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The Puzzle

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posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 12:48 PM
The NWO is just 1 piece of The Puzzle.

For a short Intro to The Puzzle, visit:

To SEE! The Puzzle put together in its entirety (so far), visit: (10+MB - don't try this at Home or Work without DSL!)

Then, pick a piece of The Puzzle to discuss here.

Remember, SEE!ing is believing!

"Was blind - but now I SEE!" (Amazing Grace)

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 10/31/2007 by Gools]

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 07:44 PM
is this a conspiracy to make my eyes bleed?

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 10:31 PM
No, MrDead, it's a conspiracy to raise you from the dead. And the dead don't have eyes - that can bleed! You have to dig up a better excuse. Pick a color - any color. I suggest black. Black devil dogs (Barney, etc.) are a conspiracy!

[edit on 30-10-2007 by THEGodSend]

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 10:56 PM
Zionism is simply the belief in the creation and maintenance of a jewish homestate in Israel.

Zionism is a small part of the NWO, not the other way around. (not everything is about Israel.)

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 11:10 PM

Let me refer you to:

Neturei Karta International ('Zionism is Nazism')

Alan Hart: "Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews"

Benjamin Freedman: 1961 and 1974 speeches (available on the Web)

Douglas Reed: "The Controversy of Zion"

'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion'

David Duke

Edgar J. Steele (ConspiracyPenpal)

EVERYTHING regarding the NWO is about the Devil, including Zionism!

But The Puzzle is about A LOT more than Zionism!

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 11:16 PM
Beware, some of the sources above are of dubious quality and intent.

'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' is a well-known hoax for example.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 11:33 PM

'If the shoe fits, wear it'.

The 'Protocols' have been followed to a 'T' by Zionists. Whether they're fake or real, that's what matters. Do some 'reverse engineering'!

"The Word of God is living and powerful - and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" (approx.)

You need to be able to SEE! (have spiritual discernment) to recognize 'intents of the heart'. And, it takes skill and patience to discern 'diamonds in the rough'. Ore is ugly and dirty - but gold can be hidden in it. You collect a piece of The Puzzle here, you collect a piece of The Puzzle there and pretty soon a picture forms - no matter where you got the pieces!

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 12:15 AM
The 'Protocols' have been followed to a 'T' by Zionists. Whether they're fake or real, that's what matters. Do some 'reverse engineering'!

This is lazy and bullsh*t reasoning.

It is not historical analytical reasoning.

The fact is that "Protocols of zion" is a fraud. It's bull .

It's based on horse manure.

I'm not interested in discussing or propagating horse manure.

Followed to a "T" by zionists?

I think that is even worse horse manure.

(edited out profanity)
Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 2-11-2007 by Jbird]

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 12:37 AM

It may not be 'historical analytical reasoning' but it's TRUTH! It's a self-evident truth. All you have to do is read the 'Protocols' (they're on-line) and observe reality. BINGO! The fraudulent Horsesh*t Instruction Manual has been followed to a 'T' by Zionists. They control the Media, for starters and their 1st 'Protocols' priority.

Your calling the 'Protocols' horse manure does NOT make it horse manure.

I have an equal chance of being right by calling you horse manure!

You reason like a Neocon Zionist. Or are you passing yourself off as a Talmudic Jew, perhaps?

[edit on 31-10-2007 by THEGodSend]

[edit on 2-11-2007 by Jbird]

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 02:04 AM
The fact remains that this document, "Protocols of Zion" is a fraud.

I don't think that anyone can dispute that.

There is no value in using this document as a source of information since it is a fake document.

As a historical source, it is worthless.

This is a fact.

[edit on 31-10-2007 by Ickey]

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by THEGodSend
You collect a piece of The Puzzle here, you collect a piece of The Puzzle there and pretty soon a picture forms - no matter where you got the pieces!

This is also called picking and chosing "facts" that fit your agenda.

A bit off topic: Why are the Protocols of Zion declared fakes because they were based on a prior document (Dialogue in Hell...), yet the Bible who is also proven to be based on previous documents (IE. Noah's flood based on Gilgamesh's flood, 10 commandments based on the Egyptian Book of the Dead, etc.) is not declared a hoax, a fraud?

Why can't normaly logical thinking person discount the Bible as a hoax for the same reason the Protocols were declared a hoax?

