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NASA Scientist Fired - Promises Disclosure

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posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by EBE154
but probably the footage needs just some more time to show up and to overwhelm us! so there's is no need to worry i'd say...

We live in the 21st century and no longer use smoke signals and marathon runners to communicate. Youtube works amazingly well, last time I checked. The footage is probably just too darn insignificant to show. It was a b$$k promotion, for gossake, and not some kind of earth-shattering event.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Originally posted by MrPenny The tidal forces exerted by the Earth would haul whatever thin atmosphere there is on the moon to the side facing the Earth. Just like the Moon's tidal force raises the ocean level and atmospheric depth, right here on good ol' Earth.

Thanks for the post MrPenny. My opinion is that tidal forces/tidal lock are imaginary forces that were fabricated to account for the moons rotational lock.

It is pure speculation whether or not the moon by itself causes earths tides.

In fact, since the moon is probably a space ship it may be something inside the moon that is causing earths tides. Or something else altogether.

But thanks for the post, everybody has an opinion.

Now you say the moon is a spaceship? Why the heck are we sending mining equipment to the Moonship to excavate? Does that even make any sense to you? Why is the nuclear reactor on the outside of the ship?

Wow, just wow.

admin edit: removed snide remark, we don't do that here. Stay on a TOPICAL focus not a personality focus please.

[edit on 11-1-2007 by Springer]

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by EBE154 does someone know if the actual press conference has been recorded and if when it will be released?

Not yet that I can find... That's why I posted this... I know the resources at ATS would keep digging till we either get results or find out Hoagland is playing with us.

I think it likely that it is suspense to sell books... but I doubt its a hoax... he has to much at stake here... Either way it will be interesting...

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 03:55 PM
John Lear got it all wrong! It's not the Moon which is a spaceship, it's the Earth! Volcano eruptions are just a manifestation of its internal power plant working! Global warming is a sign that somebody inside is revving up the engine in preparation for takeoff from the Solar system! The moon, however, is an equivalent of an outhouse. The aliens were ingenios enough to design the septic tank in orbit.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by Aelita

According to the photos posted on the Dark Mission blog the press-conference was filmed by a Russian TV company, NTV.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
reply to post by Aelita

According to the photos posted on the Dark Mission blog the press-conference was filmed by a Russian TV company, NTV.

Great, thanks. Too bad I missed this program (I have the NTV on cable).

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Aelita
We live in the 21st century and no longer use smoke signals and marathon runners to communicate.

Then why do we have to wait MONTHS for the release of the high definition video images Japan is taking of the moon right now? Just plug in the live feed and lets have at them... Hell I can get SOHO images within minutes and that ship is a million miles out...

Youtube works amazingly well, last time I checked.


I pity the state of the world... one side says.."if its not on youtube then it can't be real" and the other side says.."You tube can be editted by anyone and there is so much fakery and hoaxes on there its worthless.."

Sorry I needed that Thanks for the comic relief

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

I pity the state of the world... one side says.."if its not on youtube then it can't be real" and the other side says.."You tube can be editted by anyone and there is so much fakery and hoaxes on there its worthless.."

Sorry I needed that Thanks for the comic relief

I'm glad you got a good laugh. Now, check the Youtube for tons and tons of Hoagland and Lear material and other such crap.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by sr71b
Now you say the moon is a spaceship?

Many believe that this is possible... with an outer layer of rock....

Why the heck are we sending mining equipment to the Moonship to excavate? Does that even make any sense to you?

Perfect sense to me...
Hoagland says they are 'mining' for ancient technology...
Well if its a spaceship.... damn what a GOLDMINE

We say Helium 3 and so does most of the world hence the new 'space race'

But Helium 3 is generated by the sun converting regular Helium to H3... its been doing this for thousands of years and the stuff is on the SURFACE... no deeper than three meters...

Now one thing everyone over looks in their zeal to debunk...

HE3 requires HELIUM to be formed from...

HELIUM is a gas, ergo it is in the ATMOSPHERE

So since there are over a TRILLION tons of HE3 on the moon, with a net value of 5.4 billion per ton... with enough energy that 25 tons would power the entire USA for 1 year ... and the fact that it is a clean non poluting source of fusion energy...

It makes perfect sense spaceship or planetoid....

But what I want to know is...

where does the Helium come from?

Why is the nuclear reactor on the outside of the ship?

Maybe its safer out there? Perhaps its really only an 'exhaust port' for the reactor? That would ex[lain why its not on all the time
I will let you know when we finish our ship and go have a look..

Do you even remember half of the garbage that comes out of your mouth?

Wow, just wow.

Practicing what you preach I presume?


posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Thanks for the Link ArMaP

Well lately my best source of information has been coming from Russia... and Great Britain

Maybe that's because the American News services don't want to carry anything like this...

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
HELIUM is a gas, ergo it is in the ATMOSPHERE

It may be hopeless.

The helium on the moon isn't found in substantial gaseous form. It is locked into the rock itself. Just like here on Earth where elemental gases can be derived from mineral.

Sometimes zorgon, I'm embarrassed for you.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:33 PM
This is awesome news, I think the best thing to do is watch this space !

