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Students required to Undergo Ideological Reeducation

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posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 01:19 PM
Folks, I blieve the correct term for this is "INDOCTRINATION", not mind-control.

Either way, it's plain wrong and vilates everything that is good and natural in the world. I hope that anarchy prevails on campus and that the students, who are paying good money, take back their education and end this indoctrination. The fools that hide behind "acedamia" should be utterly ashamed of themselves for even trying such nonsense - but, then again, this is the ultra-liberal northeast so I guess I shouldn't be suprised.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul
There is a term for when a group or individual tries to force people into a belief system. It's called "mind control".

It is also the end result of "political correctness" allowed to reach its logical conclusion.

Wake up America.

What they couldn't win at the ballot box or through the appointment of "activist judges" is now being attempted in the forced indoctrination of our students. And BTW, it isn't just happening at universities and colleges, it starts in elementary school.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 03:24 PM
Be nice and tell the ones that had the idea for the ideological reeducation that they are wrong

In communist Romania before 1990 we had ideological education every day at school. And on TV
Just the thought of that happening again would make people here very angry

[edit on 2-11-2007 by pai mei]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 04:31 PM
corporate America is doing the same thing.

Sensitivity training does not say, If you do this, you will be fired. It makes you repeat and confirm a certain set of beliefs. You have to check a box that says you believe there view, it should just let you know it can lead to discipline, this is the difference from indoctrination and letting people know what is not allowed by company decree at a work place.

Most of the things are common sense, don't discriminate, but they sneak in their agenda.

I have heard people say, "we are not suppose to talk about politics" when a person brings up an empathetic concern over conditions in the world.

Then they back it up with groups that cheer for the corporation 3 times a day to add peer pressure and repetition to there behavioral modification.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 04:54 PM

I'm not going to argue with you, you obviously have it all figured out.
I can't prove to you what I see without walking down the streets with you and pointing to the little things that shape my opinion, so, I give up.
Besides, you just proved my point by putting words in my mouth that I'm pro

[edit on 2-11-2007 by Radekus]

[edit on 2-11-2007 by Radekus]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:12 PM
Whether you chose to call this "reeducation", "brainwashing", "indoctrination" or any other term, this is scary. I thought one of the main goals of institutes of higher learning was to foster critical thinking in the young adults who attend. This is exactly the opposite. This is teaching to follow the pack, believe what your told, don't question, don't think, just accept.

I am glad that the student's have spoken out against this. They pay for education not indoctrination.

reply to post by Radekus

I'm not exactly sure where you live in Canada but that isn't the Canada I know. We may have some socialist policies but we are certainly not a socialist country, far from it.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:16 PM
what is really funny is that every campus has its thought police and indoctrination. now, its just blatantly obvious. i have even had politically motivated math word problems.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:19 PM
I was outraged when I read the descriptions of this.

Isn't it racist to state that only whites can be racist?

Do you have to undergo treatment if you don't believe that "Diversity is Strength"

Do you have to undergo treatment if you don't believe in White Privilege?

What a bunch of hooey.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:20 PM
This sounds like brain washing to me! Freedom of thought is a good thing - this looks designed to stifle that idea. Free minds can't be controlled however.
What is it with this desire by certain elements of society to control the rest????

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:24 PM
Here's whitey's upcoming homes: or RE-EDUCATION CAMPS

Don't forget your riddlen prescription !

[edit on (11/2/0707 by arloray]

[edit on (11/2/0707 by arloray]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Radekus

Where did i say that you were "pro-capitalist"? I asked you what you thought was bad about socialism and what was good about capitalism, thats about it.

Seems to me you are the one putting words in peoples mouths.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:22 PM
What really gets me is this.

How did this school even THINK that this was a good way to go about teaching students diversity? A place of higher learning thought that "treatments" of supposed wrong thought or behavior, could be steered in the right direction with this program. Simply mind boggling.

Let's give those administrators raises I say.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 08:00 PM
I'm a landlord.

I indoctrinate my tenants.

For example... I provide wood stoves. If you want to heat your home with an electric space heater... I evict. Because I believe you SHOULD heat your home with wood; and if you are going to live on "my land" with me... you will.

Your home was built, paid for, and insured by me; and I am taxed on it. While living with me, your actions reflect on my land, my houses, my family, and me.

So if I start a school... and you want to attend... And you want to live on my land while you attend...

This is how we behave here. This is how we think here.

You can follow. You can learn to be one of our leaders... or get out of the way... our ship has cast off and is headed in a specific direction with a mission.

And for the most part... the university of delaware is not promoting bad things: Sustainability, care for the environment, appreciation for cultural diversity, standing up for oppressed peoples, reducing ecological footprint, being comfortable with your sexuality, etc.

Getting 18 year old's of diverse backgrounds prepared to deal with one another in a densely populated dorm setting requires indoctrination and empowerment training. Making sure they leave your university and become a model citizen insures those of like mind find your university in the future. If you don't like the UD plan... go somewhere else. I changed universities 3 times before getting a BS.