PS: THEGodSend, be careful in your wording. You can speak against Zionists as much as you want with no repercussions, but if you start speaking against jewry as a whole, you will get instabanned. (like that other board you were on)

[edit on 31/10/07 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by ConspiracyNut23

when it comes to the bible, hundereds of thousands of biblical scholars, expert textual analysts and ancient text historians are not that stupid. anyone who tries to battle the bible has a massive task. and the old and new testaments are two different stories, historically and authentically speaking, anyway.

anyone who says "the bible is a hoax" is so completely ignorant, its not even funny anymore

just sad.

it's a fascinating set of documents. and there is power and life to be found within its pages.

as for the zionism stuff, there may be something to it, sort of like the spurious illuminati conspiracies. but as always, you can never trust the sensationalised daily news. do real reasearch: books, published peer reviewed articles, etc.

[edit on 31-10-2007 by sollie]

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by sollie
when it comes to the bible, hundereds of thousands of biblical scholars, expert textual analysts and ancient text historians are not that stupid

Bandwagon fallacy. Doesn’t it make it right. If Hitler had won the war, they’d probably be a bunch of Protocols scholars. It’d still be a hoax.

anyone who says "the bible is a hoax" is so completely ignorant, its not even funny anymore

If the Protocols is a hoax because it was plagiarize on previous work, then the Bible is a hoax as well because it was also plagiarized on previous sources. (NT and OT)

The Bible has to be examined with the same scrutiny as any other books. The people who wrote the Bible had an agenda, just like the people who penned the Protocols had an agenda.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by ConspiracyNut23

my goodness. "bandwagon fallacy" - i'm sorry, who are you?

your extremely rash generalisations expose your total lack of knowledge about the level of detail that has gone into genuine biblical scholarship, by sceptics and believers alike.

the Bible is a hoax as well because it was also plagiarized on previous sources. (NT and OT)

only some parts of the earliest books of the bible were recorded from oral history that was common to the near-east. they were not plagiarised. as for the rest of the bible, please, please, do your research. you are embarrassing yourself.

The Bible has to be examined with the same scrutiny as any other books. The people who wrote the Bible had an agenda, just like the people who penned the Protocols had an agenda.

i'll ignore the fact that you refered to the bible as a single book, while i tell you that the bible has been exposed to more scrutiny and for a lot longer than any other book (or set of books) ever written. that is the fact of the matter.

do some real research, stop embarrassing yourself and stop spreading extremely ignorant misinformation.

edit: sorry to divert the discussion. i just wanted to set the record straight while the opportunity was there.

[edit on 31-10-2007 by sollie]

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by sollie
my goodness. "bandwagon fallacy" - i'm sorry, who are you?

Yes, Bandwagon Fallacy.

As far as to who I am, for the purpose of this conversation you will refer to me as ConspiracyNut23. See, forums are great for a somewhat decent measure of anonymity. This is great, because in that way ideas are discussed, not people. I could be the Pope for all you know. It doesn’t matter.

only some parts of the earliest books of the bible were recorded from oral history that was common to the near-east. they were not plagiarised. as for the rest of the bible,

So the Protocols cannot be accused of being plagiarized, because ”only some parts” were taken from Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu and anti-Semitic ideas that were already fermenting at the time? (Not all the 24 Protocols came from Joly’s previous work.)

I’m sorry I ever made that Bible/Protocol analogy.

I will not bother replying to your numerous personal attacks above. I got it out of my system a while back. Fill free to bring up your issues there. (same login and password,

[edit on 31/10/07 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 01:41 PM
OK, Ickey, now pay attention:

The 'Protocols' document exists - you can read it on-line. That means someone wrote it. Nobody is claiming that the 'Protocols' are the inspired Word of God (as far as I know). So what does it mean to call it a 'fraud'? If it had the certified signatures of 100 rabbis, would that make it not a fraud?

You SEE! (maybe), what matters is that the 'Protocols' are an Instruction Manual (whoever wrote it doesn't matter) for Jews (Zionists, to be precise) and their agenda to infiltrate the Gentile world and create their own, unique NWO. The 'Protocols' Instruction Manual has been followed by Zionists and they have now taken over control of the Media (Film industry, newspapers, etc.) as well as Academia.

There is a document posted on my website with the title: 'The Life'. It was written by an anonymous person (or persons). It describes the life of someone whose life is guided by the Holy Spirit (God). It reveals many profound truths about the life of a true follower of Christ. Is that writing a 'fraud' because we don't know who wrote it?

