posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 09:19 PM
For a while now, I have been wondering about this problem. I came up with many generalizations, but i cannot truly generalize about such topic without
the perspective of a white or black individual.
I am a kid, yes, a confused one. For many years of being a Chinese my parents and relatives have told me that I should remain loyal to China. Which I
fully am; because I was born and raised in my mother country. Currently I live in America, but everyday I go to my racially diverse school, I feel
relatively uncomformtable when being looked down upon by my non-Asian peers. After 7 years, this, I deduced, was normal. However, what still haunts me
is the situation when some of my Asian peers saying that they were American, strongly denying to be from their parents origin. Sure they're the 2nd
generation and have American citizenship, but do non-Asians consider Asian-Americans as truly Americans? Technically i can say that I'm
Asian-"American" because I look the same and speak English, but what would I be exactly?
I invite anyone to give their oppinion on such situation. Tell the truth, because I want to know the truth to be able to estimate the amount of
success and hardship I need to be accepted or even respected in America.