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Some people, I tell you

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posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 07:32 PM
It's so obvious that several people who've posted here have actually never even been to the signs, much less anywhere near them.

Look, Groom Lake security won't bother you if you don't bother them or do anything illegal. They actually won't even bother you if you take pictures at the signs, even though it's clearly posted that "Photography in this area is strictly prohibited".

I've taken photos of the signs, I've taken photos of my wife with the signs, I've even taken photos of my wife, the signs AND the security personnel on their hilltop. Nobody bothered us.

As a matter of fact, as we drove in, we saw a plume of dust coming towards us on the same road from miles away. The plume of dust turned out to be a brown truck that turned around behind us as soon as we passed it. We slowed down out of courtesy so that they wouldn't be completely swallowed by our own dust, and a few minutes later they passed us. When we looked over, we weren't really surprised to see they were security personnel. Very professional, didn't even bother to look in our direction. By the time we got to the signs, they were already up on their hilltop perch, probably listening to every one of our words, but not bothering us in the least.

These guys know that the signs are a huge tourist destination. They won't bother you.. won't assault you.. won't harass you.. etc. Know the limits and have fun with it. There are no UFOs out there, no Roswell bodies.. just classified aircraft...

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 07:42 PM
I agree. Area 51 is no longer anything special. There are just too many people that know about it, and too many people investigating it. Sure its not officially recognized by the government, but thats meaningless anyways.

Perhaps in the past there was some UFO activity here. Now, with all the publicity surrounding the place, it is more than likely that all UFO activity has moved to some other unknown base. Honestly, would the government be hiding the largest security secret in the history of the world at a place that is well known, and people create threads about storming the facility?

Lets be logical here, A51 is nothing more than a top secret plane testing place, or perhaps just a decoy from the real stuff wherever that is.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 08:41 PM
Hello welcome to ATS.

Would you post some of the pictures you took with the signs?

You are saying some ATS members are not being truthful about visiting the signs at area 51. You've shown no proof that you've been their either. Please play nice and don't accuse members of being liars. It offends me deeply.


posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by dizziedame
Hello welcome to ATS.

Would you post some of the pictures you took with the signs?

You are saying some ATS members are not being truthful about visiting the signs at area 51. You've shown no proof that you've been their either. Please play nice and don't accuse members of being liars. It offends me deeply.


archangelgabriel is 100% right. They even have hosted tour trips from Vegas, go right to the signs, spend time at Rachel, etc. Even though people consider it nothing special, I still find touring the area exciting. Through Indian Springs, by the Creech base (have pics of black helicopters and UAV's), by the Tonopah Test Range, the big abandoned hangers at Tonopah airport, the Base Camp strip, plus the weird and wonderful little towns and ghost towns along the way.

I have made 4 trips to the area, and down the road to the signs. I have NEVER seen any security on the road or off. Actually, I can't remember even passing anyone on the road.

Here's a few of my trip pictures.

2005 trip, the road in - "Groom Lake Road"

The Black (White) mailbox

Coming up to the signs, cammo dude lookout on the right

The signs

The signs

Monitoring equipment on the left side of road, on a ridge

Flash flood kept us from driving in to the back/main entrance near Rachel

Poor night time shot from 2003 trip

Another poor night time shot from 2003 trip, you can sort of see me under the sign, giving it a double "salute"

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 11:37 PM
Speaking of "the signs", somebody stole the signs at Road Block Canyon. So much for that top notch security. ;-) I'll post a photo later of the area, sans signage.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by archangelgabriel
It's so obvious that several people who've posted here have actually never even been to the signs, much less anywhere near them.

Actually, I would be surprised if 1% of the posters in the "Area 51 and other Facilities" forum have ever been to the Area 51 perimeter...

But that isn't a reason to raise negativity towards those visitors here. In fact, there are some great threads here where people that have visited the signs engage questions and post pictures of their visits.

hiii_98 and Lexion have uploaded some great snaps here.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 01:05 PM
Hey guys,
Thank you for the support to my comment, and also appreciate the criticism. I will post photos from our visit to the signs a little later today when I get home, but for now I wanted to answer the two comments so far that asked me to basically tone down my criticism of people who obviously have no clue what they're talking about.

First, DIZZIEDAME: I apologize for offending you, if indeed you are offended. You shouldn't be, the comment wasn't aimed at you specifically. However, when people leave comments stating that they "couldn't miss the huge signs to Area 51 along the highway", it's very obvious that these people have never been anywhere near there, much else ingested the fine powder dust on that well-groomed dirt road.

SIMONGRAY: Thank you for your comment. I don't know if it was because somebody complained that you found my post, but I certainly appreciate your reply. However, I do have to say that this country is based largely on free speech. I find it interesting that some people find offense with gag orders from the government, yet they find no fault with telling others to not make negative comments or accuse anyone of lying, as if that would destroy the feng shui of the post. Let people speak their mind and let those offended reply. That's the point, isn't it? If it was all positive, and we all agreed, where would the fun be in all of us being cattle?

In closing, I know that many people leave comments to just "fit in" and somehow be part of some group. However, if I want to find anything out, I want it to be truthful, from informed sources, and from people who go and have really been there. I don't want to hear comments from a guy who dreamt he went there and is inventing the whole experience. I don't want to hear from someone who tells people that, for example, went there and walked half a mile past the signs and nobody bothered him, only to find that when I go there I get arrested for even looking in the wrong direction. In other words, I want facts not fantasy. If I were you I would want the same.

OK.. that's all I want to say for now. Photos later...

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:55 PM
New photos from Road Block Canyon. The last photo shows the warning signs are missing. Perhaps they should post a sign not to steal the signs.

BTW, the ET Highway sign at the 318/375 intersection was stolen a few months ago. It was on the ground for a while, propped up by the sign post. I guess the temptation was too much for someone. I suspect a raid on the Skull and Bones club will yeild the signs....

Back to Road Block Canyon, I have a GPS trail to the spot. This is a particularly tricky route if you miss a turn on the way back. There is a branch in the road that is obvious heading toward the border, but easy to miss on the way back to Groom Lake Road.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 11:43 PM
Some recent camo dude photos:

The bull bar is a new addition. As you can see, the feds are saving money by not registering their vehicles.

I got a good shot of their faces, but you know the rule....

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 11:48 PM
I wonder if guarding area 51 is the shadow government's crap job. LOL

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:53 PM
Directions to Road Block Canyon, a GPS .gpx file, and google earth kmz file have been added to the bottom of this page:

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