posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 02:27 PM
Originally posted by RWPBR
Is the NWO an organized thing or is it just the changes that have been happening in civilization for countless thousands of years.
Step back and look at things from a broader perspective.
How broad is your perspective? How do you know that it is broad enough to see the entire picture?
On another thread, I think it was IamTetsuo, said that we have moved on from Capitalism towards Corporationism. I think they're right and if you
have read William Gibson's Neuromancer trilogy you will know that his vision is very much a part of that reality. Go into any major city centre at
night and you will see what I mean.
The NWO is just that - a new world order. The system that turns the world. Once it was sea-faring imperialism, then land colonisations, then
economic heartlands and then Capital Imperialism (with a few others in between). Now Corporationism?
Throughout it all though the Jews have been the catalyst of change. For centuries the Jews have been used to generate the funds to fight wars. In
Christian countries Jews were always subjected to higher taxes and prior to crusades rumours would emerge of blood sacrifice and the usual guff,
manufacturing the consent necessary to drive them from their homes and seize their property.
Ethnicity matters to some obviously. Since the second world war it has been known or understood how malable the emotions of humanity are. Apply the
correct stimuli and we will weep or scream. The increase in the Zionist plot propaganda should be telling us one thing loud and clear - if our
perspective is wide enough to catch it - the poo is about to hit the fan. The difference is, that the Jews have learned and they are intending on
fighting back this time. In fact they haven't stopped since the end of the end of the first world war. Why should they be different to anyone else?
Why should they be expected to rise above it when no-one else does?
Why do the christian fundamentalists or the muslim fundamentalist think that they have the moral high ground? The state of Israel has been guilty of
crimes against humanity and no they should not be allowed to get away with it - that should include the US or the UK or any other country...we have
all committed them at one time or another and 'got away' with it. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone???
I am for one am sick of the finger pointing we ahould be pressing for compromise and understanding. War solves nothing. But they do make a lot of
money and that is why people believe in an organised NWO, there is no other explanation for the continued stupidity.