I will say they are out in left field with their "only rich white folks can be racist." I've known some of the poorest dark skin folks that won't even walk on the same side of the street as the cracker.

I suggest reading " Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies by Jim Collins"

Jim would agree with the "CULT LIKE CULTURE" Chapter 8

I am,

Sri Oracle

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 09:05 PM
This sort of thinking and attempted indoctrination was EXACTLY the reason why I left university. University is a scam anyway unless you're going to earn a degree for a specific professsion like doctor, lawyer, CPA, etc. Charging you $40k a year, back when I was in school anyway, to be told how all the problems in the world had their root at western European capitalism and are perpetuated by the west and its capitalist tendencies to this, thank you. I'm smart enough to know when I'm being hoodwinked. Yeah, I might have fallen for the shell game once, but those cons were a lot more savvy than university professors and administrators. This load of crap at the U of D doesn't surprise me one bit. In fact, I'm surprised things like this haven't come to light much sooner.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by roadgravel

that statement is insane.I lived in a city where the population of chinese was par with whites.They are racist trust me, they hate whites.they act all nice on the surface, but there are racists from other ethnic groups, not all ,but many.we call it reverse racism.ive seen it ,ive lived in it.Im not racist, i hate everyone equally,doesnt matter what color you are, if your bad your bad.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 11:17 PM
So I guess everytime somebody mentions the fact that white people have been and probably still are in "slavery" in other parts of the world it's just some "racist" ideology or something? Or an excuse for the "white man's" actions against other races, as if white people are the only people that traffic in slavery. I suppose everytime somebody calls out at someone in the mainstream news with terms such as "redneck" we are supposed to get upset and form a committee to shut people up and censor their speech. I don't care if somebody calls me "redneck" or "redman" since I am part Native American. Are people growing up in the public school this ignorant about freedom of speech? Are words so powerful that some people are literally trapped in a walled off prison of the mind? Come on this is supposed to be "higher education", censorship is nothing but guttertalk. Censorship is worse than being called a name, not only can somebody restrict what you say with this kind of curriculm but they can restrict what you do, that's "true" slavery. I remember once in 2004 being told not to give a speech about the benefits of marijuana in a "college speaking course" while being given free reign to write at liberty the benefits of "medical marijuana" in a medical ethics course in the mid 90's. I suppose that's now illegal to even mention the evil "drugs" for the precious children. In fact the teacher said something to the effect of not wanting to be responsible if somebody in the class went out and got messed up and killed somebody or themself. She somehow didn't understand that merely talking about a subject doesn't necessarily mean condoning such behavior, which prompted me to drop the course since she clearly had no interest in reality or the constitution. Apparently education means things that we are comfortable talking about, even in a classroom of adults, geez. What a sorry sad pathetic state we are in, looks like it's best to homeschool and steer clear of the morons that now occupy the so called educated elite. I wouldn't let my children go to a university that spouts hatred of free speech, that's not how one learns anything in life. Learning is far more important than words that hurt somebody's feelings, now if someone is being blatently cruel, that's different, but mandating that people not speak "forbidden" words is stupid.

[edit on 2-11-2007 by bubbabuddha]

[edit on 2-11-2007 by bubbabuddha]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
I'm a landlord.

I indoctrinate my tenants.

For example... I provide wood stoves. If you want to heat your home with an electric space heater... I evict. Because I believe you SHOULD heat your home with wood; and if you are going to live on "my land" with me... you will.

Your home was built, paid for, and insured by me; and I am taxed on it. While living with me, your actions reflect on my land, my houses, my family, and me.

You are a landlord because our economic system defends your right of ownership, and will support an action of eviction you ask for.

Sir, may I ask you what you will do when all the tenants of yours, and other tenants elsewhere tell the landowners to go get (pick a term) and ignore your eviction. What will happen when the police see that your actions are infringing on the majority of the tenants beliefs and tell you to go get(pick a term).

I mean no disrespect I only wish to further illuminate what ownership is. Ownership is what people allow you to call your own, or something you can defend as your own with power. Your ability to dictate the terms is based on the people agreeing to your ownership, if that ownership is abused, societies have known to simply say it is no longer yours. (see french revolution, and nationalization of economic interest)

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 08:48 AM
Ideological Reeducation

In my oppinion it's just all personal preference. However, one should not try to impose their ideas on another. American tend to be more direct with their racial slurs, but others reserve judgement till they're around their family or "society".
For all the adults out there I just want to tell you that high school have changed dramatically, high school is society, when a teen does something or behaves in a way it's all about high school; not puberty. By the time they get into college they really do need some form of treatment of their previous stratified behaviors.
dumb but pretty girls
smart but ugly girls
dumb jocks (some may actually be smart)

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 09:49 AM
What we see here is a fine example of Zionism at work, folks. Zionists are trying to take over the world by destructuring societies.

Sponsor of the Delaware university is the Goldman Sachs Trust:

The presistent mr Harker is a Trustee of Goldman Sachs.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 02:49 PM
Reason has prevailed...

The University has suspended the Reeducation classes due to the backlash from students, parents and faculty.

Just heard it on fox.

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