SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - Young California inmates are often locked in cages as punishment, and those with mental problems are frequently drugged
and improperly cared for, a state-funded study says.
The California Youth Authority is supposed to rehabilitate its 4,600 young wards, but instead often focuses on punishment such as isolating
offenders in wire cages, two experts said in a confidential report obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press.
This is a real shame. The state has an opportunity to help those in rehabilitation, especially at this impressionable age, and yet chose to do
State officials are not disputing the findings, and Youth and Adult Correctional Agency spokesman Tip Kindel said Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's
administration inherited the problems but is trying to fix them "on a fast track."
California must have a lot of young thugs with the gang problem there, which now is so chic and cool as social product for the music biz and