As I said before, your argument to dismiss the 'Protocols' as a 'fraud' is not worth a sh*t!

Maybe you can think of a better argument?

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by ConspiracyNut23

sorry, i just get annoyed when people attack the bible with little in-depth knowledge. i would still encourage you to look into it more. forgive me for my stupid comments.

i agree, protocols and bible is not a good comparison.

i sort of agree with thegodsend though, and same with that "silent weapons for quiet wars" - if the glove fits...

i do think the jews get unnecessarily impuned though. i think there are a lot of high powered world-controllers who are not jewish, so the argument to me is null.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 09:39 PM

It's important to remember that not all Jews are Zionists - and not all Zionists are Jews.

A Zionist (fanatical supporter of the State of Israel, regardless of its criminal and inhuman and inhumane policies - like genocide of Palestinians and practice of apartheid with regard to Israeli Arabs) who claims to be Jewish CANNOT be a worshiper of Yahweh (the definition of a Jew). As Christ said about the religious leaders of the Jews in His time: "they are not Jews but the synagogue of Satan".

Similarly, many so-called 'Christians' are not true followers of Christ ("you shall know them by their fruits" - not their words).

So, that makes Bush, Cheney, Rice, Pelosi, Murdoch, Giuliani, etc. Zionists! (also called "Auslege Goy" - they are loyal to Israel and Satan and are publicly displayed by Israeli Zionists 'for Show')

Then there are the Israeli leaders who are Zionists, claim to be Jews but are worshipers of Satan - like: Olmert, Eitan, Sharon, A. Lieberman, etc.

Then there are American/Israeli Zionists who claim to be Jews but are also worshipers of Satan: J. Lieberman, Saban, Gates, Dell, Chertoff, Zakheim, Bolton, Abrams, Feith, Perle, etc. (the Zionist Neocons who put Israel 1st, 2nd and 3rd in their priorities).

You can't tell the players (Zionists) without a scorecard!

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 09:57 PM
The ultimate monstrosity is a Zionist Messianic Jew. That's someone who was a Jew (according to Jewish law) but supposedly acknowledges Jesus as the Messiah BUT actively supports the Satanic State of Israel and its Zionist leaders.

Think that's an oxymoron? How about a supposed follower of Christ who supports the Zionist (Satanic) State of Israel - despite the fact that Zionists as well as Jews deny the Deity of Christ! How many of those 'Christians' are there, led by the likes of John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Rick Warren and just about every other TV 'evangelist'? Would you believe upwards of 50 MILLION!

It says in the Bible that in the End Times, many believers will be deceived - even the 'Elect'. No kidding!

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:50 AM

Originally posted by THEGodSend
The ultimate monstrosity is a Zionist Messianic Jew. That's someone who was a Jew (according to Jewish law) but supposedly acknowledges Jesus as the Messiah BUT actively supports the Satanic State of Israel and its Zionist leaders.

I've been struggling to actually work out what you are saying - your blog does not make it particularly clear. From what I can ascertain you are adding nothing new to the body of information that already exists on the forum - I see no PUZZLE, I don't even see the composite parts. Are you simply trying to generate more hits to your blog....?

We can all wave our fingers around and point out groups with an agenda. That helps no-one.

Without Christianity Zionism would not exist - well obviously. The two are symbiotic. Zionism IS a disambiguation of Sionism.

Without the Holy Roman Empire neither would exist. Without the Crusades neither would exist. The earliest documentary use of the term 'Syon' in the UK is in the 1400s. By the 1600s the Jews had developed their own set of goals that worked in conjunction with the Syonists, by the 1800s they had 'christened' themselves Zionists.

The goals of the two groups though remain the same, the return of all Jews to the Holy Land. Amongst some fundamentalists this can also be hastened through the conversion of Jews to Christianity and/or the acceptance of Christ as a deity.

Every one of those people pose a threat to our ability to find peace, while they expect salvation they are doing nothing to undo the harm that is being wreaked on this planet. For them the worse it gets the better.

The religious fundamentalists have no qualms about taking us all down with them.

Either way labelling a group of people as 'Satanists' and 'monstrosities' only adds to the mix of hate being passed around. If you trully understood the world today you would realise that, potentially, you are as much of a problem as they are.

The Captialists love the Sion/Zionists. They love the hate and division. It is like taking candy from a baby.

They push the buttons and watch us dance.

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