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What's wrong with these people?!

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posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 10:43 PM
I have seen Michelle Malkins psychotic rants on Faux News before, but I've never actually read her blog!

The video that this 'story' is about, shows young children DOING WHAT THEY SHOULD BE DOING as American citizens!

Here Malkin is getting her neo-con boot licking swine of a following to contact the Nickelodeon channel to remove this 'offensive' and 'leftist propaganda' off of their broadcasts!

Read some of the responses from these troglodytes!

I can't believe that these people actually consider themselves Americans and stand up for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights!!

Me thinks that some of these people should re-read these documents along with the Federalist Papers!

What makes people like Malkin tick? Could it be that in '93 she married Jesse Malkin, a Rhodes Scholar and RAND Corporation economist?!?

Geez, no wonder she's such an establishment boot-licker!

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 11:00 PM
Isn't it great that we all can have different views without being called names...oops I guess "neo-con boot licking swine" might be a bad name...

Hmm maybe we should have someone write down the correct views that we all should be following so we can all be good Americans too. I'm sure it starts with hating Bush and thinking Cheney is the devil, also our troops are the evil oppressors fighting the freedom fighters. I wouldn’t want anyone else to be called a neo-con swine.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 11:15 PM
I think you missed the point. Most children and adults these days ARE apathetic. I have no problem with an alternative viewpoint, but the reach of the media with their slanted and spun opinions just furthers the brainwashing of the people that haven't a clue.

Did you read what some of these people are saying?

Click on the story about the Code Pink demonstration at the House Foreign Affairs Committee room on the 24th...

These people are calling for outright tazing and torture! Ack! Me thinks they watch too much 24 on the boobtube!

Malkin goes on to say...

'The Democrats refuse to rein in the Code Pinko thugs and vandals who continue to disrupt hearings on Capitol Hill. Earlier today, it was an unhinged protester who attempted to smear red paint on Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.'

I'm just a guy posting an article on a 'conspiracy theory' forum. Malkin is a syndicated mainstream journalist. So it's okay for her to associate dissent with Communism by referring to the group as 'Code Pinko thugs and vandals'?

Keep your coins, I want CHANGE!

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by agent_mulder

Here Malkin is getting her neo-con boot licking swine of a following to contact the Nickelodeon channel to remove this 'offensive' and 'leftist propaganda' off of their broadcasts!

Read some of the responses from these troglodytes!

I can't believe that these people actually consider themselves Americans and stand up for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights!!

How dare they have a differing opinion? I agree, they should definitely re-ready the Bill or Rights, especially the parts about freedom of speech and the right to protest.


But really, I agree and think they're going overboard, but they aren't hurting anyone, so let them be. Next time you get the urge to call someone 'neo-con boot licking swine', remember that there's someone out there that'd call you a [insert political affiliation] boot licking swine as well.

No hostility meant.



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