Does anyone else feel as though full disclosure is in the midst ?

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by johnlear

Hi again, John.

Uh, I'm still not seeing why the disclosure of (breathable) air on the Moon is a problem for the 'powers'.

I don't mean to be contentious - I'm really curious.

What would disclosure of their being an atmosphere similar to Earth's at 18,000 feet do to the powers? I'm just not seeing an effect.

Are you saying it's just the threat of further disclosures?

IMO, when you think about it, none of the things, bases, atmosphere, reactors is dangerous to the status quo if they leak it out judiciously.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:45 PM
Has anyone gotten a hold of the pics that were presented during the conference?

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by eRauzed
This is awesome news, I think the best thing to do is watch this space !

Does anyone else feel as though full disclosure is in the midst ?

I hope so, but I think NASA will try and discredit and ignore whatever is presented. And I havent really seen anything about this in the US mass media... they may very well manage to shut this whole incident up completely.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by eRauzed
This is awesome news, I think the best thing to do is watch this space !
Does anyone else feel as though full disclosure is in the midst ?

At this point, I'm not holding my breath, as if I was on the Moon. Sure, it would be cool if there was "disclosure," assuming there's something to actually disclose. I don't want to make any predictions, but I think Nostradamus might guess that this will eventually turn out to be some minor level guy who has a couple of blurry photos and it will all amount to a big, steaming pile of diddly squat.

The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. Right now all we have is some random guy talking about pudding.

[edit on 1-11-2007 by Nohup]

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by rikriley
reply to post by johnlear

John your stock just soared to the Moon with me and you have been telling the ATS audience about structures and a breathable atmosphere on the Moon for some time.

Looking at photos taken of the many Moon missions and telescopic images from the Moon taken from Earth have already sold me on that life does and has for sometime existed on and inside the Lunar surface. Look at all the geometric structures, buildings and humanoid statues from the photos that can be viewed and varifiably spotted.

My Brother in laws step father in his 80s passed away yesterday and Don was a brilliant mathematician employed by NASA and was instrumental in helping the Apollo missions land on the Moon. My sister had some long talks with him and he would mum up when it came to any of the Moon missions and projects he had worked on and would say they were classified.

Wonder why these projects were classified? Surely it could not be what Johnston has released to the public. LOL I Thank our Creator that Johnston held on to the photos and informaton he has about the Moon.

For all you disinformers on the Moon threads sorry the fat lady just sang. Breathable atmosphere take it to the bank on the Earth's Moon, Mars, Venus and oh yes, the rest of the solar system's planets and many of the Moons such as Triton, the largest Moon of the blue watery planet Neptune. Lets not forget the Moon Titon that is loaded with humanoid life. What is laughable to me is that we are told that oceans of liquid methane exist on Titon. They misspelled methane it is spelled H2O.

Now you non believers keep on believing what your are brainwashed to believe that we are the only planet that contains life in our solar system and we are the only planet that has a breathable atmosphere to sustain biological life. Keep on believing that the Moon is made of green cheese. Rik Riley

[edit on 1-11-2007 by rikriley]

Do you just say whatever you dream up or do you actually have any proof of humanoid life on other planets and moons? Not to be offensive but acting smug toward "non believers" isnt going to convince anyone else of your cause.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by Copernicus

If there was a Russian TV at the press conference that (apparently) allready have shown some images from the event, I don't think it could be silenced.


About the scientist status of Ken Johnston, the only thing I could find until now was this:

Dr. Johnston learned to fly in the US Marine Corps and in the 1960’s and was one of the five test pilots assigned to work with the astronauts during the Apollo Moon Program at NASA in Houston. His job was to help train the astronauts to fly the Lunar Module. He was one of the Test Conductors and became the Test Director of the TM-5 Lunar Module Training Vehicle that was used to train all the Lunar Mission Astronauts. In 1969, Mr. Johnston was responsible for controlling all the Data and Photographic information generated from the Lunar Missions. He has three BS degrees in Aviation and Aerospace Engineering, a Masters in Theology and his PhD. in Meta Physics. Now retired at the age of 60, Dr. Johnston raises miniature horses in New Mexico.


posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Thats good.

Ok, maybe there is a glimmering hope after all...

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny
The helium on the moon isn't found in substantial gaseous form. It is locked into the rock itself. Just like here on Earth where elemental gases can be derived from mineral.

No kidding? Gee thanks...

So considering how long its taken to create the HE3 just how much would 'substantial' be ?

In Earth's atmosphere we get this...

There are traces of hydrogen, and of argon, helium and other "noble" gases (and of volatile pollutants). Exact measurements are difficult...


Traces difficult to measure... hmmmm

Yet in the Moon's atmosphere we have measurements...

Estimated Composition (particles per cubic cm):
Helium 4 (4He) - 40,000
Neon 20 (20Ne) - 40,000
Hydrogen (H2) - 35,000
Argon 40 (40Ar) - 30,000

Those figures of atmospheric concentration are direct from NASA

Lunar Atmosphere Fact Sheet

Sometimes zorgon, I'm embarrassed for you.

I would respectfully say you should worry about yourself

The only thing NASA and our side disagree on is the amount of O2

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