posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 11:30 PM
Today we had an assembly about .. yup, you guessed it: drugs!
It wasn't from DARE, but it made me think about the absurdity of preaching against drugs, alcohol and peer pressure. For those that don't know what
DARE is, let me introduce you to them:
An organisation made of police officers that speak to young children. They even have faithful, brainwashed disciples; seniors in highschool called
"DARE role models". They use methods such as spreading propaganda, false statistics, peer pressure against peer pressure and scare tactics to stop
kids from doing drugs.
They even forced us to hold a DARE concert at our school where we sung ridiculous songs in which druggies were protrayed as people whose life goals
were to "convert" people to their lifestyles.
In 5th grade (yes, this was pretty long ago), it was required that every Monday we had "DARE day" where police officers would come into our
classrooms to systematically brainwash, I mean educate us about the matter.
One day, they even gave us a certificate that said "I pledge to be drug free" and told us to sign on the line. The teachers were staring us down and
even though it wasn't mandatory for us to sign, it sure felt like it.
Do you not see the hypocrisy of DARE? It is them using the same peer pressure they preach against, but they justify it because they just know
what they believe is right, so it's okay to shove their beliefs down our throats.
You're probably thinking; why the hard feelings? They're keeping kids from making "bad decisions"!
No, they really aren't. As I'm sure you've noticed, kids enjoy being rebels. I know countless people who break the law solely for that
reason. Because DARE told them to do one thing and they were being "unique" by doing just the opposite.
They tell us that people who do this and that will negatively influence you, so under any circumstance, you must avoid them because they're
all out to get you.
When do they ever say that people who don't do it will positively influence someone who does?
I've been told by countless people to stop hanging out with the people I do because they're a "bad influence". DARE tells me they're going to
pressure me. They are human beings, not a virus. Not once have they tried to pressure me. Not once have any of them said "everyone's
doing it". Not once have any of them said "I won't be your friend if you don't do it". Not once have I preached to them about it. Not once
have I said "I won't be friends with you if you keep making these decisions".
Because they know where I stand and I know where they stand and I love them for who they are. Their decisions are their business and theirs only and
they will only change if they want to.
Only when their decisions begin affecting your life can you speak up and make a fuss about it (like when my ex-friends ditched and condemned me for
not being like the "cool kids"; I experienced those DARE horror stories first hand and didn't need to hear it from them).
If the stigma against drugs, smoking and alcohol doesn't exist and we get to use our brains to decide, I can assure you that less people will do them
and more people will realise on their own that it is not the lifestyle they wish to pursue. And upon this realisation, they will be more committed
because they do not feel obligated by a bunch of outwardly assigned "role models". And we won't have a bunch of rebels seeking not only the
temporary highness but also for the thrill and adrenaline rush for doing something illegal! This is my firm belief.
I'm going to wrap this up by saying I used my brain to make the decision for my lifestyle and I didn't need DARE to force their beliefs down
my throat to make these decisions. Neither do you. Neither does anybody.
Use common sense to answer this question. Do you think that you would stay committed to something better because you felt obligated to or because you
actually wanted to?
So... Does preaching against drugs, smoking and alcohol really help or does it create more hype and force people to make rash decisions they can not
commit to?
I DARE you to think about it.
**Note: I'm not encouraging you to do drugs. Please don't misinterpret this rant!**
BBCode didn't show up, removed some drug-related content @__@
[edit on 30-10-2007 by Paresthesia]