control over the masses to get appointed a candidate by political parties?

Or what if you have to have a religious belief to be accepted into a society that influences upward mobility?

Or what if you have to give a nazi salute and agree to round ups to keep your job and home? (to illustrate the extreme)


[edit on 4-11-2007 by Redge777]

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